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The Fablo Journal Thing
I'm Tam, as you know.. This Fablo Journal thing is just a check up on my real life??? But not that personal like all the other ppls... Not saying that I dont LIKE those types of journals, but I could never do them. Well anyways, here it is.
I'm back with my infamous new journal entry blaugh . As you should know, School has just started a week ago, and I'm probably the busiest person in my grade. stare I got chosen from my previous teacher to be a office moniter or whatever... She said I had the 'qualities' cheese_whine that they were looking for, but I don't exactly think being considered a secretary is what I want to be preffered to as...anyways, I took the position and I'm scheduled on Mondays... I decided to join up on the Cross Country team, and they meet up on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays... crying sooooo that means I have to miss out on lunches monitoring and being trained in the office... AND I signed up for library assisting, and I'll be trained for four weeks till I become a OFFICIAL library club member... Now I have to find people to cover my shift at lunch for Mondays till training ends>.< I am totally stumped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!