Kurt, I may not show it. But TRUST ME.

Ask anyone, I've missed you like CRAZY. And even if I can't play with your hair anymore, I don't care. I get to talk to you and that's all that matters. Please don't take what I say offensively.... I don't mean it. You look cute with short hair, different type of Kurty-poo that I adore all the same, short or long hair. Makeup or no makeup. wink

And the, "Every time we're away from each other, it feels like we're getting further and further apart."

Not what you thought it meant, our parents are pains and it just seems to them the further and longer we are away from one another we will slowly forget each other. And that's the exact sort of thing my mother was trying to pull while you were grounded. She hurt me alot by saying that. It...wasn't fair not being able to talk to you. And there's no WAY I'd want that. I'd NEVER wanna be away from you. I was going crazy over here too...Angie recorded me.

It was bad.

I felt miserable without you.

So please...Don't take what I said the wrong and twisted way...Cause I don't mean what you thought I did.