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The Fablo Journal Thing
I'm Tam, as you know.. This Fablo Journal thing is just a check up on my real life??? But not that personal like all the other ppls... Not saying that I dont LIKE those types of journals, but I could never do them. Well anyways, here it is.
Well this is Tam Tam, back for more of a journal entry... Well, my summer is more of a study period, since it's been a bit boring and my pool is a bit closed down for repairs stare bad timing... I noe. I've been trying to learn languages. The ones I have learned so far for sure is French and filipino, I am hoping to be more succesful with the art of learing languages later... 3nodding

Well, one of the few fun things I did over the summer was going to Canadas Wonderland. I know, you might think that I'm a freak when I say this, but I rode my first roller coaster there... It was called Flight Deck, it has lots of turns and it was pretty fast. I rode it with my evil mastermind/cousin Blackshadow. As we went up the tall ramp really slowly, I could hear my sis saying: I am going to die!! crying And she was cussing a bit too with my other cousin Rose Knight(Well Rose Knight wasnt cussing, only my sis) While my sis had her dramatic session before the ride actually started, me and Black Shadow were cackling our way up the ramp blaugh but we didnt notice that we were going to dive down the ramp, so when we did, a big blast of air swooshed into our lungs and we started choking for a couple of seconds... xp I thought I was gonna die... After a few seconds I was well again, and me and Black Shadow were laughing in our seats at everyone screaming... It wasnt scary at all. But then, we went through a turn, and I banged my head against the head border and got parylized stressed ... I was yelling at the top of my lungs: STOP THE RIDE!!!!! I'm gonna DIE!!!!! ahhhhhh!!! But then the roller coaster went to stare a stop- the ride was over... That wasnt really scary, but I think I witnessed and felt how it was to almost enter that white light...
Next Coaster: Time Warp. Me, Rose Knight, my sis and Ace went together... We were in a link of four, lying down on a platform and in cased in a metal cagey thing... We were going up and up and up and we swooshed down the ramp... My eyes got itchy, so I rubbed them and I felt myself slide out of the platform gonk . Just then, my feet got of the foot stand and they were hitting the bars. I found the foothole alas, while RoseKnight and Ace were screaming scream . Me and my sis were watching bordley stare and then, the ride was over. Now, THAT was the most boring thing EVER...
The last rollercoaster we went on wasThe FLY... Looked pretty small. When we went on, it was sooo fast! We went down curves and everything... I was sitting with my two boy cousins, BlackShadow, ace, and my uncle.. They were cacling and laughing while I was screaming...I kept yelling:CRUEL!CRUEL!CRUEL! scream yep, that had to be the scariest one... Well, byebye for now, and thanks for reading!!!!