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The Tales of Zegwar
I can go anywhere I want to do just by imagining it, if you'd like to join me all you have to do is believe. So read what I write, even those few that aren't about my make-believe world of Zegwar. I promise, fun awaits those who dare enter my mind...
Time Travel Trio: The Egyptian Book of the Magic 1/2 PART 2
The first task she had to face was finding the books. From what she knew of the legend the Book of the Magicals was so enchanted that it couldn’t even be copied so it was logical that normal spells wouldn’t be able to locate it. She could no longer hold her odd smile back. It was a challenge and even if it was dangerous all magicals had some strange need to be challenged and when she found a way to fill that need she was of course happy. She started thinking. When she planned a move on a mission she thought about it, a lot. And she thought quickly. Words, pictures and a vague ideas all flowing in and out of her head at unimaginable speeds.
Her first instinct was to go fishing but she didn’t want to do something so risky just yet. It was probably the best way to find something because even if it was cloaked it still stood out. The entire world was full of magic, it would just float around in the air. So something that was hidden in any way but flawlessly it would leave an echo and gap, which meant she could probably find it that way. But she dismissed the idea because it would leave her too drained. Her second instinct was a little better. Kit was extremely adept at scrying, she was better than most GPS locators. She was confident that she could find the book by simply scrying, since fishing was just an extreme version of it. But she didn’t have a crystal or a map. This led her to her third idea which was what she ended up doing. It was actually quite ingenious and she was proud of herself for coming up with it.
“Wait, you’re going to what?” asked Tyler after she’d answered his question.
“Yeah, ain’t it a great idea?” asked Kit, still smiling excitedly.
“Great idea?” asked Lizzy, “Is that even possible?”
“Theoretically it should be.”
“Yeah, but the key word there is ‘theoretically’, as in you’re not sure,” said Tyler.
“It’s just mixing different types of magic that I already know how to use. It’s just the simple matter of finding a combination of the two that will work successfully in conjunction with each other.”
“Yeah, just a simple matter,” said Tyler sarcastically.
“It really is simple. Magic calling magic and scrying in the simplest terms are almost the same type of magic. So it should work.”
“See I keep hearing words like ‘theoretical’, ‘almost’ and ‘should’.”
“Relax, I’ll do all the heavy lifting.”
“What are we - just along for the ride?” Kit said nothing. She laughed in her odd way that was nothing more than an escaped breath. She smiled at Tyler, it was thin little smile that pushed him off what little balance he still possessed. It kept him quiet while Kit followed her plan through. She picked up a pebble and held it inside her fist, closing her eyes to concentrate fully on the task at hand. She’d never exactly done something like this before so unless she paid attention to every tiny detail something might go wrong.
“Stone of this land, Held tight in my hand, Soar through the skies, To find in disguise, A hidden book, Queen Isis took, It and it's full set, Containing a secret, I use my own power, To seek within the hour, The tomes that I need, And desire to read, Despite their magical cloak, Undone by the spell I spoke.” The rock she was holding shot right out of her grasp, nearly taking some of her skin with it. She chased after it and paid no attention to the groans that Tyler and Lizzy let out at the prospect of having to run at Kit’s speed again. But their complaints never even made it to her ears, she was already gone. They bolted after her as soon as they realized this but it too late. She was out of sight.
“What do we do now?” asked Lizzy.
“I guess we call her,” said Tyler, “Mr. Peterson said that they have built in communicators. Just press jewels - remember?”
“Yeah, but she’s going to be mad.”
“Something tells me that that girl is mad fairly often.”
“Okay, but you do it.” With a sigh Tyler reached back behind his head and pressed the jewel on the clasp.
“Um, Kit, we lost you,” said Tyler. Not even a full second later he heard his voice come out of the pendant on Lizzy. After a long pause Kit didn’t respond.
“Did she hear us?” asked Lizzy and Tyler shrugged.
“I don’t know. I’ll try again, I guess,” said Tyler and he figured while he was at it he’d try pressing the other one, “Hey, Kit where are you?” This time he couldn’t his echo in Lizzy’s device and for a second he thought it didn’t work until he heard her response from around his own neck.
“What do you mean where am I? Aren’t you right behind me?” asked Kit’s voice. It was as condescending as it felt. They were disappointed in themselves so they didn’t even realize that her tone suggested that she had honestly thought they were capable of keeping up with her.
“Not exactly,” said Tyler, his face turning into a grimace of hurt pride, “We had a little trouble following you.”
“What kind of trouble? Were you attacked?”
“No, it’s more a speed issue.”
“Huh?” asked Kit’s voice in such deep ignorance.
“Look, you run really fast okay?”
“Okay, how far back are you?”
“Pretty far,” said Tyler.
“Well, I can’t loose the rock right now I’ll come back for you. Stay hidden and don’t move! That’s an order.” She sounded a little angry to them but what they didn’t know was the rock had increased its speed and she was even having trouble keeping the tiny thing in her sights. It was a tiny pebble that matched it’s surrounds traveling faster than most cars and it’s path was anything but predictable. Already she’d been forced to run across rooftops and use alchemy to force her way through a wall. She was lucky that she hadn’t been spotted yet. She followed the stone near the edge of the city where the buildings were fewer and farther apart. On one hand that meant there were less people that might see and on the other hand that meant there were less places for her to hand.
After a while it started to slow down and she realized that it was headed back through the city. The rock was having trouble, it must have been cloaked a lot more than she had thought. As much as it was exciting it was also annoying. She didn’t trust Tyler and Lizzy to be on their own just yet and so she wanted to get back to them. The stone stared spinning quickly and then turned to dust before her eyes. She reached out to catch some of the powder as it fell. She knew what happened. Some had realized that she was on to them and refreshed the books cloaking spell. But rather than discouraging her it gave her hope. She now had a better plan to find the book.
She turned and ran back to where she’d told Tyler and Lizzy to wait for her. But when she got back there they were no where to be found. It gave her a bad feeling. Either they were disobeying a direct order or they’d managed to get captured. And in her mind both were equally unforgivable and inexcusable. With a foul mood resting on her she went to look for them, knowing that they could be anywhere in the city and that it would probably take sometime to find them.
“This is never going to work,” thought Kit, “They clearly can’t be trusted. If they wondered off I’ll kill them. But they could be captured, which means I can’t just contact them. It they’re in trouble it’ll only make it worse. Damn it. Why couldn’t they just be where I told them to be? It’ll take forever to find them now - unless.” She pressed her hand to the back of her neck, where the communicators were. Sure she couldn’t risk calling them right now but maybe there was another way to use the devices to find them. She slipped it off and held it in her hand.
“Trouvailla,” said Kit, her device let off a small glow after she cast her spell. Slowly the glow that it was emitting began to condense into one point in the center of the pendant. Then it shot out in a bright beam from her hand. She knew that it led from her device to Tyler’s. She followed it, at a slower pace. She had done enough running for the day and she wanted to calm down so she didn’t loose her temper with Tyler and Lizzy. The beam lead her deep into the city and the more time she spent in this area of Abydos the more she began to realize it was the slums. This was the bad part of town. It seemed to support her theory that they’d been captured. She made her way to a building and looked inside a makeshift window.
Tyler and Lizzy were on their knees and four men were standing in front of them. One of them was dangling their time travel devices in their face. He was clearly questioning them about the devices. But it was in an archaic language Tyler and Lizzy had never even heard of, let alone knew how to speak. Not even Kit understood it although as she had made her way through the city she had heard some of it and recognized some words from languages she did know that must have gotten their roots in this one. With enough words like that after a while she would be able to communicate but that was a long while off. It was a strange thought. English, the language they all spoke wasn’t even going to start being developed for a few millennium.
The men were rather large and they were each wearing the same tunics with the same gold belts with matching clasps. Kit focused on the clasps that held the belt around them and noticed that all of them carried a demonic symbol. But they weren’t demons so that meant they must have been working for one. And they must have sensed the power in the devices. There was no way they’d recognized them for what they were but they knew it had a lot of power. That made things complicated. She honestly hadn’t expected to run into this much trouble on a reconnaissance mission. They probably had powers and she was without any weapons. She didn’t have any choice, she had to get them out. She jumped through the window and kicked the one holding the devices in the head, sending him tumbling to the ground. But that was all the surprise she had.
“Kit?” asked Lizzy dumbly as she landed on the ground.
The other three turned on her. The tallest one shot a bolt of lightening out of his hand and she was barely able to duck in time to avoid it. It hit the wall behind her with a loud crack. One of them jumped behind her and landed a solid kick on her back that sent her flying across the room into another wall. She let out a small groan of a pain as she got up again at the same time the first man she’d knocked down seemed to have a regained his senses. These were no ordinary humans, that kick should have laid him flat for a few days. And she didn’t understand how that one had gotten behind her so quickly. She’d never seen their fighting style before.
She had to stay on the defense as another lightening bolt shot inches next to her head, where she’d been less than a second ago. She could hear them laughing at her. Apparently a little girl running for her life didn’t pose much and she was in a position to argue with them at the moment. She didn’t understand why so many things were going wrong on such a simple mission. For one thing they time they’d arrived wasn’t right, they couldn’t find the book and they were already under attack. Plus to top it all off Tyler and Lizzy weren’t doing anything to help her out. She had to come up with a plan and fast or it wouldn’t end well.
When another attacked her with a fireball she was struck with inspiration. She’d never seen their style before because it had died out over time but just like with English the style she was most proficient in wasn’t around yet. Which meant that they’d never seen someone fight like she did. She jumped into the air and pushed off the wall behind her to give her some momentum, so she could get behind them before they could attack her again. And before she even got there she prepared herself to attack them.
“Hielo!” shouted Kit and an icicle shot from her index finger, which was pointed at the back of one of her attackers. It shattered on the back of his neck and he passed out. She saw small droplets of blood pour from the wound she’d inflicted. But it wasn’t deadly and that was what mattered. She repeated the spell twice more in quick succession as she made her way over to where Tyler and Lizzy were still kneeling in shock, taking out two more of the men in the same manner.
“Kit, can’t move,” said Tyler, it was mumbled mess, his lips didn’t move at all. And Kit realized that the reason they hadn’t jumped to her rescue before was because they couldn’t. She wished she’d seen that sooner so she could’ve freed them and escaped.
“Vatemi.” Whatever had been paralyzing them lifted and Tyler tried to stand up but he wobbled over a bit. Kit gave him a hand before turning to Lizzy. But before she could pull Lizzy to her feet the last one of their attackers who had been standing shot another lightening bolt. This time it hit her right in the back. She screamed and collapsed on the ground in pain. Lizzy screamed even louder and harder than Kit, who was barely able to keep herself conscious. She was on her knees but she couldn’t get up. She could still feel the electricity coursing through her body and it just kept building up inside of her, building more pain on top of pain.
She could barely see but she had enough sense to realize that Tyler and Lizzy had picked her up and were carrying her away. It looked like they were going to escape successfully because their attacker had turned his attention back to his fallen comrades. If it hadn’t been for that they might not have stood a chance. Kit really couldn’t make out her surroundings as they fled from the scene. But she was able to clear her mind and force the pain away so she could think even if she could move. This must have been the spell Tyler and Lizzy had been under. She was horribly embarrassed. She didn’t like loosing and she especially hated proving the men right by not stopping them.
They pulled Kit into a deserted building
“Kit?” asked Lizzy, “Are you okay?” Kit opened her eyes and nodded slowly, it was about all the movement she could manage at the moment.
“Okay, we’re going to take off the spell but you have to promise not to yell,” said Tyler and Kit looked at him. That wasn’t what she’d expected him to say and now she wanted to know why she might possibly yell at them. They both seemed to sense this and looked at each other.
“What?” mumbled Kit, trying to enunciate as she could but all that came out was a pathetic “mmmt”.
“Well,” said Tyler, “He sort of got our devices.” She gave him a look to tell them that she already knew that. But then she realized that he’d meant. She couldn’t feel her device in her hand. She must have dropped it when she was attacked and they hadn’t picked it up. She started screaming at them but luckily they couldn’t make any of it out. Otherwise they might have realized how many cuss words she knew at the age of ten. At least that was how it was at first until she started to break through the spell.
“How could you do something so stupid!? You left it behind!? Do you even know what this means!?” screamed Kit, “Meni cu tasi fesic aleton krento! Sope teiu moke loa!”
“Kit, calm down, you not even speaking English,” said Lizzy.
“Poli zoy kayte!” She stood up and just screeched at them. She didn’t care about loosing her temper or giving away their position. They were already in serious trouble. Without the devices they could get home. Slowly just as her words switched from English to a language Tyler and Lizzy didn’t understand they morphed into a solid scream of rage. It unnerved them and they backed away from her. But it didn’t stop, in fact it only got worse. They room started shaking like the Earth was moving in a thousand different directions all at once. But Kit realized how much she’d let her emotions runs wild with her magic and immediately started to pull herself together.
“Kit, you’re beginning to scare me,” said Tyler.
“Beginning!? Where have you been?” asked Lizzy.
“Sorry about that, lost my temper. In fact this is the first time I’ve lost it like this and nothing’s blown up,” said Kit and a vase across the chamber exploded, “Damn it!”
“This is what happens when you loose your temper?”
“Yeah, sorry. Usually I’m in better control of it than that. But you left our way home in the hands of the enemy!” She wasn’t yelling at them that time, in fact it was more like she was pleading for them to understand.
“Well, then we just have to get them back,” said Tyler.
“Easier said then done,” said Lizzy, “But at least Kit found the book.”
“Um, yeah about that,” said Kit and they looked at her.
“You didn’t find the book?”
“Well my rock turned to dust, someone updated the cloak while I was trying to find it so my rock couldn’t detect it anymore.”
“That’s horrible! How do we find it now?” asked Lizzy.
“It’s not horrible, it’s actually quite good.”
“How’s that?” asked Tyler.
“Because that means someone powerful has the book.”
“And that’s good how?” asked Lizzy, “To get what we’ll need we’ll have to fight them. And if they’re powerful that’s bad news.”
“Maybe but it also means I can easily find where the book is,” said Kit.
“I don’t understand,” said Tyler.
“When people cloak something as important as that book it must have guards, which is how they knew it was detected. But most people don’t think about cloaking the guards. Any high concentration of magic in this city would be around the book, created by those who are looking after it. And any magic strong enough to change a cloaking spell on a moment’s notice will be hard to hide.”
“Okay, but we have to find our devices first. There’s no point in risking our lives for the mission if we can’t get back,” said Tyler and Lizzy nodded.
“Right,” said Kit, “Let’s go. I feel better now.” She took off running, not as fast this time because she knew now they couldn’t keep up.
“I sure hope so,” said Tyler and after a minute they followed her. She took a path that led back to the slums. When they got there she heard voices. They were speaking the strange language still so she could barely follow the conversation with the few words she did know. Apparently their leader was on his way to see what they had found, which meant that they had a limited amount of time to get them back before everything got out of hand. From what she could hear they were already examining the devices. And they weren’t do it very well, they could probably damage them on while poking their noses in them and then they’d never get home.
She was about to give the signal for Tyler and Lizzy to charge in and take back their stuff when she heard a strange noise followed, judging by the tone, a curse word. There was a explosion.
“Presiti!” screamed Kit and a shield appeared in front of her and her teammates. They were sent flying amongst pieces of the building. Kit felt like she was being torn to pieces. She knew she was hurt badly and that they were hurt too. But she didn’t understand what happened at first. It was like a bomb but there was no reason for it. She felt something soft when she landed and knew she’d collided with either Tyler or Lizzy and then she felt her other teammate crash into her. They tumbled away from the blast, the spell Kit had cast had saved them but they hadn’t gotten away uninjured.
People were attracted by the blast and so Kit was forced to flee again, this time she had to carry her comrades instead of her comrades carrying her. That meant it took a lot longer to clear the slums than it had before. Once she did she set them down and looked at them. They were fine but out cold. So she sat back with a sigh and tried to figure out why that building had exploded. Slowly they started to wake up.
“Ow,” said Lizzy, it was the first word out of her mouth.
“What happened?” asked Tyler but Kit didn’t say anything, “Kit?”
“We’re stranded.”
“What?” asked Lizzy.
“That explosion. The only thing that could have caused it would be the devices.”
“I don’t understand,” said Tyler, “What happened?”
“Those fools. They were messing around with our Time Travel Devices. And they destroyed them! All that power being released caused the explosion. The devices are gone. We’re stuck here!”
“No! That can’t be!” yelled Lizzy and she stood up, “There has to be a way back.”
“Yeah!” said Tyler as he stood up too, “There’s no way we’re stranded. Many one of the devices survived. We have to go check it out.” Kit stood up without their resolve. She knew there weren’t any of them left. They were too connected, if one went they all went it. It was a fatal flaw their in design. Tyler turned to go back into the slums again and something fell out of his robe. Kit reached out and caught it. It was a video camera.
“TYLER!” screamed Kit, waving it in his face, “What is this? Why is it here!?”
“Kit, you have to understand,” said Tyler, trying to explain.
“Nothing from the future was allowed to come back with us!”
“I know but I couldn’t help it. I mean the chance to get some evidence from Earth’s past was too much for me to give up. I had to!”
“I’ll get mad at you later,” said Kit as she looked at the tiny camera in her hand, “Right now we have to go on trip.” They stared at her.


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  • User Comments: [4]
    Community Member

    Sun Dec 30, 2007 @ 01:40am

    Well that's the first half of this double mission - enjoy it! Hopefully the second half will be done soon!

    Neko Demon Fox
    Community Member

    Sun Dec 30, 2007 @ 07:18pm

    do you do this for fun or for gold?

    Community Member

    Sun Dec 30, 2007 @ 07:47pm

    For fun! I really don't care much about gaia gold...i'm on this site to talk to people not to build up my avi and stuff. I enjoy writing and I love sharing my work with other people.

    Community Member

    Fri Jan 04, 2008 @ 11:57pm


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