In a subterranian underworld where there's no light exept from the few look-holes and torches that are scattered around the tunnels, there lives an ancient civilization as old as the Earth itself. Among this kingdom are mainly the Scorchers, the Goblins, the Demons, and the few humans that happen to fall into this dark abyss and live the first few days...or weeks...The king of this kingdom is fair and kind, and pulls his own amount of work as everyone else does. Therefore, there generally aren't rifts between the people. What everyone knows as dragons, minitaurs, and wyverns are common creatures of this underworld, but here are known as darluucs, gheks, and dugas, and generally stay away from the kingdom unless they have to trade goods. Strangly though, humans are starting to fall more quickly in this age than before, mainly miners and mechanics working on the oil riges in the middle of the oceans. The king, whose name is Kulkur, dosn't know what to do with these helpless humans, and is greatly discouraged by the fact that his nocturnal kind would die in a matter of minutes in full esposure to the sun. Therefore, the confusion in the kingdom is reaching its climax, and the fallers will have to embark on a journy to reach the surface, 75 miles above the tunnel ceilings...
Pre-made profiles:
Name: Kulkur Age: 567 Race: Golbin Appearence: (Oh, and, btw, the king is a girl...) Bio: Kulkur grew up in royalty and has never known famine, but had grown up to be a wise leader and help the fallers the best she can Status: Open Personality: exptremely detatched, but don't speak to her about the gheks who killed her mother, otherwise things might get nasty
Name: Simon Age: 18 Race: human Appearence:  Bio: He is an oil rigger on the Petronious platform in the Gulf of Mx. This is the only job he can get since he has a history of minor grand theft auto Status: Open Personality: Fairly flirtatious, tendst to overreact a bit...oh well maybe alot...drama queen-oh, I mean king-
Name: Olivia Age: 18 race: human Appearence:  Bio: Rasied in Ghetto NYC. But has a clear record, fell into the kingdom suddenly by a unusual small earthquake Status: Open Personality: The all around Old-School kind of girl. Kind of rough around the edges, but all she dreams is of a simple romance
Name: Athan Age: 185 Race: Scorcher Appearence:  Bio: has worked in the Kingdom mines all his life as a dynamite specialist. He is curious about the Fallers and finds many bodies and live humans in his tunneling procedures. Status: Open Personality: The steel kind of guy. Nothing gets past him. He gets extremely angry really fast. the stick to plan plan kind of person.
(none as of yet)
Aribis · Sat Feb 02, 2008 @ 02:52am · 0 Comments |