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Fanfic I really like to write fanfics about Yu Yu Hakusho. Especially ones that are Hiei related. And I really like Saiyuki as well.

Community Member
My Way, My Life
Part 4
You see her as a little girl chasing some butterflies and seeing her parent walking behind her slowly and laughing. Then the scenery change to a castle on fire. You see Taeya running down the hall as fast as she can “My lady we must escape” says what looks like Taeya’s protector. “No Raya, I want to see my mommy and daddy” she yells then continues running off. The scene changes to the throne room where you see Sumizome holding Taeya by the throat. “This is your hope. I would think that she would have more power than this since her parents are so famous” he said “No my sweet little princess watch as I kill your father with my hands and then I will kill your mother.” he continued. Taeya watched as Sumizome killed her father and was about to kill her mother but Raya got in the way and the blast ended up turning Raya into a owl. Taeya started to turn a dark purple and pink mix. Sumizome dropped Taeya and her mother grabbed her an started to run. Next you see Taeya running all by herself in a forest with Sumizome right behind her. He ended up catching her “I need your power but since you keep resisting me, I guess I’ll have to teach you a lesson” he said. A portal opened up and he stepped through holding the struggling Taeya. “This my dear is the Dark Realm which is where you will learn to obey me” he threw Taeya down to the ground and left. The scene starts to flash by and you see and feel every pain that she has gone through in the dark realm. Before you could see how she got out of the dark realm, you were kicked out because she was waking up. ~End Hiei’s POV~ You wake up seeing Hiei with holding the Pendant of Dreams. You slam Hiei into the wall “What the hell do you think your doing? Do you think you can just walk into my dreams and understand how I came to be this messed up way” you threw Hiei to the side and walked out of your room. [That a**, he thinks he knows how it feels to live most of your life in the dark realm. Well he has another thing coming to him] you thought. You walk into Kuwabara room and wake him up. “What?” he moaned. “I need some help pulling a prank on Hiei. He made me mad” you say “Count me in.” he replied. You and Kuwabara went to tell Yusuke and Mace about the prank you wanted to pull on him. It was more of a pay back than a prank but you didn’t really care. The plan was to put some laxatives in his food and when he goes to the bathroom there will be no toilet paper and when he’s done having that problem you would give him some water with some sleeping pills in it. And while he’s asleep your going to do that same thing you did to Kuwabara and Shizuru with the whip cream. “This is going to be so great.” Yusuke said. “Just make sure you get the picture, and just throw it out the window if he wakes up, Kuwabara will then give it to Mace and Mace will get it to me where the I will make the copies.” you say. It was so easy to plan since you got Kurama to look away so Mace could put in the laxatives and when Hiei can down, Yusuke and Kuwabara jack all of the toilet paper in the bathroom. As you were all eating, you and the others tried not to smile as Hiei at his food. “Well thanks for dinner” you say as you go to clean your plate. “Your welcome Taeya” Kurama replied. You heard a fork drop onto the floor, then you see Hiei run to the bathroom, You and the others started laughing and Kurama was feeling a little confused “We put laxatives in his food. It was pay back for something he did” you tell Kurama “And we took all the toilet paper out of the bathroom” Yusuke and Kuwabara said rolling on the floor. “Well I know not to tick you off” Kurama said trying to hold in his laughter. You notice Hiei wasn’t to happy when he came into his room ready to sleep. “Here this will help you feel better.” you say. Hiei took that glass and looked at it. “Don’t worry there anything in it” you say as you shut the door. A few hours later your waiting in your room for the camera to arrive. You start to here yelling and stuff falling over so you walked to the door and opened it. “We have a huge problem Taeya, Hiei’s right behind me” “Well duh, just throw the camera” you reply. Mace threw the camera and you caught and slammed the door, locked it and barricade the door just to be safe. Then you made sure your windows where locked and barricades so Hiei couldn’t get in that way either. As you finished that up you began to print the picture, you tried not to burst up laughing but you couldn’t help it. It was even better than when you did to Kuwabara and Shizuru. Hiei didn’t just have it on his face but in his hair, and a little in his ears. You grab the picture and hid it in your safe and deleted the picture, when you got that done the door came flying open. Hiei walked towards you ready to cut you. “What did I tick you off” you say tossing the camera to him. “I could of done something a lot worse but I decided to give you a warning” you walk past Hiei “If you want to kiss me than do it” you say shutting the door. Just as you turn around, Hiei pins you to the wall and starts to kiss you. You feel him start to kiss you harder, then his hands start to move down to your thighs. You moan as he kisses your neck. Hiei just laughs a little and continues to kiss you, he comes back to your lips and tries to get you to let his tongue in. You let him in and you both fall to the ground. Your hands start to go under his shirt and you feel his chest, and his hands start to go up your shirt. You didn’t get any farther then that because Botan crashed landed into the room. “Sorry about that” she said “You need to take the class over again” you say “Hey that’s not funny” she replied “It wasn’t suppose to funny, it’s the truth” Hiei cuts in. Botan look at Hiei with fire in her eyes but Hiei didn’t even flinch. “Well then, you two are going to play truth or dare with the rest of us if you have to be evil” she said dragging you two to the living room. Botan walks into the room and you see Mace and the others waiting for you “So did you make the print?” Yusuke ask, You dusted off your shoulders and sat by him and Mace “Yes, and I got all of you a copy” you reply. Hiei started to turn red and was about ready to kill you again. “Did you just think I would just hand you the camera without making copies first” you say glaring back at him. “Okay lets get started” Mace says. Kay you guys got pretty far in the game. Yusuke ends up having to run into Koenma’s office singing I’m a little Tea Pot, Kuwabara has to sleep in a dog house in a girls dress, Botan ended up kissing Mace and Mace had to lick Kurama’s face, and Kurama had to sleep in Yusuke’s room for a week. That just leaves you and Hiei. Well first you had to French kiss Hiei which you knew he enjoyed and slapped him a cross the face after you were done so nobody would suspect anything, then Hiei has to sleep in the same bed as you. “Okay Kuwabara, Truth or Dare?” you ask. “Dare” he replied “Right, I dare you to…hm what would be a good one that would give you nightmares…. I know, I dare you to French Yusuke for 30 seconds” you say. Botan rolls over laughing, Hiei smirks, Mace is joining Botan and of course Kurama is trying to hold it in. “Sorry Yusuke” Kuwabara said and starts the kiss. You personally timed it and to make it even better you secretively add 10 seconds. When they were done, they both ran to the kitchen to wash out there mouths. “Okay now I won’t be able to sleep. Now Botan, Truth or Dare?” Kuwabara asks. “Truth” she replied “Okay, what are your true feelings towards Mace?” “Well I…I…I…I like him a lot” she replied turning red. Mace turned the other direction also turning red “I can’t believe it Mace, you really like Botan too.” You say. “Alright, last one. Taeya Truth or Dare?” Botan ask “Truth” you reply. “Okay what is your happiest memory?” she asked. “I have no happy memory” you reply “That’s a lie. You remember something” Yusuke said “Why the hell should I tell you. You don’t know what I’ve been through, the pain I have endured, the suffering I had to face” you say. You get up and start to walk a way. “I’m sorry Taeya, I didn’t mean to hit a sore spot” Botan said just before you slammed the door. You kept on walking till you felt that you have calm done enough, [I don’t want to remember any of my happy memories, it will just hurt me] you thought. You went outside and sat underneath a tree. “Time and time all over again, If I could start all over again, time would only repeat itself, till I couldn’t go on myself, and find a place to heal.” you sang, it was a song you made up while you were in the dark realm. You sang it because for some reason it would protect you and it brought you back into this realm. [Man this really sucks. Now I can’t go back without them asking what happen to me] you thought as you laid back. [my lady are you okay? I heard the noise from your room] Raya said flying to you [its nothing. They just hit a sore spot. And I really don’t want to tell them yet] you reply [then please allow me to erase their memory of that moment?] she ask [That would be the best but please don’t erase Hiei’s or Mace’s] you tell her. Raya flies back to were the others are to do the deed for you. “I know its wrong to erase the memory since it might happen again but they don’t need to know just yet” you say to yourself getting up an opening a portal back to your house. You walk past Shizuru who was asleep by the couch with a beer can in her hand and the TV on. You walk up to her and cover her with a blanket and turn the TV off. [I think Hiei will let the dare slip for tonight] you thought heading out the door. Your walk seemed to go be slowly as you began to think about the days you spent in the dark realm. When you went to rub your eyes you felt tears coming down your face “Tears that crazy. I can’t cry it just shows the pain I’ve been hiding” you whisper. You saw a fountain and decided to see what you look like with tears going down your face “I look so stupid, why should I be crying, my people been suffering worse. If I wasn’t so weak in the first place maybe I could have save them and my parents” you say sobbing into your hands. As you where sobbing you felt someone wrap there arms around you “you shouldn’t be blaming yourself my dear” your eyes grow wide as you realized who it was “Sumizome” you said “That’s right, now why don’t you forget about that and come back with me so we can live happily ever after” he said turning you around. Sumizome started to pull you in closer and was trying to kiss you. You tried to push him away yelling “How can I live happily ever after, especially what you did to me!” Sumizome walked towards lowly “You have no choice, your to weak to fight me right now and your friends aren’t here to save you” he said “I don’t need them to defend myself” you say splashing water into his face and running off. [Damn I should have stayed in Spirit World where I could of have at least had the home field advantage. Sumizome appeared in front of you, you made yourself fall back so you wouldn’t land into his arms. “Now why did you have to run” he said. You summoned your Cresent blades and slashed him in the arm. “Now why did you do that? Now I have to punish you” he said grabbing you by the throat. “I guess the last trip to the dark realm didn’t teach you anything” Sumizome began to open up a portal to the dark realm and was about to throw you in. “No” you struggle “But I have to my dear, you’ve been a naughty girl thinking you could get away with what you did.” Sumizome threw you towards the portal and there was nothing you could do so you shut your eyes and waited for the landing but it never came. You open your eyes to see a mad looking Hiei. “Idiot” he said putting you down. “Taeya are you alright”. You nodded your head and looked back at Sumizome “I guess I’ll take my leave, but I will be back for you Taeya” he said bowing and disappeared. Hiei looked at you and grabbed your shoulders, “What did he do?” he asked. You just stared at Hiei not even noticing what he said you were just thinking about how you almost went back to the dark realm. Hiei began to shake you “Taeya did he hurt you?” “Stop it, I’m fine just leave me alone” you yell pushing Hiei off you. You tried to walk away but you couldn’t move, your legs hurt to much and you were tired too. You fell back down again and began to cry “I’m so damn pathetic. I can’t even defend myself” you say. You feel Hiei pick you up, at first you flinch because it scared you “Its okay Taeya. Everybody has their weak moment” he whispered. You pushed Hiei making him drop you “Stop it, stop feeling sorry for me, I don’t want it, none off it. I can’t, I just can’t live happily. Sumizome will just keep coming back and destroy me every time” you yell Hiei helped you stand up then he kissed you. “Just shut up already and listen. Sumizome can’t do anything to you because he needs you and every time he makes you mad or upset it makes him happy. Don’t let him do this to you, do the opposite that he wants!” he yells back at you. “but” Hiei cut you off and kissed you again. “Just shut up and be quiet. I love you and I wouldn’t let anything happen to you” he said. You stood back in shock at what he just said “Hiei” you say before you faint. Before you go completely went unconscious your hear Hiei yelling “Taeya, are you alright. Taeya!” You wake up back in spirit world. You slowly get up and see Hiei asleep on the window seal. You just stared at Hiei thinking about what he said “I love you.” Those words wouldn’t stop going through your head. You grabbed your head because it start to hurt and you remember something your mother told you. “Remember I will always love you.” Those were the last words you heard her say before she died. You pull your knees together and start to sob quietly trying not to wake Hiei. The door open and Koenma came in “Hiei told me what happen” he whispered. “Koenma these memories they hurt” you say “I know. No one should have been through what you have been through. That’s why you’re going back to Milvika, so you can recuperate” he said “thank you.“ you reply. ”Can I go now. I don’t want to make Hiei or any of you worry about me while I’m still here.” You say “That wouldn’t be wise but this is your choice.” He said. Hiei woke up and started to look at you “I’m going to be away for awhile, Koenma promise me you’ll keep the others in line” you say just before you went through a portal Koenma opened up for you. You saw Hiei run towards the portal and Koenma didn’t even stop him so he was able to get through and you both landed back where you met Milvika. “Welcome back dear kin” she said. Milvika bent down a gave you a hug. “Let’s get you to bed. I’m sure that you want to forget everything and move on” she said, Milvika turned to Hiei and said “If it makes you feel better, you can stay with her.” Koro was waiting for you at the door “My lady let me take her to her room” Koro said “No. I want to go alone.” You say pushing yourself off Milvika “I need to think. Koro can you show Hiei his room please?” you ask. Koro nodded a left with Hiei to his room. “Milvika, can you walk with me?” you ask her “Yes.” She replied. The walk to your room was quiet, before she left you “Please come see me once you wake up. There is something I want to know.” “Its about what happen tonight?” you ask “Yes.” She replied. “Then I will tell you now. His name is Sumizome and he is trying to make me his because he realized he needs my power and that if he kills me, I will only be reborn. And as you know that wouldn’t be good for him. It would ruin his plans to take over the other worlds.” You say “That is true, but even if he was to get your power, it can only be used by someone with at heart like yours. A heart that knows light and dark, who can mix the two and use them.” She said “Is that how my powers are. That makes me feel better. Thanks Milvika. And good night.” You say and lay your head on your pillow. You wake up the next morning feeling better. You see a basket with a Kimono in it. You take it out and admire the Dark purple mixed with blue and pink Dolphins and clouds. You took off you clothes and put the kimono on so you wouldn’t disrespect Milvika. You opened your door and saw Hiei waiting for you with Koro. You turn your head to the side as Koro came to you “Would you like some breakfast?” he asked “No. I want to see Milvika. I have something to ask her.” You reply. Koro nodded and walked you and Hiei to the main building. “Here you go Taeya. Hiei, I’m sorry but you must wait here” Koro said. You look at Hiei and smiled. “Go have some breakfast, I’ll join up soon.” You say walking into the next room. Milvika was busy meditating so you joined her while you waited for her to finish. Once she was done she notices you were right there meditating by her. “So how do you like meditating?” she ask “Its so relaxing. I should do this more often to relieve my pain” you reply “I suppose you come to ask me something since you told me what happen last night.” She said “Yes. Will you help me face my fears?” you ask. “You know my dear kin the road will not be easy and you might face things you wouldn’t want to” she said “I know but this is the only way I can face my fears and………myself” you reply strongly. “Very well. We will start tomorrow” she said excusing you. You headed to kitchen to go get some breakfast and to meet with Koro and Hiei. “Sorry it took so long” you say “Hn” Hiei responded “Its okay my lady.” Koro said handing you a plate that looks like mush. “What is this?” you ask. “It’s a special mix of food that gives great nourishment to the mind and body” he said “It looks like somebody just threw up” you replied looking at it with distaste. Once you took a bit you change your mind. It taste pretty good, it reminded you of Mace’s cooking of course his food looked nicer though. “Hiei I won’t be able to see you for awhile because of the training I will be doing. If you don’t mind can you go back to spirit world and give Koenma this and stay there till I come back.” You say handing him a letter Hiei nodded and Koro open a portal for him. “Um Koro is there something else I can wear since I will be training?” you ask. “Yes. I’ll bring it to your room” he said giving you a smile. You went back to your room and waited for Koro to come. While you were waiting Milvika came in “For your first lesson we will work on focusing you mind” she said pulling out pen and paper “I know that you are a very creative writer, so I want you to write something using only your spirit energy” she said “Okay. I’ve done that before” you reply “You have” Milvika saids “Yeah when I have to write a lot of reports for Koenma” you replied. You focused on the pen and it begins to write “I can’t believe it. I’ve never seen any of my students learn this on their own” she said. You smile and wait for the next lesson. “So sensei what’s the next step on focusing the mind” you ask. “The next step is being able to hide your spirit energy so nobody can see it” she replied. You nod and try to do this. It took awhile but you were finally able to do it. “My, you are a fast learner dear kin” she said. You hear Koro knock, you let him in and he gave you the clothes you asked for. You said thanks and Milvika and Koro left so you could change. After you were done changing you went outside. Koro was waiting for you “Milvika wants to see you fighting skills” he said. You nodded and follow him. ~Hiei’s Pov~ You emerge in Koenma’s office, and see Koenma talking to the others. “Now don’t you guys worry Taeya will be fine she just needs time to think” he said “Hn” you say. They all turned to face you “So how is she?” Koenma ask you walk up to Koenma and hand him the letter. Koenma began to read the letter. “I see. She’ll be training under Milvika and won’t be back for weeks maybe months and she can’t have any visitors” Koenma said [She wrote that so she could hide] you thought “Now that doesn’t sound like Taeya” Mace said. “Well whether she is hiding or improving her skills you guys still have a job to do” Koenma said. ~End Hiei’s Pov~ Its been 4 months since you been training with Milvika, and you have improved a lot. You are no longer scared of the Dark Realm and you attitude has changed a bit. Now your hair is a little longer and you have a tattoo on your shoulder. The tattoo is a black and blue dolphin jumping out of the water. You were just starting to meditate when Koro came in “I’m terribly sorry but Milvika is ready to teach the lesson” he said “Can you tell her I will be there after a few minutes of meditating” you say Koro nodded and left. You began to meditate as you were meditating you began to think about the others and what they could possibly be doing. It was hard to meditate when you were thinking of the others and of course Hiei. You got up an started to head to Milvika. When you got there, you saw Milvika meditating while she waited for you. “Sorry to make you wait sensei” you say sitting down “Its not a problem dear kin. Meditating helps center the mind and body” she said “Your next listen will be the most difficult to master on focusing the mind” she said “You will need to be able to hold a shield of energy that will reflect energy coming towards you. You must time it right or it might not reflect and this does consume lots of energy at first and depends on how much energy is shot towards you” she continued. “I think I can do it. Besides you said yourself that I am a special kin” you say. You prepared yourself as Milvika was getting ready to attack “I’ll start small and work up as you go” she said. You nod and she begins. The first few times were easy but then it was getting harder and harder but eventually you got it. “Very good. I think you should go back for awhile.” she said “But there are things that I must learn on my own” you say. Milvika nodded “Its not a problem with me but it might cause a problem when I show up back in Spirit World since nobodies seen me in 4 months” you say. “I’ll open a portal for you.” Milvika walked up to you and gave you a hug, in return you bowed and went through the portal. You emerge in Koenma’s office seeing him stamp away at papers. “Those guys are just causing more problems” he mumbles “By guys you must me Yusuke, Kuwabara and Mace” you say. Koenma looked up, “I see you are back and my don’t you look better” he said “Thanks sir” you say bowing “And look she has manners” he replied “Watch it or I’ll have to go medieval on you” you laugh. Koenma began to fill you in on the last 4 months that you’ve been training. You found out the Sumizome has enter the Dark Tournament and that Team Uremeshi is now in the tournament. “Sir I wish to be the 5th” you say “I know you wouldn’t have it any other way” he said, just then to door comes open “Hey we’re back baby face” you turn around and see the guys come in. “Hey its been awhile hasn’t it” you say getting out of the chair “Well she’s decided to return” Mace said “And you decided to cause trouble” you reply giving him a hug. “Welcome back Taeya, I missed you and your tricks” Yusuke and Kuwabara say. “Welcome back” Kurama said “Hn” Hiei said “I’ll have to teach you some words Hiei” you say. You turn to Koenma “I’ll let you have them now, I wish to walk around Spirit World” you say heading out the door. You walk through the many halls just feeling happy that there is some noise [I already miss the mountains] you thought. You found a garden just outside of the library and you decide to meditate. You didn’t bother moving when you heard somebody behind you. [Do you like sneaking up on people or are you just happy that I’m back?] you ask [Both] you hear Hiei respond. You stop meditating and lay back “So did you have fun with the idiots?” you ask “Hn” Hiei said “For once can you use the mouth that you have for something” you say. Hiei got on top of you and began to kiss you. He stopped and said “happy” “Maybe, you’ll just have to wait and see” you reply as you kiss him back. You hear Raya coming so you and Hiei stopped kissing. {Its nice to have you back my lady] Raya said “Oh now, this is a new age, quit saying my lady it makes me sick” you say {as you wish my lady} she replied [It was worth the try] you thought. You get up and look at Hiei “Well have you even pack for the tournament or are you planning on wearing that the hole time” you say before running off. [I guess I’ll have to ask Koenma to get me some clothes or I can just go home and get mine] you thought you opened a portal back to your house. As you open the door Shizuru jumped on you “Welcome back cus” she said “Your drunk and man when was the last time you showered” you say pushing her off “Well everybody’s been gone and mom is been really busy with her job” she said. Shizuru goes and takes a shower as you began to pack your stuff. “I think one night wouldn’t hurt” you say. You waited out in the living room and watch tv. Shizuru comes out of the shower and joins you and Kuwabara, Mace and the others come in, but something didn’t feel right. “Don’t tell me you guys are staying here too” you say. “They wanted to spend time with you’ Mace said “I have the whole tournament with them so why do I want to start now” you reply. “Knew it was to good to be true.” Kuwabara “What that you can never stop being dumb or the fact that I not polite when your around” you and Shizuru giggle. “Hey now that’s not funny” he said “Everything funny when your involved” Shizuru said. “Its to get this party started” Mace said “Okay you get that started and I’ll just go” you say heading out the door. You shut the door and began to run “I don’t think so” you hear Mace yell. You didn’t reply but kept running [I have to test them] you open a portal back to spirit world. You see Koenma stamping more papers “Hey sir” you say “Back again, what is it this time” he ask “There something wrong with the guys I can feel it” you say sitting down “I see. I’ve trusted your judgment ever since I first recruited you” he said. Koenma motioned you to hide behind the curtain, the guys came in “Hi Koenma where did Taeya go?” you here Mace asked “She was here but she left. Anyways I need to know what exactly happen on the mission” you here Koenma say “Just the same as usual” Yusuke say “I see.” You take a peek to see Kuwabara twitching “Is everything okay Kuwabara, you seem bother?” Koenma ask “Oh just a little tired” he reply. As you look at the guys you notice something on the back of their necks, you couldn’t tell what it was so you focus your energy, it was a bug from the dark realm called a Jicoudome that makes even the nicest person become and killer. You quietly emerge from behind the curtain “Koenma were was their last mission?” you ask, the guys turned around and looked like they were about to kill you “The dark realm. Why?” he ask “Because they have a Jicoudome bug” you say. The guys charges at you. It was hard not to hurt them but you had no choice, you were getting badly hurt and you were protecting Koenma. “What do we do” he said “We have to get those bugs off, but I don’t have what I need which is the scent of a sakura” you say “If you can hold them off long enough I can get the scent of a sakura” he said “Make it fast and it’s a done deal” you reply. Koenma left you and the real fight began. You where dodging most of the attacks and hitting them enough to push them back. [Whats taken him so long] you thought. You were starting to feel tired and didn’t think you could hold out much longer, but good thing Koenma came back in time and the guys got a good weft of the sakura. “About time” you say falling down. The Jicoudome fell off and the guys went back to normal. “What happen?” Yusuke said “You had a Jicoudome. It turns the nicest person into a killer” you say forcing yourself to get up “At least I know not to go all against one and the one being me” you say falling back down. The guys looked at you like they were about to cry “Now it wasn’t your fault” you say as Mace help you up “Don’t feel bad guys it happen to me before and Mace was on the receiving end” you laugh “And did you ever so kick my butt” he said laughing. You look at you hand and you notice that you were beginning to faded into the dark realm “Sorry Mace I promised I wouldn’t be going to the dark realm soon but it looks like I have to go” you say before disappearing. You appear in the dark realm by the dark ocean. You got up and stared at the ocean “Come to me” you hear a voice “No” you say calmly. “But you are one of us. You hate everything you hate Sumizome” the voice saids “Yes I do hate Sumizome, but I am nothing like you I don’t chase him for revenge, I chase him to save my kingdom” you say “You will come to me” the voice said “No I’m not scared of you” you say and attempt to walk away “Where to you think you’ll go. You’ll just end up here” the voice said “I will fight you as long as I got the will and the people that I care about” you say. You begin to fade again back to spirit world, when you reappear you begin to fall “This is not going to be pretty” you say before the fall. You hit something very hard, you look underneath you to see a knocked out Kuwabara, Yusuke and Mace. “Sorry guys” you say dusting yourself off. You turn to Koenma “How long have I’ve been gone” you ask “2 hours” he replies “Well that was quicker than I though” you say “I’m going to bed” you continued as you opened a portal back to your room. You change into your pjs and crash onto you bed to tired to even put yourself under the covers. Before you completely fall asleep you feel somebody pick you up and put you under the covers and kissed you goodnight. [very funny Hiei] you thought then you fell asleep. You wake up the next morning to see Hiei asleep on the window, Mace, Kuwabara, and Yusuke on the floor, and Kurama and Shizuru in the chairs with the tv on. “They had to have a partly in my room of all places” you whisper. You quietly got up and got yourself ready to slam the door. “Rise and shine party animals” you say before you slam the door. Everybody jumped or fell off what they were sleeping on. “It isn’t what you think” Mace said “Yeah just like you weren’t throwing a party while I was asleep” you say pointing to random things on the ground that you would use for a party. “We’re caught red handed boys” Shizuru said “I suspect that you’ll clean up this mess by the time I get dress” you say grabbing your clothes and going to the bathroom. Surprising enough your room was clean when you got dress [I was just kidding] everybody thought you were threatening them when you said it and left the house after they cleaned up. [Am I that scary] you thought as you left the house. You opened a portal to spirit world and waited for everybody to show up. Koenma was the first to show up “morning sir” you say “where is thes others?” he ask sitting down “I think I scared them away for a bit” you reply. Koenma shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal. “I got the key to your room. An who you fight first. It looks like it will be the best out 3 fights” he said throwing the key at you. “Let me guess parliamentary round to quarter finals, to semi finals then finals.” You say “Yes there are over 20 teams the best four will make it to the semi finals and the top two fight in the finals.” He reply “the top two will be us and Sumizome’s team” you say lying down on the couch. “I heard you went back into the dark realm last night” Koenma said, you put your hand in front of your face and examined it “So what’s it to you” you say “Nothing much but I wish you would be more careful about what you say around the others, you make them worry to much” he reply “well they shouldn’t, I can’t let them get involved with me. If they get caught there will be no escape and you no that the best Koenma.” You say “True but I was able to escape because of you, and now its my turn to repay that debt” he replied sitting next to you. It was very quiet for a few moments after that conversation with Koenma “Hey Koenma” you say “Yeah” “will you be able to kill me if it is needed” you ask “I will only kill if there is no other way and I believe that there is another way to save you from the curse Sumizome placed on you” he said. It went silent again as the guys came through the door with their stuff. “Well we’re ready to go sir” Yusuke saids. You stand up and look at them almost ready to cry. They didn’t notice as they walked past you to sit down except Kurama “Are you alright” he asked “I’m fine” you reply looking the other way. “I heard that you guys got scared by Taeya this morning” Koenma said. You left the office while Koenma informed them about the tournament [Not like they’ve haven’t been there before] you thought. You walked around the halls till you thought of leaving spirit world and go visit Milvika. Just before you left you heard Kuwabara yelling at you but ignored him. You arrived at the temple and head to Milvika’s room, on your way you saw Koro and began to talk to him, “I’ll get her for you and then I’ll prepare some tea for you to relieve your nerves” he said “Thanks” you reply. You waited for Milvika under the Sakura tree you trained at for the last couple months and thought of what you were going to say to her. Milvika appeared from behind the tree “Afraid that the others might get involved in the battle between you and Sumizome?” she asked “I believe they are even if I don’t believe it” you say “It is a great strength to have friends” she said “But also a weakness if you can’t do something to protect them especially like I’ve done in the past. And Mace is the only one who survived” you whisper. Koro brought you and Milvika the tea and left you two to talk. “I can’t do anything to help but pray that this will all have a happy ending.” She said. You sipped your tea as Milvika sang a song about the prophecy about you. “Milvika who fore told this?” you asked “I did. It was a vision that was shown to me by the lords” she said. You stood up and started to walk away “thanks for reassuring me” you say Milvika nodded as you gave Koro the empty cup then you left. You appear back in your room and began to pack for the tournament. You had no idea what to pack so you packed everything that would make you comfortable in your room since you’ll be sharing a hotel suite with the guys. “Damn I’m gonna go nuts” you say. You grabbed your bag and threw it over your shoulder, “Hey Shizuru you’ll come visit so I don’t go nuts with the guys during this tournament?” you ask “Yah, don’t need anymore nuts in this house, two is enough” she replied. You both had your laughs and you left back for spirit world. You walked towards Koenma’s desk but nobody was there

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