Dear Diary,
I am tired, irritable and hungry right now. The spokeswoman said this might happen. She was right. I joined Weight Watchers tuesday night and started counting points the very next morning! It wasn't too bad at first, but when we were trying to deside where to eat out, I almost gave up! I'm only allowed 22 points a day (which seems like a lot when just glancing through the book, but the points add up fast). She said this would happen because our bodies are used to eating what we want and how much we want. What the point system does is regulate and makeyou think about what you're putting into your mouth. It's gunna take a sec to get used to!
Loves and God's Best, Tora-chan, Nya! =^w^= heart
Tora Yukino · Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 07:42pm · 0 Comments |