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The Blackest Rose's Journal Of Horror
Welcome dear friends to this journal. Please address me as Thorn Sterling....or just Thorn. I'll always answer. Let me tell you one thing though.......I'm quick to temper, and like to blurt out radom weird things. So beware. Be very afraid!
My newest "short" story.
Companions of the Sword

Deep within a quiet forest, all seemed peaceful. The wind blew gently making the leaves of the trees shimmer. The twitter of a bird echos in the distance. But then...
The cracking of sticks and twigs under the powerful thunder of hooves. Swishing through the trees as something races by. There was a clearing where the light seeped through like a flood. Suddenly, all the noises came to a halt. The horseriders came to a thud as they dismounted. The quiet footsteps as people entered the clearing followed by gasps.

"By the gods...." came one of the six tavelers.

"Wink...Frozen...Vergil...is it really all of you?" rang out another.

"What a surprise we all met here."
The six, were old friends. Companions.

First there was Lady Kumiko, or Frozen to her firends. A very lively demon who always was full of fun and adventure. She had blue eyes and semi short blonde hair. She wore a decrotive kimono and had fair skin.

Next came Kali, the dark one. A dark elf with a dark soul...at times. Quick on her toes and always was up to spar with someone. She had shoulder length black hair and dark eyes. She wore pirate style clothing and had dark skin.

Ah, the light bubbly and happy Lady Bri. A skilled elf who was always there for you. She rarely ever was sad or angered. Unless it was called for. She had long blonde hair and green eyes. Her skin was fair and she dressed in a elvin style riding outfit.

Brawn, stern, half angel half demon Vergil. Loyal as ever and a skilled fighter. Never ever in the world would her let his companions down. Interesting.....one look at him and you would get a shiver down your spine. His white hair came to his shoulders. He had one red eye and one white. His skin was pale and his attire was all black. When he unleashed his full power, he had one angel wing and one demon wing.

The mysterious Lady Wink. All of her friends, except one, know her real name. This half demon half witch is very careing and has a strange past. She and the tormented one's pasts are intertwined and are full of sadness and confusion. Yet there was also happiness. She had short brown hair and dark blue eyes. Her skin was dark, but not as dark as Kali's. She wore a simple dark purple robe with silver markings strewn across it.

Finally, there is the dark tormented one, Lady Shana Dragonfire. Her dragon, elf, vampire, and wolf blood flowing through her veins held so much mystery. Her sad and evil past haunts her for life. She stays distant from others, even her friends. But no one really knows why.Her eyes were a vibrant emerald green.Her skin was almost white and her jet black hair fell down to her lower back. She wore a blood red and black riding outfit with some bits of armour on her arms along with knee high black boots. If you didn't know her, you would think she was a sickly person

The companions stood there shocked and in silence.

"I....I can't believe that we are all here again.......together," stammered Bri while a tear slid down her usual smiling face.

"This is very unbelieveable Bri, but....," started Vergil.

"But it is also suspicious," Shana finished his sentence. He cast a glance at Shana, but she just looked blankly at him. He turned away to face the others.

"It has been very long Bri. But I have to agree with Vergil and Shana. This sudden calling is a mysterious one," spoke out Kali in a stern tone of voice.

"You guys get a letter too?" asked Frozen holding out a letter.

"Yes," the others replied in unison. Wink Wink took out her letter and examined it.

"Hmmmm....very strange. I've never seen this seal in my life," said Wink Wink

"And as of now....that was a good thing," came a mysterious voice from the forest. The companions all drew their weapons, only Shana stood still and did nothing. She only stared at the shadows where the voice came from.

"Show yourself you coward!" shouted Vergil raising his sword in a menacing way.

"Calm down...all of you," came the voice once more. "I summoned you here for a reason," the mysterious voice showed himself. A tall man with long white hair stepped out of the shadows. His eyes were a clouded grey and his skin was white as snow. A single gasp echoed through the group.

"I see you know who I am Sehara," came the man's calm cold voice.

"Who is Sehara?" asked Bri and Frozen.

"Do we know her?" came Vergil and Kali's response.

"I know who she is," Shana's voice rang out through the quietness. The rest of the companions gasped.

"Tell us who it is then Dragonfire." Shana glanced at the man and then looked back at her companions.

"Sehara is....." Shana took in a breath. "Sehara is Wink Wink. That is her real name. I remember it from thousands of years ago." The others stared at Shana, then at Wink Wink, then back at Shana. The mysterious man just smiled.

"Yes," Sehara sighed. "That is my name."

"Why didn't you tell us?" asked Frozen.


"That isn't important right now. What is important is why I summened you all here," the man responded sternly. Vergil crossed his arms and stared sternly at this new person.

"First off, my name is Albhe. And so you know I am a serpentine. Now......" Albhe closed his eyes and sighed. "My lord has been kidnapped," continued Albhe while opening his eyes. "I was told by his mother that I was to find someone or some people who would help us find him. Then i remembered a group of companions who faught together and had helped many people. So naturally I sent forth those letters to you."

"I see. I know I will help," replied Shana calmly. Vergil and Kali shot her a look. But Shana just looked back at them with no emotion in her eyes.

"Alright.....if Shana will be so willingly as to help, I will," added Sehara.

"Well...I hate to see people in danger...so I will gladly help you," exclaimed Bri cheerfully.

"Sure I'll help," said Frozen.

"OK fine I'll help if the rest of you are," spoke Kali monotonely. Vergil still stood there sternly with his arms crossed.

"I don't trust him and his story one bit," Vergil said gruffly.

"Lighten up Vergil," snapped Shana. Vergil jumped and was shocked by Shana's remark. He recovered and began with a sigh.

"Alright. If the rest of you are deciding on going into this death trap...I guess I will join as well. Just don't cry to me if we are suddenly attacked by this serpent," came Vergil's cold response.

"Good. As you will all now see....inside the letter is a map to my lord's castle. Come as soon as you can. Farewel till then." Albhe suddenly disappeared into the darkness of the forest.

The six companions stood there in silence for quite awhile. The forest around them grew dark and the wind began to blow. Shana sighed and turned to her companions.

"I'm going for a walk." Shana quickly exclaimed. She then turned away and strode into the darkness of the forest. As she walked she lifted up her hood on her black cape to blend into the dark eaiser. Her companions just looked after her as she finally disappeared. Sehara's voice broke the silence.

"Is anyone going to go after her? Maybe talk to her" Silence.

"Don't everyone speak up at once! Jeez...." Sehara exclaimed as she got up and walked into the darkness after Shana.

"Do you think we should have gone as well?" asked Bri.

"No. Why should we? Shana is a tough warrior. She can take care of herself if something happens," replied Vergil as he sat against a tree.

"Well she is a friend of ours Vergil," Frozen said. Vergil just sighed and stared up at the star dotted sky.
Back in the woods, Sehara met up with Shana.

"Shana! What is going on with you?!" Sehara called out. Shana stopped and turned to face her friend.

"Oh. I see you care. Do me a favor Sehara......go back to the others," Shana told her coldly.


"GO!!!" Sehara jumped at her friend's outburst. She saw the flickering of anger in Shana's eyes and knew to leave her alone. So she did. Sehara took one last glance at Shana and walked back to the others.

"Look whos back. Hey Wi..I mean Sehara," Bri greeted her with a smile.

"Please call me Wink. I don't like being called that with you guys. It's too formal."

"So what did the hot tempered dragon say? What did you talk to her about hmm?" blurted out Vergil.

"Vergil!" scolded the others.

"No. It's ok...I said nothing. All I asked her was what was going on with her. But she yelled at me to come back here. Her eyes were flickering anger....so I left." Sehara said with a sigh. Bri exchanged looks with Frozen and Kali exchanged looks with Vergil.

"Oh well. She'll come back," Vergil said nochalantly. The others sighed and started to talk amongst themselves as Shana still walked throught the forest. The night grew darker and even more quiet. The five companions settled down and fell asleep.

The light started to shine down into the clearing. The birds began to wake and sing their songs. Still this morning had a cold chill around it. Vergil started to wake. He sat up, eyes closed, when he smelt smoke. Fire. He opened one eye and saw a campfire.

"Who made that?" he asked himself. The others were all still asleep. But Shana was still nowhere to be found. He opened his other eye and looked around. Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps and a dark figure appeared near the clearing. It was coming closer. Vergil jumped to his feet and drew his sword ready to attack.

"Put the sword away you brute. Or do you wish to kill me?" Shana told Vergil as she stepped out into the light. "Oh and good morning."

"Oh. I see you're still alive and decided to be socialble with us. Yeah...good morning to you too," spat out Vergil while he sheathed his sword and sat down by a tree near the campfire. Shana glared at him then sat back down at the campfire and opened a parcel she had. While she was in the woods, she collected roots, berries, and many others things that were edible.

"They better not be poisonous dragon," Vergil said coldly.

"You want me to try one to tell you if they are poisonus?" she countered back. He looked at her with surprise at her tone of voice and challenge.

"No..tha-thats ok. You don't have to." A rustle came from the others. Shana and Vergil looked over at the others as Bri and Kali began to wake.

"Morning you two."

"Morning!" called Bri cheerfuly. Even when she first woke up she was still so cheerful.

"Grrr...morning...." said Kali dismully. Then Frozen and Wink began to wake.

"Come here guys! Shana has food!" Bri called to Kali, Wink, and Frozen. The three girls walked over and sat by the campfire. All throughout breakfast, Wink stared at Shana and thought about what happened last night.

"Come on people! Let's gat a move on to that castle!" called Bri from her horse. It was now the afternoon. The companions were getting ready to journey to the serpentine castle. The only other person on a horse and ready was Shana. Whenever Bri was ready, so was she.

"Alright alright Bri. My god..." complained Klai and Vergil as they too mounted their horses and joined Bri and Shana. Frozen and Wink were the only ones who used their demon powers to get them places.

"OK Bri.. We're all ready"

"Alright! Let's make haste! To serpentine palace we shall go!" Bri announced with confedence.

"Enough. Let's go. YAH!!" Shana told bri as she kicked her horse forward into a run. The others followed and quickly caught up.

It didn't take long to reach the palace. The companions reached it before sunset.

"What a creepy place," whispered Bri. The palace was big and dark. A huge gate surrounded the entire grounds and made it seem like a prison. There were many winding pathways. Some lead to dead ends, some into circles, and some lead to everywhere. The group looked up as Albhe and two guards opened the gate and approached them.

"You made great time getting here. Welcome to the serpentine palace. Follow me," motioned Albhe as he and the guards turned around and began walking forward. The companions exchanged glances then began to follow the serpent single file. After about twenty minutes, they all reached the main chambers of the palace. Kali, Bri, Vergil, and Shana dismounted there horses and went inside the main hall. There sitting on a platform, was the queen of the serpentine palace.

"This is the royal highness Lady Karissa," Albhe announced.

"So you are the six who are to find my son." Karissa calmly spoke.

"We are," Vergil told her with a cold stare. The queen nodded in approval.

"I'm afraid I am of no use to you at all. All I plead of you all is that you bring my son back alive. It is late and I bet you are tired. Come. Albhe will show you to your rooms. We are short on space in this area so it must be three to a room." Karissa stood up and bowed to them. "I bid you good night and a safe journey tomorrow."

"Come," Albhe motioned. "Follow me." The seven of them wound their way through a few hallways until they came to two doors. He opened the first door.

"Three of you ladys may sleep in here."

"We will!" called Frozen as she dragged Kali and Bri into the room.

"Night!" they said in unison as they shut the door behind them. Albhe was stunned by Frozen's enthusiasm but shook it off and turned to Vergil, Wink, and Shana.

"Well, this is your room," Albhe told them as he opened the door. Vergil and Wink went in first. Shana lingered in the doorway.

"Thank you Albhe. Good night," Shana bowed.

"Good night my lady." he bowed in return and left. Shana walked into the room and closed the door behind her. When she fully entered the room it was quite dark. A few torches lit the room. But otherwise, it was exsquite. There was a bed on the far wall along with a dresser made of oak wood and a mirror of silver. The pillows and drapes on the windows were made of silk. Surprising for a room made for serpents.

"You two girls can have the bed. I'll sleep on the chair," Vergil said as he put his things down not even looking at the two girls.

"Oh...ok then," Wink spoke quietly looking at Shana. Shana just glanced back at her in return. After the girls set their things down and removed some of their armoured clothing they both went to bed.

"Good night Vergil," Wink called to him as he slouched on the chair across the room.

"Yeah. night." Wink settled into the bed and closed her eyes. Shana turned onto her side and then slowly fell into a sleep. Vergil was asleep right after he said good night. The night was quiet and calm. The wind slightly blew outside causing the drapes to rustle and the torches to flicker out. It wasn't until hours later that Shana sat up in bed fully awake. She looked to the doorway and saw it close. Wink must have felt Shana's sudden movement because she sat up as well.

"Hey. Whats wrong Shana?" asked Wink. Shana glanced over to where Vergil slept only to find him missing.

"Vergil is restless. He just left the room."

"Hmmmm....I wonder why. Shall we see?" Wink said in a tone that could only mean she was concerned.

"Yeah why not. We could at least try to help that brute." Shana answered as she got out of bed and threw on a robe that covered what she had on. Wink got out of bed and did the same.

"Ready?" Wink asked. Shana nodded in return. "OK...Let's go." Wink and Shana headed towards the door and opened it slowly and quietly. The hallway was lit pretty brightly. Shana stumbled from the sudden change of pure darkness to the bright light. Wink caught her arm so that she wouldn't fall.When Shana regained her sight, her and Wink saw Vergil walk around a corner that lead to a balcony.

"Let's follow him Shana." They both walked silently down the hall to the balcony where they spotted Vergil. He stood there illuminated by the moonlight. His figure leaning against the railing. In the silence he sighed.

"Yeah..something is bothering the brute," Shana told Wink in her mind as to not distub Vergil.

"Go on Shana. Make the first move. You talk to him. I'm too timid to talk to that man. He scares me."

"Fine. I'll go." Shana glanced at Wink the walked over next to Vergil. He turned his head to see who approached him.

"Oh...it's you. I thought you were one of the serpents," he greeted her.

"And why is that?"

"I didn't really hear you. Also you know how quietly serpents move," he informed her. She turned sideways and rested her left arm on the rail.

"Vergil. Whats wrong with you? I sense a disturbance in you," Shana told him straight forward. She heard Wink sigh behind her near the doorway. Vergil quickly turned to face her. His eyes flickernig with slight anger.

"Why do you want to know?" he snapped. Shana took a few steps back in fear of getting hurt. Wink quickly moved next to her. Vergil glanced at Wink and grew even more angered.

"Oh. So she had to come too I see?! Well you two leave me alone you hear," he snapped again at them. He then turned around to walk back off the balcony..

"If you think you can get away from us the rest of the night...you can't. We are in the same room remember!" Shana called after him.

"I'll find another place to stay! Good night Sehara!" he stormed off not even mentioning Shana's name. They heard a door slam and figured that he went to get his things then left.

"Come. We should sleep. Tomorrow we leave to find the prince," Wink coaxed. Shana nodded.

"You're right. Let's go." They both made their way back to the room. As they predicted, Vergil got his things. Shana and Wink took off thier robes, climbed back into bed and fell back asleep silently. Bri poked her sleepy head out of the door.

"I wonder whats going on?" she whispered to heself. "Oh well i'm too tired to ask. I'll ask in the morning." She yawned then went back into her room closeing the door behind her.

When the very first light of dawn shone into Bri, Frozen, and Kali's room, it was not a surprise that Bri was already up and awake. Bri was sitting up in bed streching the stiffness of sleep away. She tried to wake her friends but they didn't move.

"Asleep like a rock," sighed Bri. She shook her head and got out of bed. She went over to her things and changed. Picking up her things, she decided on something.

"I'll go see if the other three are awake yet." So she quietly left her room and shutting the door behind her as she entered the hallway. She heard footsteps coming towards her. Her tenseness eased up as she reconginzed who was walking towards her. It was Vergil. Bri let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh. Good morning Vergil. How did you sleep last night?" she asked. He didn't stop walking but he did answer her question.

"Morning Bri," he said as he walked past her. Bri was puzzled by his reaction, but she thought nothing of it.

"Just like him to be gruff. Oh well." She made her way to Shana and Wink's room and knocked on the door.

"Wink? Shana? You guys awake?"

"Yes. Come in Bri." She smiled as she entered the room and shut the door.

"Morning! How did you guys sleep last night?" she asked them.

"Morning Bri," started Wink. "We slept ok last night, you?"

"I slept pretty good, but at one point I heard raised voices and someone storming off down the hall. Do you know what was going on?" asked Bri as she sat on the bed.

"Oh. That was Vergil. We tried talking to him, but he snapped at us and left. He slept somewhere else last night. Where we don't know," Shana told Bri.

"I see. I saw him on my way here. He did seem a bit upset about something. But I didn't bother asking him." Bri informed them.

"Well let's put that in the past. We have to get going," said Shana as she finished lacing up her boot. She grabbed her saddlebag and stood up.

"I know you're ready Bri. You ready Wink?"

"Almost," exclaimed Wink as she fixed her boots and threw on her pack. "OK! I'm ready!"

"The others are still asleep, I think. Let's go see if they are up and ready," Bri acknowldge as she walked over to the door and opened it.

"OK," Shana and Wink said in unison as they too followed Bri out the door to the room where Kali and Frozen slept. Maybe. When they opened the door they were surprised to see that Kali and Frozen were up and ready.

"Wow. What a surprise," exclaimed Wink.

"We're ready. Hey were is Vergil?" asked Frozen.

"He must be where the horses are already. Come on let's go." spoke Shana. The five girls left the room and headed to the horses. As Shana said, there was Vergil already on his horse and waiting.

"It took you long enough to get here," he gruffly spoke.

"Oh shut up Vergil," said Kali as she mounted her horse. Bri and Shana finished securing their saddlebags to their horses and mounted.

"I bid you luck on finding my master." Albhe told them as he walked into the area.

"Yeah. Thank you." answered Wink. The five began to head down to the gate while Shana lingered.

"Albhe, we will find him. We promise you. Farewell," Shana bowed her head.

"Be careful. Something will happen I assure you. You and your friends will live though. Farewell."

"Dragon let's go!!" called Vergil. Shana's horse reared up and ran after the others.

"God we have been walking through this forest for hours. Where are we going," complained Kali.

"To a cave in the side of the mountian that is not that far away from here," Frozen informed her. "I sense his aura from that direction."

"Good. I can't stand this anymore. I'm so bored." came Bri's complain. Just then, red eyes dotted the area followed by the sound of swords being unsheathed.

"Well now we will have some action!" exclaimed Vergil as he dismounted his horse and unsheathed his sowrd. His one eye glowing white and his other red. One angel wing came into view followed by a demon wing from his back. Wink and Frozen stood back to back ready to attack with light energy arrows. Bri jumped off her horse and had her bow and arrow ready at hand. The arrow set ready to kill. Kali drew he sword and sild off the saddle and went into a fighting stance. Shana jumped off her horse and uncoiled her whip. She cracked it. The sound caused the people behind the red eyes to jumped, startled, into view. They were shadow demons. What not a surprise. They didn't look strong at all. At the most they looked cowardly.

"Look at what we have here. Shadow demons and there are six of them. One person to a demon. Now let this party begin!" exclaimed Kali as she jumped into battle with one of the demons. She moved quickly and fluently that the demon could barely keep up. Wink and Frozen attacked two at once killing them instantly. Bri drew three arrows and shot them at the demon. One in the forehead, one in the heart, and one in the stomach.

"Hehehe. I love doing that," she giggled. Vergil attacked with a great fury. Slashing at the demon this way and that. There was nothing left of that demon by time he was done. Shana stood there as the deomn charged at her. She coiled up her whip and put it back at her belt. Her eyes quickly changed blood red and she beared her fangs. In a flash she was upon the demon, sinking her fangs into its neck. After taking in some of the blood she ripped its neck open and dropped it letting it bleed to death. Her eyes turned back to emerald green as Kali joined the others. She was hitting the head of the demon on the flat edge of the sword like a ball.

"That was fun," she announced. "That was just what I needed"

"Come. Let's make camp here. The sun is setting and we need our energy." Bri spoke confidently.

"Me and Kali will make the fire!" Frozen called as she grabbed Kali's arm and they raced deeper into the forest to get wood for the fire. Bri, Wink, Vergil, and Shana sat down in a circle leaving spaces for Kali and Frozen.

The companions rested peacefully in the forest that night, save for one, Vergil. Only he tossed and turned. It must have become to much for him, for he sat up and sighed. He stood up and held his sword. His eyes scanned the darkness to make sure his companions were alright. They were.

"I have to calm down," he whispered to himself. With one last glance, Vergil turned around and went for a walk in the woods to calm his nerves.

"I can't sleep a wink. There is this constant feeling of danger and evil lurking about. But what I can't figure out is that it eminates from our group. I don't understand." He figured he was far enough from the others. So he decided to head back. After a few minutes, he reached the camp. Everyone was safe and sound. He sighed once more, laid down, and fell back to sleep. The rest of the night ended up being peaceful for him.

The next day before the crack of dawn, the companions were all up and ready.

"I hate being up this early," grumbled Kali.

"Yeah. Me too,"responded Frozen.

"Oh come on you guys. It isn't so bad. I get up this early everyday!" Bri cheerfully told them. Kali, Frozen, Vergil, and Wink shot Bri an angered look. Shana, for the first time since they got together, smiled and laughed.

"OK. Nevermind I said that. He...he."

"You are always unbelievably happy in the mornings. What a characeter you are Bri," chuckled Shana.

"Hey Shana...are you feeling alright?" asked Frozen.

"Yeah....you OK? I mean you're laughing," spoke out Wink. Kali walked next to Shana with a smileand put her arm around her shoulder.

"Well now we know our messed up friend here has a happy side." Shana looked down at Kali with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"Hey. It's true," Kali answered. Shana laughed and gave Kali a hug.

"See. I'm not always dismal." The others laughed in response.

"OK you guys. Don't forget we have a mission to finish here," Bri reminded them.

"Oh...right. We should get a move on," Shana remembered as she mounted her horse. Bri, Kali, and Vergil did the same.

"Frozen, you know where he is so lead the way," Kali exclaimed.

"Aye aye!" She began walking with Wink next to her and Kali, Vergil, Shana, and Bri behind her. Their mission was almost at an end.

It was noon by time the six rexhed the mountains.

"Wow! These mountains are huge!" exclaimed Bri.

"This really won't take too long to get up to the cave," announced Shana. The others stared at her.

"What?! It won't!"

"Getting up thoughs mountains on foot is suicide. Plus these horses will never make it," Bri told her.

"Bri...look over there," Shana pointed over to the right side.

"Oh...." There was a trail leading up the mountains. But it wasn't wide enough for horses to walk through. So Kli, Vergil, Bri, and Shana dismounted and took off the saddlebags and other belongings they needed. Vergil nudged the horses so they can stay in the forest.

"They should be safe in there," he assured them.

"OK," strated Wink. "I guess we should start going." she finished with a sigh.

"Right," said the others in unison. Singlefile they headed up the narrow pathway up the mountain.

The companions found a flat area to rest for the night halfway up the mountain. The air was much thinner and so much colder.

"We really have to start a fire," announced Kali.

"Wink and I will go find some wood, if any," Shana exclaimed. Wink grabbed some material and made a sling to hold the wood. When she was finished, she and Shana headed off. Bri, Frozen, Kali, and Vergil sat in a small silent circle to keep warm. Vergil broke the silence after some time passed.

"I don't trust her."

"Who?" asked Frozen and Kali.

"The dragon. I saw a flicker in her eyes. She is up to something...evil." Bri, Kali, and Frozen exchanged looks and began laughing.

"Why the blazes would you think that? Shana would never do anything evil," Bri said through laughing. Frozen calmed down and began to speak.

"Yeah, very true. But remember the few times she...changed. When her dark nature came through?"

"Well she promised that that would never happen again. Shana always holds to her word," Bri countered. Frozen just nodded in response. Vergil just sat back with hiis arms crossed. For once, there was a look of worry painted on his face.

Back in the mountains, Shana and Wink were having trouble finding any wood.

"This will take forever. But i guess every twig counts,"complained Wink. Shana nodded, but she had another dark plan.

"I'll take a look around there. When you are done here, come join me OK?" Shana told Wink as she headed round the bend.

"OK," called Wink. After Shana was out of sight of Wink, she snickered eviely to herself. Her eyes turned blood red and her skin grew whiter. She had released her dark side.

"When Wink comes here, I will release her dark side like she once had it." Her plan was being put into action.

"Any luck Shana?" asked Wink as she rounded the bend.

"Somewhat," she answered with her back to Wink. She walked over to Shana and put down the sling.

"You OK? You seem..." her sentence was cut off when she noticed how Shana was.

"Oh no. Not again..." Wink started to back away from Shana, but she kept walking towards Wink.

"Dear sweet Sehara. Release who you once were, or if you wish, I can do it for you," Shana smirked wickedly. She took out her dagger and threatened Wink. Wink turned to run but Shana was in front of her.

"I...I guess I have no other choice," she gave in.

"Oh but you do Sehara," Shana informed her.

"And it is?"

"Death" Wink's eyes were wide with terror. What more could she do?

"Fine. I'll release my old self." Wink sighed and a single tear fell down her face. She was betraying the others. Her friends. So she surrounded herself in a black aura that grew by the second. Suddenly it dissolved and there stood Wink...or Sehara now. Her eyes were red and her skin a few shades whiter. She smiled and short fangs now showed.

"That feels better," Wink...Sehara commented.

"Good to see you back to normal Sehara," Shana said with a evil smile.

"It feels better to be back to normal." She picked up the sling and changed her eye color back to blue.

"We should head back. They must be worried." Shana nodded in agreement and changed her eye color back to green once more. The two girls, now once again tainted by darkness, walked back to where their friends were sitting.

"God where have you two been?!" complained Frozen.

"You honestly think there is wood on these mountains?" countered Shana.

"Well you do have a point there," Bri admitted.

"Nice to see that you two are alive. Now can you please make the fire?!" exclaimed Kali.

"Oh right," remembered Wink. She set up the twigs she and Shana had found, which wasn't much, in a campfire position. Vergil picked up a rock and put his sword in the middle of the twigs. He struck the rock on the sword and a spark leapt onto the twigs. In seconds, the fire was roaring.

"Now that is much better," sighed Kali as she snuggled closer to the fire. Vergil was uneasy and had to keep his eyes on Shana but now he realized that there was more evil afoot. He saw a glint in Wink's eyes.

"She has a plan that dragon and Wink is now involved. This won't end well," Vergil thought to himself. After the fire had been burning for some time, the companions were all fast asleep.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" called Bri. This rude and loud awakening startled the others and now all of them were up and fully awake.

"Whay are you waking us up so early again Bri?" complained Kali.

"This is our last part of the mission. We have the final part of the mountain to climb and then we have the prince! Then we can finally go home." Bri announced. Her friends nodded in agreement.

"Hey. I wonder..." started Frozen.

"Yeah?" asked the others.

"Are we getting paid for this mission?" Her companions looked at her and laughed.

"Why would we be getting paid?! We freely offered to do this mission. Plus we would have gotten half of the payment in the begining. Did we get half?" Bri informed her.

"Well...no. I guess you're right," admitted Frozen. The friends got up and grabed their things.

"Frozen, you lead the way," Shana told her. Frozen started up the rest of the mountain path followed by the others.

The afternoon sun blazed down when the six saw the cave. The cave was dank but not so dark.

"I smell death," spoke out Vergil as they started to walk through the cave.

"I don't thik that is a good thing," added Kali. They reached the end of the cave when they saw the prince lying on the ground in shackles. His back was to them.

"Your highness?" asked Bri. No movement, no answer. Vergil walked over to the prince and knelt down next to him. He gently turned him over. His eyes were closed and had no heartbeat. the prince was dead.

"He...is dead," sadly sighed Vergil.

"Oh no..." whispered the girls.

"He looks so young," Bri said while a tear fell down her face.

"Look. We should stay the night up here. Cover his body in leaves for now. Take off his shackles. Maybe we should hold a night vigil for him. I saw some hawks outside the cave. We can write a letter to the queen and tell them to come pick up his body tomorrow," announced Shana.

"That sounds like a good idea Shana," sighed Kali.

"Agreed," said the others in unison.

When night fell, they had the prince's body nicely covered with leaves. Bri put his crown on the top of the leaves. Frozen and Wink lit two torches and a fire. Kali wrote the letter to the queen. When she was finished she signed everyones names at the bottom. Vergil announced that he would stay awake for the vigil.

"you sure? We can take shifts if you want," Bri asked him.

"No thats OK. You girls getto sleep. Does anyone have the note?" he asked.

"Here you go,"Kali said as she gave Vergil the letter to the queen. Kali then laid down with the others and and fell fast asleep. Vergil got up and walked out of the cave. He tied the letter onto a hawk's leg and sent it flying towards the Serpentine castle. He turned around to go back in the cave but Shana stood in front of him.

"Good God! I didn't hear you come out here..." his voice trailed off when he saw that Shana's eyes were blood red and her skin was luminacent in the moonlight.


"Hello Vergil." Shana walked closer to him with a wicked smile. Her voice had a lingering accent.

"What do you want dragon?" growled Vergil as he walked backwards trying to avoid her.

"Can't we just talk you and I? We are friends aren't we?" she calmly answered.

"Yes...we were!" He turned around to run into the cave to get his sword, but Wink was in his way.

"No...not you too Wink."

"Oh are you upset that I changed back into who I once was? So sorry." Wink coyly told him.

"And I'm not Wink anymore. I'm Sehara once more. Come. Join us Vergil. You will have your full powers out and you will feel much stronger." He was trapped between Sehara and Shana.

"I will never betray the others like you two have!" he yelled. Vergil then jumped into the air to get away.

"Get him Shana." Sehara commanded.

"With pleasure," Shana smirked, then leaped into the air after him. He became startled when she was facing him.

"You naughty little boy!" she yelled as she kicked him in the face which sent him hurtiling down to the ground. Vergil landed on the ground with a crash as Shana landed softly next to him.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Sehara scolded Vergil as she walked next to Shana.

"Shall we?"

"We shall." Both Shana and Sehara closed their eyes and recited ancient words. Vergil's body was surrounded in a flaming black aura and he was lifted upright in the air. The girls opened their eyes and Vergil stood there with his two diffrent colored eyes blazing and his skin was white.

"Welcome to our side Vergil," both girls said together.

"It is good to be here. I feel much better and more released," he sighed. The three of them laughed evily together. They remained outside the cave on the mountain the rest of the night.

The fires went out and the sun shone in through the end of the cave. Kali, frozen, and Bri began to stir. Kali was the first to sit up.

"Guys....Shana, Wink, and Vergil aren't here." Frozen and Bri shot up.

"What?!" they exclaimed together

"Look. They aren't here. Strange. Their things aren't here either." Kali observed as she stood up and walked around the cave.

"No look here. The saddlebags and packs are still here. Just...not their weapons." Frozen added as she stood next to Kali.

"This is too weird," bri spoke as she joined her friends.

"Come on. Let's go look for them outside." So Bri, Kali, and Frozen grabbed their weapons and headed out of the cave. They had no idea what pain and sadness lurked ahead of them.

When they exicted the cave, the sky was dark and cloud covered.

"Shana!" called Bri.

"Vergil!" yelled Kali.

"Wink!" called Frozen.

"Over here!" came Wink's distant response.

"Come on! Over there!" exclaimed Bri. The three girls ran as fast as thay could around the mountain. But they came to a sudden halt when they saw their friends.

"No..." came Bri's sad whisper. There standing in front of the three girls was Shana, Sehara, and Vergil. Perfectly unharmed, but tainted by evil.

"Good morning ladies," called Vergil.

"You promised!!" cried Bri.

"I promised nothing Lady Bri," Shana countered darkly.

"We will give you three two choices," started Sehara.

"Either join us," continued Shana.

"Or die," finished Vergil.

"Choose," said the dark ones in unison. Bri, Kali, and Frozen drew their swords.

"Death it is then," said Shana calmly. Vergil, Shana, and Sehara drew their swords as well.

"Let the bloodshed begin," Spoke out Vergil.

Kali's anger welled up inside her. How dare they do this to Bri, Frozen and herself. In a flash, Kali was attacking feircly. Shana smirked and countered Kali just as feircly. Frozen's eyes welled up with tears but began to fight Sehara. Bri unleashed her anger and went after Vergil. Steel on steel. The cries and clashing echoed over the mountains. Blood began to fall down onto the dirt. These one on one battles lasted for sometime, until Kali slashed Shana across he back. Shana fell to the ground as her blood poured out of the wound like a river.

"How dare you do this to us Shana! The only way for you to be saved is that you die!" cried Kali.

"Shana!" called out Vergil. He kicked Bri making her fall back onto the ground. He ran over to Shana and Kali. Kali was about to kill Shana, but she cried out in pain as a sword went through her back and came through her chest. Vergil pulled out his sword and let Kali's body fall to the ground in a pool pf blood. He then helped Shana up.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Yes. The wound has closed. I'll be fine."

"Kali!"screamed Frozen.

"How dare you Vergil!" She ran over to Vergil and attacked him with with white hot fury. Sehara was left to fight Bri. Which she did. But Frozen's fury ran very strong. Vergil could barely keep up. She knocked the sword out of his hand and plunged her sword into his heart. She pulled out her sword and kicked down his lifeless body. Shana glared very wickedly at Frozen and she glared back at Shana.

"You will pay dearly Lady Kumiko. Very dearly!" Shana lunged at her attacking left and right with Frozen attacking back. After a few minutes passed, Shana took out another weapon she has concealed. It was her hunting dagger. More blood will be spilt. This made Shana snicker. She spun with both weapons out. This cut Frozen down. Her body fell on top of Kali's. Shana smiled wickedly down at the two corpses of her two "friends". She turned around when she heard Bri scream. Sehara had severly wounded Bri's right leg. her blood poured down her leg and pooled around her. The pain reached her and she fel to the ground. Sehara turned to walk away laughing but stumbled when Bri's arrow went through her neck. It killed her instantly. Her blood spurted onto Shana's face. Her body fell quickly near Vergil's. Shana snarled and used her mental powers to break Bri's bow and arrows. Bri stood up, sword in hand. Two great fighters, oldest friends were about to duke it out.

"You have your bloodshed. The thing I hated about you was your bloodlust. You won't have that anymore because you...will...DIE!" yelled Bri as she charged towards Shana.

"Tah. Let this battle begin!"

Bri and Shana's battle waged on. It grew feircer as time progressed. The sounds of steel clanging on steel echoed through the mountains. The other four companions, were never to speak again. Vergil lying near Sehara...Wink, and Frozen on top of Kali. All of them still in their pools of blood. Dead. Bri's anger was white hot. How could her dearest friend betray her?! She promised her that never again will her evil inside her resurface.

"Shana! Why did you lie to me?!" cried Bri as she avoided one of Shana's attacks. Shana landed softly a few feet in front of Bri and smiled coyly.

"Oopsies. I promised you? Guess some promises can't be kept," Shana's eyes blazed ruby red. Her fangs glistened as she laughed evily.

"Look. I'll make a deal with you. Either you can join my side dear friend, or you can be a dead bloody corpse like the others," Shana asked while motioning to the dead friends with her blood stained sword.

"So what do you say old friend?"

"Don't you dare call me a friend! I don't know you anymore. The only one who will die is you!" Bri attacked with such power and fury, that Shana was caught off guard. Bri knocked the sword out of Shana's grip then kicked her down to the ground landing on her back. Shana's red eyes were wide with terror as Bri's sword tip was at her throat. Bri looked down at Shana with tears in her eyes.

"I can't kill you Shana. You are still my friend. I loved you like a sister. At least I did at one point. Go. Just go. Take Wink and Vergil's bodies back to your castle. Bury them or whatever your culture does. I will forget about them. At least their evil selves for the rest of my life. And you Shana, I will cry every night knowing you will never come back. Never again to be the friend, companion, sister i once knew." Bri could ot stop crying. This was the worst pain she had ever endured in her life. She sheathed her sword and turned so her back faced Shana. Bri's tears still fell from her eyes. Shanagot up caustiously, retrieved her sword, sheathed it, and sighed sadly. A single lonely tear fell from her eyes.

"Just go Shana. I'll miss you. The old you." Shana sighed and walked over to the bodies of her dark companions, Vergil and Sehara. She picked them up and disappeared leaving an amulet of Bri's on the blood stained ground. Bri turned around and noticed Shana was gone. She walked over to the amulet and picked it up. The amulet had Bri and Shana's insignias on it. "Forever Friends," was written around the insignias. Bri fell to her knees and sobbed with the amulet dangaling through her fingers.

Shana brought the bodies of her two companions to a room in her castle and laid them on two beds. Into each companions right hand, Shana placed a jewel. She closed her eyes and recited a spell.

"Sayanhka Torsuway Shates Makara Lantoo" An aura surrounded her two friends. The room grew dark but slowly began to brighten up when the aura disappeared. When the aura was gone, they were breathing. Shana had brought Sehara and Vergil back to life.

"They shall sleep until they regain their energy," she whispered to herself as she made her way to her chambers.

At that same moment, Bri was doing the same for Kali and Frozen back at her castle.

"What were the words "she" taught me? Oh yeah," Bri whispered. Her face still stained with tears.

"Sayanhka Torsuway Shates Makara Lantoo" she recited. Kali and Frozen's bodies grew an aura just like Sehara and Vergil. After the aura died down, they too were alive.

"Sleep well," Bri whispered as she went back to her room.

In her chambers, Shana cried aitting at the window sill that pointed the way to Bri's castle. In her hands she clutched an amulet. It was the same one as Bri's.

"Forever friends..." whispered Shana as more tears fell down her face. Bri was crying at a window sill that faced the way to Shana's castle at that same moment. She too held the amulet.

"Forever friends...no matter what," softly cried Bri. her tears continued to flow steadily down her face as well. The two girls stared out the window to the wilderness. Beyond the forest lied eachother's castle.

"I'm sorry," they whispered into the darkness to eachother. Their tears running down their face like sad shimmering stars. Bri still held in her hand the amulet.

"Wink...Vergil...rest peacefully," Bri paused and stared at the sky where there was a red star.

"No matter what happens to you Shana, you are always and still my friend...sister..companion."

The end.....for now.

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  • User Comments: [5]
    Community Member

    Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 10:34pm

    I died!!
    Great story mommy/fiance!!
    eventhough we all know how grumpy bri is in the morning

    Community Member

    Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 10:43pm

    Glad that you liked it my daughter/fiance!!
    True. Bri is quite grumpy in the morning. lol
    I heart you cleeny!! pirate

    Community Member

    Fri Jul 29, 2005 @ 11:38pm

    Great job, my love. Wow, it was extremely long and thought out.

    Community Member

    Sat Jul 30, 2005 @ 05:46am

    *claps* wonderful, shana! i loved it. some of it was truer than i cared to imagine, but dear friend that was wonderful! (thanks for not putting me in this one, i probably would have been the first one killed off XD)

    Community Member

    Mon Aug 01, 2005 @ 09:59pm

    I am very glad that you all enjoyed it. And yes I know. It was very long. I heart you all!

    User Comments: [5]
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