Life: each breath i take adds another chain
each heart beat puts another knife through me
and with every second i cry another bullet flies in at me

my broken valentine (lyrics by me) |
on that very 1st day u took my breath i promise you this you took breath away yes,you took breath away yes, you took breath away___ smothered in flowers, forgiven lies (forgiven lies), did you believe me my broken valentine within time___ time___ remember the wind against your face tiring my tears away will you come save me ... from this endless sea____ save me dear save me dear i wont forget your name (your name) will you please save me___ me me___ drowning in the desert, wind blows over me, water runs rapidly against ur skin looking in the mirror, screaming! faith leaving me to die___ forget me my life, forget me the world, forget me alive you can not rescue me any more i am so broken the walls come cashing down and i fall pieces ... pieces
broken valentine___ your as true as you are mine & i & i & i & I cant be fixed shattered in all these pieces you sweep me up off the ground & do ur hearts desire___
(not complete yet)
xXMiss AsphyxiationXx · Sun Apr 06, 2008 @ 08:44pm · 0 Comments |