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Sparkle Terror
Um... it's a journal... that I write in...
Longest Quiz On Gaia Part 10
Part 10 {The Final Installment}

4501. Who do you feel on shaky grounds with?

4502. How would you rate Stephen King as a writer?

4503. What movie are you looking forward to?

4504. Hulk Hogan with or without the bandana?

4505. Do you more often tell people what you feel or what you think?

4506. Have you been to see an opera?

4507. What do you wish that you knew with more certainty?

4508. Does your heart break and break and live by breaking?

4509. Can you tell the difference between what you think and what you feel or do you often get them confused?

4510. Do you feel like there are a lot of referances in this survey that you are not getting?

4511. You are shopping in the Mad Mall for things to add to your room. Of the following list, what 5 things will you buy?

lollipops, lace up boots, bondage gear, bubblegum machine, a miniature orange grove, house plants, Bob Geldof, duct tape, Buzzcocks, poet shirts, Marc Almond, Al Gore, acrylic paints, Snoopy's dog house, an original andy warhol painting, zippers, orange and pink matching curtains and bed spread, flash, oj simpson, a slurpee maker, some flutes, electric chairs, feather pillows, post it notes, the terminator wax statue, fight club the movie, fight club the book

4512. Of the following things, which would you most like to have more of?

drink, dreams, bed, drugs, lust, lies, hate, love, fear, fun, pain, flesh, stars, smiles, fame, sex

4513. Your preference. David Bowie or Marc Bolan?

4514. Who'd win in a fight, Morrissey or Robert Smith?

4515. Earth girls are:

4516. One of your friends tells you they are going to train to become a cop. your reaction?

4517. Would you ever consider working for the government?

4518. What are the best and wort television channels?

4519. If you had a magicle pencil and everything you drew became real what would you draw?

4520. Your boots were made for:

4521. What movie would you like to see a mystery science theater episode about (even if it isn't a sci fi movie, just one that needs making fun of)?

4522. What's the buzz?

4523. The last person you would want to be stranded on a desert island with is:

4524. Your partner takes an aeroplane trip. the plane disappears and is never found. How long do you wait for them to return before you begin looking for a new partner?

4525. Soma animals that mate for life can literally die of grief if their mate is captured or dies. How many humans would do that do you think?

4526. What would you like to touch?

4527. Does anything you own glow in the dark?

4528. Would you rather ride a dragon or a unicorn?

4529. Do things just always go right for you?

4530. What's the best nick toon?

4531. Can you make a balloon animal?

4532. Would you undress at a nude beach?

4533. Wherever there's a secret recipe, there is someone who wants to steal it. True or false?

4534. What is today but yesterday's tommorrow?

4535. Are you more like spongebob who does nothing right but still everything good happens to or like squidworth who tries to do things right and ends up having nothing good happen to him?

4536. How many glasses of water do you drink each day?

4537. What is the difference between intelectualism and pretentiosness?

4538. What do you like in a poem, accessability, crypticness or somethin in between?

4539. What do you think of William Blake?

Is his writing difficult to understand?

4540. Has learning to spell become obsolete?

4541. Who do you find yourself in constant conflict with?

Why the conflict?

4542. What is the difference between literature and hallmark cards?

4543. How many contemporary poets can you name?

4544. What subjects do you refuse to talk about?

Why are you hiding from them?

4545. Are you every parent's wet dream?

4546. Everyone starts in the garden of Eden but no one can stay there. Why not?

4547. Would you want to join a club that would have you as a member?

4548. Greatest black and white film:

4549: Greatest film three hours or longer:

4550. No means..

4551. When you are exposed to the artwork (poetry, painting etc) of a friend, family member or aquantance how likly are you to criticize it?

4552. Do you mentally reject people?

Before speaking to them?

4553. Are we already living out 1984?

4554. Sing, now!

What did you sing?

Can you sing?

Are you the next american idol?

4555. Do you like the feeling of a ball point pen being used to draw pictures on your palm?

4556. Have you ever been airbrushed?

4557. Are you an alitist?

What are you elitist about?

4558. Are you arrogant?

About what?

4558. Use the two following words in a sentance: ghandi, ford

4559. Are you trecherous?

4560. Nam the ten bands you are the biggest fan of:

Name the ten bands who are your biggest fans:

4561. Are you jolly?

4562. What does the world stop for?

4563. Would you like to reapolster your furniture in camoflauge?

4564. Would you rather have your own personal live in massuse or a new car?

4565. What were you born holding?

4566. Big nose, is it ugly or does it give the face character?

4567. Name three things you would NOT do, even for one million dollars (tax free):




4568. Who has rejected you?

Who have you rejected?

4569. Natural body odor or perfumes and colognes?

4570. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

4571. Who frolics in the autumn mist in a land called honalee?

4572. Is anything nastier as a snack than fruit roll ups?

4573. When you hear someone make a joke about something will you later make the same joke to someone else as if you had just thought it up?

What if someone just says something intelligent, would you use what they said later as if you had made it up?

4574. What's on your pajamas?

4575. Are people nicer in new york or california?

4576. Ever think about moving to Alaska to live as a hermit?

4577. You are interested in a potential mate who is already attatched. Do you encourage him or her to leave their current catch or try to find someone all alone?

4578. Do you play in the snow?

4579. Do you save a snowball in your freezer to hit someone with in the summer time?

4580. What bible storiy would you like to see acted out by animated veggetables?

What vegetable would play jesus?

4581. Will you be ready for the next alien attack?

4582. You can't make this easy can you?

4583. What is a small thing that people let slide but that actually has dire consequenses?

4584. Are you the open window maniac?

4585. Have you ever been a hall monitor?

What exactly do hall monitors do anyway?

4586. Would you rather wear an army uniform or a cow costume for halloween?

4587. When was the last timeyou played tag, musical chairs, hide and seek etc?

4588. Can you leap frog?

4589. What was the lost strong and clear emotion yo felt?

4590. Are you more of a disco ball, a candle or a robot?

4591. Could any good come out of a nuclear holocaust?

4592. Are you an angel in disguise?

4593. Could you have fun with ajelly fish?

for 12 hours?

4594. Who throws the wildest parties?

4595. Do you own an I <3 NY shirt?

4596. If you could make a channel that played only one show all day what show would it be?

4597. Are you a rockstar only no one knows it yet?

4598. have you ever been stung by anything?


4599. Who's autograph have you gotten in the last year?

4600. Are you enjoying this?

4701. What is your reaction to beggers and homeless on the streets?

Are they lazy?


4702. Does pure altruism exist? Why or why not?

4703. Is 'You like me and I like it all' an attitude you might have?

4704. Finish the words.









4705. What's your favorite science fiction movie?

Make it a double feature. What's your second favorite?

4706. If you had a remote control for people who would you set on mute?

4707. When have you felt like you were living in the twilight zone?

4708. Do you have p***s envy?

Do you have v****a envy?

4709. The maker doesn't want it; the buyer doesn't use it; and the user doesn't see it. What is it?

4710. A child is born in Boston, Mass., to parents who were both born in Boston, Mass. The child is not a U.S. citizen. How is this possible?

4711. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?

4712. If you had to choose between being 3ft. tall or 9ft. tall which would you be?

4711. If you could know the answer to any 3 questions, what would they be?:

4712. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or the mind of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

4713. Would it disturb you much if, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods and left to rot? Why?

4714. Would you like to know the precise date of your future death?

4715. Would you be willing to give up all television for the next 5 years if it meant 1,000 starving children in Indonesia would eat and get medicle care?

4716. Name a close friend of the opposite sex:
Imagine they are from another country, visiting yours. Their visa is almost expired and if they get sent back to their country they may never get another visa to leave again. Would you marry them if after two years you could divorce them and they would be allowed to stay in your country?

4717. Do you always call/email in when you take a day off from schol or work?

4718. A fatalist believes that the future is mapped out in a pattern. A causalist believes that every event is tied to a previous event. Neither believes in free will. An indeterminist believes in total free will. Which are you?

4719. Would you rather have a masters degree in ecconomics or creative writing?

4718. Do you feel the need to defend the honor of your family and demand respect?

4719. What do you think about that no one else thinks about?

4720. Which of the following best describes you:

A laid back person who enjoys watching sports and playing with computers.

An apathetic person who is open minded and passionate about music.

A fiesty person who lacks an attention span.

Avant garde and over confident.

4721. Why are so many letters silent in French?

4722. For all the freedoms that people in the United States enjoy what are some of the ways that these people oppress themselves willingly and why?

4723. What, besides genetics and besides your environment and experiances, makes you what/who you are?

4724. What bands do your parents listen to that you:



4725. What do you find:



4726. How easily do you understand Shakesphere?

4728. Translate into regular english: 'Romeo Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?'

4729. What's your favorite girl scout cookie?

Is it made from real girl scouts?

4730. How do you open your car door when it freezes shut?

4731. Why is it that 95 percent of the letters in french words are not pronounced?

4732. What are you Dreading?

4733. When will your ship come in?

4734. Do you craete your art for free?

4735. The Pope's recent message to George Bush is 'Go into Iraq and you go without God'. What do you think of this quote?

4736. Have/would you ever taken a botany (plants) course?

4737. Are you using your own computere or someone else's to take this survey?

4742. Is it true what they say about Star Trek movies, that only evey other one is worth seeing?

4743. Someone once said, 'Every possible outcome of something takes place in a parallel universe. So there is free will, but your choises only determine which of those parallel universes you live in.' Your reaction?

4744. Why do you think a man 25 or above might date a teenager?

Why do you think a woman 25 or above might date a teenager?

Any moral objections?

4745. Is there a difference between what is legal and what is ethical?

Should there be?

4746. Point out something obvious:

Point out something that isn't obvious at all:

4747. How do you stay so thin?

4748. When looking at a clear night sky what constallations can you locate?

4749. What movie has the worst ending ever?

The best ending ever?

4750. Are you feelin' groovey?

4751. Oh the tangled web we weave when:

4752. Do you own anything velevet?

If yes, when you wear it can you keep from touching it?

4753. Who have you been friends with the longest?

How long have you two been friends?

4754. Who do you feel like you are in competition with?

4755. Is american culture more like mexican culture or more like japanese culture and why do you think so?

4756. What subject are you so familliar with that you could you write an FAQ (frequently asked questions) list about it?

What would one question on that list be?

What is the answer to that question?

4757. 'Don't use the rules.

They're not for you - they're for the fools

and you're a fool if you don't know that.

So use the rules you stupid fool'

How do you feel about these Clash lyrics?

4758. Are you for or against:

Unconditional Religious tolerance?

World Peace Under One Government?

Total Freedom?


Love For all Creatures and People?

Organized Religion?

The Freedom to be Homophobic?

The War on Terror?

The Green Party?

4759. Have you read any of Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty books?

If yes, what did you think of them?

4760. Can you do any voices or impressions and if yes, what ones?

4761. Guys, is it true that gentlemen prefer blondes?

Girls, do blondes really have more fun?

4762. Do you enjoy sneaking up on people?

4763. Do you often break plans?

4764. "Angry" and "hungry" are two words that end in "gry". There are three words in the English language. What is the third word? Everyone knows what it means and everyone uses it every day. Look closely and I have already given you the third word. What is it?

4765. Does anyone smoke in your home?

If yes, does that bother you?

4766. Have you ever actually seen a pink elephant?

4767. The answer to 4764 is "language". Did you get it?

Get it now, then?

4768. What was the most embaressing or crazy thing you ever dreamed?

4769. Are you depraved (marked by corruption or evil; perverted)?

4770. Who or what comes to mind when youhear the words:

the dangerous objects factory?

the dude who says dude?

the man in black?

the catastrophy involving food?

the duct tape incident?

4771. In blackjack, do you often double down?

4772. Who's the big winner?

4773. Who do you care more about, your close friend in elementary school that you lost touh with or your first lover?

4774. What's your favorite part of a cat?

4775. What was on the last cd you burned?

4776. If you wanted to learn a new language would you consider buying a Disney movie in that language to pick up pronunciation?

What Disney movie?

4777. Is there a modern plague? What?

4778. Are your baths and showers so hot that your skin gets red?

4779. When you dry your body after a shower do you dry your parts in the same order each time, almost automatically, or do you dry your prts in a random order each time, thinking about it while you're doing it?

4780. Do you feel like those who are speak a language around you that you can't understand are making fun of you?

4781. If you were blindfolded and your love/partner was placed in a line of fifty people could you pick him or her out only by:

touching the face of each person?

feeling one elbow of each person?

smelling the breath of each person?

licking the neck of each person?

listening to the breathing of each person?

psychically sensing each person?

4782. Close your eyes and turn your head towards the room you are in. Open your eyes. Describe the first object you see without telling what it is:

4783. What three questions will you never say NO to?

4784. Would you like to see an American in Paris?

4785. Are you more of a couch or a scratching post?

Is there a difference?

4786. What is more important, imagination or knowledge?

4787. Would you consider modern life to be rubbish?

4788. What's the most sinful food?

4789. Name one thing about yourself that you are excessivly proud of:

4790. If you went to Hell (imagining there is one) rank these punishments in order of the one you would most prefer to the one you would least prefer.

being broken on the wheel:

being put in freezing water:

being force fed rats and snakes:

being smothered by brimstone and fire:

being dismembered alive:

being boiled in oil:

being thrown into snake pits:

In my mind hell is not like this. It's just a place where all the interesting people go to drink, talk and tan.

4791. What other windows or websites do you have open on your computer right now?

4792. What kind of student were you in kindergarten?

4793. What misjudgement do many people make about you?

4794. If you had been named according to your personality what would your name be?

4795. What is made for kids but you love it anyway?

4796. Do you believe that China shuld cease to occupy Tibet?

4797. What is your opinion about the North American free trade agreement?

If you don't know go here: http://forums.transnationale.org/viewtopic.php?p=502

4798. Dedicate a song to someone now.

What song?

To who?

What line from that song most makes you think about this person?

4799. Can you live completely in the moment giving no thought to past or future?

4800. Can you honestly say that nothing bothers you?

4801. Have you ever been to poetry.com?

Have they offered to publish or honor you?

Are you aware that this is a scam?

4802. Is joy more stressful than stress is joyful?

4803. Should history be taught as a series of patriotic myths about heros or should it be taught accurately and truthfully?

Which way do you feel it is mostly taught?

4804. What is your personal mythology?

4805. Do you practice zen driving (just following someone who looks like they know where they're going and hoping it turns out alright)?

4806. If you saw two monkeys getting it on at the zoo and a child asked you, 'What're those monkeys doin' what would you say?

4807. Have you ever felt like you were a part of

one human?

one animal?

one consciousness?

one singular sensation?

one love?

one life?


4808. You find a website that will match you up with a lonely soldier who has no family to write to him and you would become his pen pal. Would you participate even if you were personally against the war?

If yes, would it be hard for you to keep your political opinions out of the letters?

4809. What kind of email would you like to get everyday?

4810. If you are in college will you participate in the following web site? http://professorperformance.com/

4811. Would you ever refer to shakesphere as 'willie the shake'?

4812. When was the last time you talked about your soul?

4813. Why is the TV show Married By America making a big deal out of how these couples will marry each other 'sight unseen' when no one in the compititon is unattractive?

4814. You have made a friend on the internet. You talk deeply all the time but have never met or even seen pictures of each other. You finally decide to meet. He or she tells you that he or she will be waiting for you in the air port lobby wearing a black dress/suit and a rose. You give no description of yourself. When you get there you see someone wearing black and a rose but they are very very overweight. Do you go over and tell them who you are anyway?

4815. Have you ever sent someone from the internet to a place to meet you but you had no intention of showing up?

4816. PETA (animal rights activists) started an ad compaign recently showing pictures from concentration camps and comparing the mistreatment and death of animals to the holocaust. Your reaction?

4817. Who do you feel inferior to?

Who do you feel superior to?

4819. What do you dislike so much that you could write 4 entries in one day about it?

4820. What do you think of notes that have a very good point but are left unsigned?

4821. Why do people often say that the arabs just don't want to farm and industrialize when they invented farming and industry?

Doesn't this show a lack of respect for arab culture?

4822. Why are some people so hell bent on bombing the cradle of civilization?

Is there some deep subconcious need to destroy it?

4823. You know that the rising terror alert is all propaganda, right?

It takes years to plan attacks like sept. 11, not months or days.

4824. At what age does dying your hair with manic panic become undignified?

4825. What question do you never want someone to ask you?

4826. What do you think of hot pink hoop earings?

4827. What has something for everyone?

4828. What dish would you bring to a pot luck dinner?

4829. How many people are you friends with that live or have lived in another country?

4830. How much would you bet thet there will NOT be another terrorist attack on AMerica this year?

4831. Why do bad things happen to good people?

4832. Name a person you seriously dislike because of their actions:

name a person you seriously like because of their actions:

Would you rather see a really good thing happen to the person you dislike or a really bad thing happen to the person you like?

4833. Do you know someone who has

threatened to commit suicide?

attempted sucicde?

'sucessfully' killed themsleves?

4834. Why do you think the world suicide rate is rising?

4835. A woman from New Zealand has offered to let herself by crucified, literally, by G W Bush in exchange for him not going to war. Furthermore, she says he doesn't have the "courage" to do it. Your reaction?

4836. Which Mike is more insane, Jackson or Tyson?

4837. "It's not my business to inject myself into human wars." -- PETA President Ingrid Newkirk, telling The Washington Post why she asked Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to ensure no more donkeys were used in attacks against Israelis, but would not ask him to intervene for people. Your reaction?

4838. Is today an easy day for you?

4839. Tyler Dirden says 'Let me never be complete.'

Tyler Dirden says, 'May I never be content.'

Do you agree?

4840. What movie did you have to turn away from in horror, disgust, or fear?

4841. What does KMFDM stand for?

4842. Have you ever met anyone that you can't help being fond of because they remind you of yourself?

4843. If you met yourself 8 years ago would you more likely beat yourself up or give yourself a hug?

4844. Do you have a nervous laugh?

4845. What's your favorite milkshake flavor?

4846. How long, at the very least, should two people be in a relationship before marriage?

4847. How many years can two people be in a relationship without marrying before you start wondering when they are getting married and why they haven't married already?

4848. What challenges you?

4849. What irritates you?

4850. What bores you?

4851. Have you paid your parents back for raising you?

4852. In America public schools are funded with the property taxes from the houses within the school district. Imagine you live in a wealthy area with very good public schools. How would you feel about students from a less wealthy area being bussed into your school district at no extra charge to their parents?

4853. Should a child's education really depend on how much money their parent's have?

4854. Would you only feel required to help your own kids get a good education?

4855. Would it benefit you personally if all children had access to a good education?

Would your streets be safer?

Would there be less drugs and violence?

Would there be more innovation at jobs?

4856. Andrew J. O'Conner, a former public defender from Santa Fe, was arrested in a public library and interrogated by Secret Service agents for five hours on February 13th. His crime? He said "Bush is out of control" on an internet chat room, and was arrested for threatening the President. Your thoughts?

This is not about some fool of a Secret Service agent jumping the gun on an innocuous online comment. This is a failure from the top down, an empowerment - by the man charged with defending our constitution - of lesser jackasses with large badges who do not understand nor care for the importance of their positions. This is about failed leadership, and the despoiling of everything that makes this place precious and unique and sacred. In other words, Bush is out of control.

- William Rivers Pitt

4857. Let's play a drinking game where we drink everytime Bush says 'axis of evil' or 'evil doers' or 'weapons of mass destruction'. How many times do you imagine you would have to drink in one hour?

4858. Do vegans really live longer than meat eaters?

Do they smell better?

4859. Do you want a lover you don't have to love?

4860. Do you believe that anyone can get ahead and if they don't it's because they are lazy and not trying hard enough?

4861. Do you forget to look at tye different opportunities available to different people?

4862. Do you often look at a subject without looking at why it is the way it is?

4863. Do you read any fan fiction?

write any?

4864. What did you think of the English patient?

4865. Why do you think third world nations are so poor?

4866. Have you ever created your own 'what ___ are you' quiz?

If you did make one what would it be about?

4867. What do you think of the Dixie Chicks?

4868. Are you looking for love?

In all the worng places?

4869. What do you feel like complaining about?

4870. What do you feel like celebrating?

4871. Can a person speak out against their government and still support their country?

4872. Do you believe your government has a file on you somewhere?

What kind of stuff do you suppose is in it?

4873. Do you own a $2 bill?

Is it lucky?

4874. Would you rather date someone 3 feet tall or 9 feet tall?

4875. What do you think of Americans calling fries and toast fried in egg batter Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast instead of French Fries and French toast?

4876. Would you rather have a child that is more confident or more curious?

4877. If you were going to write a bedtime story for someone you loved what would it be about?

4878. What is your element?

4879. When are you at a loss for words?

4880. What gets you through the night?

4881. What is the worst time to be alone?

4882. When are you the most emotionally vulnerable?

4883. How would you tell your friend his fly was open in public?

4884. Does a good friend tell you you've gotsomething in your teeth or pretend not to notice it?

4885. If you were describing the following bands to someone who never heard of them, what other band would you say they sounded like?

Cold Play:

Ever Clear:

The Velvet Underground:

The Flaming Lips:





4886. Do you have a good luck charm?

4887. What is the essence of You?

4888. A word to the wise:

4889. Do you photograph well?

4890. Is it a great day to be alive?

4891. What would you consider to be better than sex?

4892. Some people are just so..

4893. What evil is necessary?

4894. What would you do anything for?

4895. Do famous people have the same right to speak their political veiws as regular people?

4896. Are your best years gone by?

4897. Are you ordinary?

4898. What are you recovering from?

4899. Did Gilligan ever get off that island?

4900. What do you think people think when they first meet you?

4901. Are you a fun lovin criminal?

4902. What do you find yourself encouraging others to try?

4903. Mel Brooks or Woody Allen?

4904. What do you think of the movie Mystic Pizza?

4905. Have you ever danced on a table, bar, or other platform?

4906. Where was the most inconvenient place you ever threw up?

4907. When was the last time you were up all night?

4908. What question will you find the answer to today?

4909. __ is life. The rest is just details. Fill in the blank.

4910. What did you think of the movie 10 Things I hate about You?

4911. Ten Things I hate About You or clueless?

4912. What's the point of robbery when nothing is wrth taking?

4913. What do you do only when you are upset?

4914. Can you imagine no love, pride, and deep-fried chicken?

4915. What do you think about flag burning?

4916. Are you cuddley?

4917. Who thinks you are offensive?

4918. Who deserves an appology from you?

4919. Who owes you an appology?

4920. Are there any animals you flat out refuse to touch?

4921. Did you/will you go to the prom?

4922. Do you have intimacy issues?

4923. have you ever wanted to date twins?

4924. What website should everyone check out?

4925. Are pidgions flying rats?

4926. Are shrimp sea roaces?

4927. What was the last compliment you received?

4928. Do you push people away when you really want them to come closer?

4929. Do you ever just stop and listen?

4930. Do you lie your way out of things?

4931. What only happens once in a lifetime?

4932. What is Martin Luthar King Jr's dream?

4933. Is this life just practice?

4934. Know of any conspiracy theories you think might be credible?

4935. What gives you happy shivers?

4936. Do you have a new attitude?

4937. Have you ever read at a poetry reading?

your own poem?

4938. Do you feel more like laughing or crying?

4939. Who is brilliant?

4940. Who is dull?

4941. Who just needs a little love?

4942. Do you prefer when things come with no assembly required, even if they are a bit more expensive?

4943. Start a sentance with the words what if:

4944. Is life all fun and games?

Should it be?

4945. What is the highest number you can count to in your head?

4946. What can you never turn away from?

4947. What is your favorite flavor of coffee?

4948. Do you ever think about time travel?

4949. What does the number 49 remind you of?

4950. What's your favorite movie that involves dancing?

4951. How often do you:
see this survey somewhere on the main page?

check out other people who are doing this survey?

4952. How many minutes (on average) does it take you to complete one section of this survey that is 50 questions long?

4953. Multiply that number by 100 to find the aproximate number of minutes you have spent on the entire survey:

4954. Divide the number of minutes by 60 to find out aproximately how many hours you have spent doing this survey:

4955. Divide the number of hours by 24 to find out about how many full days you have spent filling out this survey:

(It took me about 8.5 full days to create it).

4956. Do you wish you had that time back?

4957. Are you going to miss this survey when it is gone?

4958. What are you going to fill your free time up with when this is over?

4959. Did you learn anything about yourself by taking this?

4960. Did you learn anything about me (age, gender, tastes, impression, etc)?

4961. Has doing nothing ever felt so good as when you're doing this survey?

4962. You are about to complete the survey. Are you proud?

4963. Name 3 things everyone should know about you:

4964. Have they changed since you started this survey (that was question 2)?

4965. What date did you start this survey?

What date is it today?

How many days is that in all?

4966. Did you enjoy the start, middle, or end of the survey more?

4967. Were you still interested by the end or did you just want to finish out of stubborness?

4968. Do you have a favorite part of the survey?

4969. Would you finish the survey if it was upped to 10,000 questions?

4970. Did you feel like the survey covered enough different topics or did it seem limited?

Is there a question or topic you were waiting for that never came up?

4971. Did anyone read your survey all the way through?

4972. In a few minutes, when you finish, will you feel like you've accomplished something?

4973. Were you avoiding anything by doing this survey?

4974. How would you describe taking this survey to someone who hasn't taken it?

4975. Is there any topic or topics that this survey covered to often?

4976. Will you be glad it's over or bummed that it's gone?

4977. Give the survey a a rating from one to ten for interestingness (1 is super interesting):

4978. Did one question stand out on this survey as:

the best or most memorable question?

the worst question?

4979. Are all endings really beginings in disguise?

4980. Are you ever going to read over your survey answers?

4981. If you retook this survey in 1 year would most of your answers stay the same?

4982. How did you find this survey to begin with?

4983. what made you decide to take it?

4984. Is this the best survey you've ever taken?

4985. Could you write 5,000 questions for a survey (I'd take it, if you did)?

4986. Name something more fun than filling out this survey:

Name something filling out this survey was more fun than:

4987. Should the survey have been more organized, for ex. should each section have had it's own theme?

4988. Were the questions

to crazy?

too mundane?

too cryptic?

4989. What will you miss most about this survey?

4990. If we met would we likly become friends?

4991. Are we friends now?

4992. Are you getting excited?

4993. Did you inspire or offer a question in this survey?

4994. Is your heart beat rising?

4995. Would you go insane if the survey eneded right here, before reaching 5,000?

4996. I've asked you so many questions. What question would you like to ask me?

4997. Is there a subject that you love so much you wish all 5,000 questions had been about it (David Bowie for instance)?

4998. Are you shivering with anticipation?

4999. Are you about to party like we're at question 4,999?

5000. Are you still the same person you were when you began this survey?

Holy s**t! You're done!

M o z e L e e 7
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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Sat Jul 19, 2008 @ 07:54am

    ...THAT... TOOK... FOR... EEEVVEERR!! But, I got it all done!

    Sesquipedalophobia: Fear of long words.
    Ironitatialiphobia: Fear of ironic coincidences.

    Please click!!
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