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The Fablo Journal Thing
I'm Tam, as you know.. This Fablo Journal thing is just a check up on my real life??? But not that personal like all the other ppls... Not saying that I dont LIKE those types of journals, but I could never do them. Well anyways, here it is.
3nodding I'm back with my infamous journal fablo journal thing( I dont even know if that makes sense) Anyways, here is the latest and greatest stuff thats happining to me. Well, I'm going apple picking tomorrow with ballin' gal, my sister true_tsbasa, brother, Tomsy, and my family and stuff... I think I should climb the tree this year!!! blaugh It'll be soo fun!!! Anyway.... I just had picture day on Thursday, and you will not beleive how much torture I had to go through! I woke up early, got my hair fixed and when I got to school, my friend grabbed me by the head to tell me she had the same hair pins as me. Thats what we have to go through!!!