Name: Kitsune
Species: Hybrid wolf/fox
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Type of wolf: Appears submissive, but when you try to put her in her place, she will rip your throat out.
Pack: Currently is not part of a pack, though she does have friends from other packs and even some loners.
Traits: She is a sprinter and loves to run. Kitsune is loyal to those she cares for and tends to care for others very easily. However, she does not take well to back stabbers and can hold a grudge for a very long time. She loves to sleep in the sunlight and sometimes the cool shade. Rather laid back, she would rather take a back seat and watch Chaos unfold until it began to affect her then she will step in and give a piece of her mind.
Hobbies: Playing with pack mates, chasing rabbits, sleeping, flirting with other wolves, and poking fun at the male wolves in a pack. She also likes to poke at sleeping bears and tigers and play in the water.
Family/friends:A crow demon by the name of Denkoumaru has looked over Kitsune for some time and the two are like sisters. Besides that, this wolf likes to play with tigers, bears, cats, crows, foxes, and a few other odd balls here and there.
Favorite food: Elk, thought I was going to say rabbit didn't you? xD Nope she loves to eat them but rabbit is the easiest thing for her to catch.