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Half Demon
By,Erin Gardner

The accident
Way off to a place never explored, was three goddesses,Sarah,Rosemary,and Belladonna,all normal goddesses except one,Belladonna was half wolf demon. She always suffered horribly because of the person her mother fell in love with and because her mother didn't think it would mater and didn't think about what would happen to her child. When her mother decided that she would put Belladonna in an orphanage she was asked,"Are you sure you wont regret this?" And she answered,"The only thing I regret is that that thing came from my body."

The Reaper

Belladonna was usually a calm goddess ...until one day she went missing and no one could find her anywhere. Then all of a sudden Sarah and Rosemary heard a scream followed by a howl. They knew right away what had happened. Something had frightened Belladonna and put her in her demon ways no longer good but now terribly unstable.
Sarah and Rosemary knew they had to stop her massacre before it was to late and the council found out. Before running down the stairs to stop her,they looked out the window once more,then ran. When they got to the street they only saw a limp body on the ground which they knew was their friend Tessa. It was a sad event, but not as sad as if the council found out what happened and killed Belladonna and Tessa if she had not already been dead.
Hiding place

Belladonna was already aware that her sisters were coming before they were there. She wasn't a demon anymore,but she was now aware of what she did to Tessa. She new the council was on their way and was afraid of what was going to happen. If only Tessa hadn't blown her demon whistle when she saw Belladonna none of this would be happening! But she did so it was happening. The only reason she was turned into a wolf demon was because she saw the Grim Reaper heading towards her sisters. She didn't want them to die and was frightened at that thought and tried to aim her rage at the Grim Reaper,but it unfurled at Tessa instead. She sobbed as she ran looking for her only means of transportation,her mechanical bird. Then she remembered that it was on the stationary which was about twenty feet from the spot where she stood!

The Runaway to Earth
Off she flew thinking,"Where can I go so they cant find me? Oh, why didn't I just run and warn them instead of pushing all my rage and transforming my self? Oh my god! This after shock pain is killing me! I must rest some where...Aha! There that should be a good resting place!" Then she turned and headed to a place blue and green and round,what she didn't know was that the place was Earth And that a few people saw her land before she could turn invisible,but of course she didn't see them see her. She decided not to turn invisible but changed her outfit magicly,turned on the spot,and headed straight for the 100 Star Inn,the lucksery hotel. The people that saw her silently followed her in the hotel because they had never seen someone so perfectly beautiful.[They were all boys of course] One of them stepped on a twig and made Belladonna turn on the spot taking out her wand and pointed it directly at them and shouted,"What do you want?"
They stared and one stammered,"Umm...sorry Miss, we were only following you because we thought you were amazingly beau-"
But was then cut off by a group of girls led by a beautiful young girl that Belladonna knew was Sarah in disguise with the rest of their family inturupting him she said,"Hey! Leave My sister alone you freaking little girl follower! What's your problem! I hate people like Y-"
But was cut off by Belladonna who said," No. Stop. It's okay Sarah he's just so desperate he'll follow 15 year olds he doesn't know,but your right Sarah let me go in the lobby and talk to him...alone.

'Okay,first of all what's your name?"asked Belladonna once she was in the lobby with the boy.
He quickly answered with,"Hatori,What's yours?"
"My names Belladonna but that's not important right now why did you follow me you're lucky I was there to calm my sister down! But still why did you follow me?
"Belladonna that's a pretty name and I followed you because I thought you were pretty and I guess I couldn't resist sheer beauty that was in front of me I'm sorry we snuck up on you we just wanted to talk but you didn't hear us saying 'Miss' until I stepped on a twig...sorry again."
",HEY! Don't try getting me off focus just 'cause your cute doesn't give you the right to confuse people!
"Wow I never thought you would say that to me...hey,do you want to go on a date with me Belladonna?"
Umm...I...I guess so but let me talk to my family first Hatori. Oh and Hatori is just an abseloutly gorgeous name!"
Accidental Remark
"Oh my god! Sis...sis guess what! I'm going on a date with Hatori but I have nothing nice to wear wait never mind I can just change with my wand!"
"Oh my god! Wait who's Hatori?"
"Oh he's that boy I was just talking to inside!"
"Are you utterly mad? He was following you like 5 minutes ago and you were like totally mad but now your like going on a date with him? I think you have gone insane!"
"Oh no I have not gone mad and insane but I have fallen in love something I know that you and Rosemary have failed to do!
"That's only because your mom was the most beautiful goddess in all of the realms so you have had an easier time finding someone to love you! Uh Oh..."
" What do you mean I have the same mother as you! Wait do you mean I was...adopted?"
" I don't think I should be telling you this but yes you were adopted by my mother and my family.
"Tell me why my mother didn't want me! WHY?"
" She felt she had to let you go,you see she fell in love with a wolf demon and didn't think of what would happen to you. She was young then,about 18. At first they both loved you as much as anything,but once a dog bit you and you dispersed all your rage at it and threw it at a wall. Your parents looked at you and your clothes looked like rags and you were furry and howling like a wolf. At once your father knew what he had done and ran from your mother,she blamed you. When she was about to put you in the orphanage a nurse asked her if she would regret that she was putting you into an orphanage and she said' The only thing I regret is that that thing came out of my body.' And with that she put you in one of the beds an then ran off."
" How do you know this?
" I was walking down the road and saw what happened and I was the nurse."
" ...I HATE YOU!"
"Wait no stop...Belladonna...!" Then Hatori grabbed her arm and she started glowing a layer of silver then white then blue then she said,
"Let go of my arm you foolish boy or I shall blast you into little glass pieces." As she said this she turned around and her eyes were pitch black yet Hatori still didn't stop he just kept holding on to her then all of a sudden he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips in confusion she said"Huh? Wait. What? I..." The colors stopped glowing silver white and blue but now glowed pink and purple and she started sobbing and started hugging Hatori. Her eyes were now an aquamarine blue their usual color. As she hugged him she said,"Your the only one I know who would dare grab me when I was in a rage thank you if you had not been here she would have been dead by now."
"Wait what do you mean a rage? And why were you glowing? And why were your eyes black?"Hatori asked
"Well I probably should give you an explanation...I'm a goddess as are my step- sisters and the rest of the females in me step family. The men are gods. You are either very lucky or very unlucky you saw me go from evil to good I warn you I am also part wolf demon never get me truly mad or you shall be in the same state as Sarah was."and then she made a sound that sounded as if she was choking and she said in a scratchy voice"Out of the sky a bird has fallen upon it shall was a being that will either destroy or save the human race."with that she fainted and Hatori caught her. And Sarah shouted
"Give me my sister! Why did you kiss her? Hmm? WHY?"Her eyes were now like a flame in color and she was glowing red.

The End For Now...