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Seraph's Journal of Thought
The journal that portrays my thoughts and beliefs in this world, varying from one thing to the next, as it fits my liking. (Warning: Can potentially have bad language, adult themed topics, personal beliefs, and deeply thought out theories, concern
I don't like the way things are run in our minds. Especially in my mind when I think over the same thing so much, it hurts. We each have a small or large part of obsessive compulsion disorder, where we think in form of a habit, and we also paint a picture or tell a story in our minds the way something is SUPPOSED to be, but we almost know it can never happen. Unless, of course, the thing we picture turns real, in which case I wouldn't by typing this, I'd be with a girl with very nice... 'features' if you will. (Dodging censorship sense the word Asstronaut was invented. oops, a typo.)

The way we think makes humans hypocrites. We think one way, but what really happens is a totally different reaction. Our reaction is what gets me, people get mad, confused, dazed, even sad when something goes wrong. Perfect people, for obvious example, go over the same routine all the time. Should something make a large enough dent in that routine, they utterly break down. We second guess ourselves too, that by itself says that maybe we know we're at fault and are doing a simple revise. But whatever, I'm too tired to think of what's next in this thought process. I'll give it up for the next entry. Laterz.

Say of the Day: I need that girl with the nice features. I'm feckin' spent,

There's no such thing as innocence,
Only varying levels of guilt