Life: each breath i take adds another chain each heart beat puts another knife through me and with every second i cry another bullet flies in at me
sadness is when you open your eyes to this
i close my eyes i open them in a whole new world u couldn't imagine this place but let me help u out i'll let u try no promises it will be the same place shall we begin now shut your eyes and clear ur mind
by the way you are now a young girl in her teens currently in a light coloured dress its covered in your tried blood and torn everywhere that dress is all you've got your face is dirty your body cold this is your new life ~enjoy it .....
you open ur eyes ur in a dark hallway all alone with nothing but a candle in hand hot wax dripping down on ur hand it burns through ur skin but ur hand is so numb from the cold you dont feel it burning off ur skin
you look up then back down only to realize you are a prisoner your arms grow weak the weight of the shackles around them kills your legs stiff you can hear nothing but your heart beat you feel it pounding in your chest its almost unreal you see a man come out from behind a door he seems nice until u hear his voice then u remember how he beat you you crawl to the corner in a hurry but alas he grabs you
he takes you into a room you've never before seen ur scared of whats going to happen next he tells you its ok not to fear you ignore it all he ties you down to his evil little machine he then removes his belt then his pants .... and heaven forbid his under garments you pray to yourself it is only but a dream he climbs over you violating you without your permission you yell out for help but no one can hear you no one can save you
someones at the door they knock loudly the man pulls back on his boxers and pants replaces his belt and tells you he'll be right back he goes to the door a beautiful boy dashes in
he unties you and pulls you up screaming run baby run dont ever look back he'll tear u appear if you give him the chance dont tell a soul good bye run baby run 4ever well be ... u & me
you smile as you run out the door you glance back to see the man beating the boy you stop and it echos in ur ears run baby run ... as you run down the hall you open the door at the end and you are free suddenly you hear a bang
you knew a gun just went off and you turn around to see that boy running toward you he grabs ur hand and pulls you though the door he softly kisses ur lips then in a whisper says you are free now my love my father can hurt you no and no one else anymore i shot him i think he's dead
the gun is fired a second time the bullet graces your right arm it stops right above the boys heart im sorry he mutters i was wrong ... he lives on
run baby run!
ur all mixed up wish you could fly away you lose your self all these things running through ur head
in the boys pocket you see a shiny revolver you pick it up and c**k it you aim and slowly pull the trigger as it enters the mans skin you begin to feel relief
and as u drop the gun one last round is fired it hits u right by the heart but still you run on and finally your legs give in ur final breath u say
finally sumbody noticed me thank you im so sorry .....
everything goes black then u see the boys face your hand lock and you exchange a kiss in death
That is pretty good! Just do a little spell check. I liked it a lot! ^_^ redface3nodding
hidden_sunshine423 Community Member
Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 02:00pm
I love this one. When you read it to me when my eyes were closed. It was very real like!! ^^ Bravo jess.
Shadow_Of_The_Heart Community Member
Sat Jul 19, 2008 @ 03:19am
Well... I think that, yes, spell check, but otherwise, creative and... oddly frightening. Now, i'm a guy, but to think this all through, it's regrettable. I am very surprised by the skill, and was happy to ahve read something creative and good, if not sad. Thank you for having this, and though you don't know me, I am imrpessed indeed.
animalgoddess22 Community Member
Sat Jul 19, 2008 @ 03:56am
Really good! I love it heart YOur amazing, keep on writing 3nodding