Hey! This is Kitsuke-chan or Cassy. well, today has been interesting. I learned that my brother's girlfriend thinks of me and my sister as her best friends, which is good. My brother is going to move down to Florida to be near us, which is really sweet. I cant wait to see him in a couple of weeks since hes gonna be spending a week or so with us. My dad was joking around with us and saying that he was gonna have to tie Paul to the boat when the go fishing so that he dosnt fly out. That and when he gets a tan we can call him "The Mexican Paulina" since he has a moustache which I absolutely DESPISE but thats just me.
I love my sisters and brothers, and the sisters part of this includes all my friends, even you Katy! I need some calls over the summer, and I might be going to Metrocon with Jen and Lee, but thats a maybe! heart Cassy-chan
6UMPHjingle9 · Wed Jun 25, 2008 @ 01:12am · 0 Comments |