Episode 11 ~ Twilight Jacob Werewolf Interview |
Maco: And here we are again! Lakota: Today Im so running the show, because... *Drum roll* Where interviewing Werewolves!! Yee-Haw! (Well, Jacob anyway...) Maco: What are you? From Texes? Lakota: *Glares at* Humph. *Looks up suddenly* Here he is, Jacob Black! Jacob: *Massive, horse sized red-brown wolf comes striding in* Grrrr *Grins and lets toung roll out of mouth* Lakota: Welcome! *Looks mini in comparison* Are you willing to answer some questions? Jacob: *Growls happly* Makaya: *Leaps onto stage* Im the translater! He said: Sure! Maco: *Holds up sign defiantly*
 *Hollars* Go Edward! Woo! Jacob: *Growls at Maco* Maco: *Sticks toung out and holds sign higher* Lakota: *Rolls eyes* Ignore her, now, whats it like seeing Bella going to get married to a vampire, then become one? Jacob: *growls and roars angrly* Makaya:*With same energy* Im deeply troubled, and often have problems staying a human when I think about it. When I watched her after Edward left, and she would littiraly curl up, and hold herself together... well.... I also was disturbed when I noticed the vampire bite on her hand. And now knowing my Bella, my imprinted love will be gone with that leech, sucking blood and reaking havic... well... I often try not to. Its the worst, and Im leaving it at that.* Maco: *Roars* She is SO not yours! Why do you think she broke down when Edward left, and didn't mind after you ran off with your colt? Jacob: *Snarls* Makaya: She was troubled deeply! Maco: Only because she didn't want to become that depressed Bella she was hiding, and you only got her mind off it! Jacob: *Growls* Makaya: She confessed her love! Maco: To only being family! She loved Edward, and thats finial. Get off the show! *Grabs Steak Knife* Lakota: Maco-chan! *Spits* You promissed I could run, and he'll kill you! Arrg! Put the knife down! Maco: *Not lissioning and sweying with triomph* This ones for Edward! Gyaaaaa! *Runs at with knife* Lakota: *Jumps infront of Maco* Maco: *Runs into, knocking wind out of self, and dropping knife* Lakota: *Feels heaves* Maco-chan? Maco: *In tears* Poor Bella... *sobs quietly* Jacob: *Watched curiously* Maco: Tell him to leave, Lakota-kun! Tell him to go! Lakota: Sorry... I dont wanna get killed... Jacob: *Understands and pads over* Maco: *Looks up and screams, then falls to floor in a ball* Lakota: *Backs away quickly* Jacob: *Leans down, and licks gently on cheek, wiping away tears* Maco: *Sits stiffly, scared* Jacob: *Sighs and curls up next to* Maco: Sorry. Jacob: *Growls understandingly* Lakota: *Sighs* So much for me running the show... Maco: C-Cut the tape! Lakota: *Snarls* I get the next one... well... bye I guess.... *Cuts film* ~End Transmition~
Maco-chan · Sat Jan 05, 2008 @ 10:36pm · 1 Comments |