Life: each breath i take adds another chain each heart beat puts another knife through me and with every second i cry another bullet flies in at me
losing me
anymore i dont know what keeps me going on in this world it seems everyone absolutely hates the one thing i love they get in groups and talk bs about him and i just get tired of it all i can not fight every battle and win i am only human just like him i make mistakes i've done really dumb things if you compared us i'd bet u'd find im worse i cant feel better bcause i cant tell anyone how i feel cuz all the pple i'd tell are the reason i feel this way i feel so shallow and blind u'd think i'd stop loving him by now but my love only has grown stronger i'd give my life for him and day of the week he is my life in a nutshell he provides my joy and is my escape he is my happy place where i can be me why would anyone want to take that away why would anyone hate a guy that can do that i guess its bcuz they are human too perfectly human so perfect that they mark his every flaw on the wall i fell trapped in a box cornered with no where to run to and yet no one sees it i guess im the only real screw up i dont think i should be here much longer im just cuasing my own pain in a way where can i turn now?