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View User's Journal

The Fablo Journal Thing
I'm Tam, as you know.. This Fablo Journal thing is just a check up on my real life??? But not that personal like all the other ppls... Not saying that I dont LIKE those types of journals, but I could never do them. Well anyways, here it is.
HEY i AM BACK WITH MY FaBlO joURnAl thing!!! What is my subject of the day question hmm... Oh.My.God I am getting BRACES!!!!!!! crying no offense to all you people with braces because it looks good on you, it really does sweatdrop but FOR ME!?!?!?!?!?! NEVER!!!!! scream buuuuut I agreed to it cuz my mom wants me to get it AND I need my teeth to be absolutley PERFECT!!!!! But seriouslyy my gosh I have to have alot of thought into this!!! I need to figure out what color will I want it to be? how long do I have to keep them on??? THATS THE PROBLEMMMM!!!! well, I'll have to wing it smile