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My questions and thoughts/poems pretty much anything that comes to my mind

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Should i continue with my story? Give me suggestions to add on and/ or revise.

Lyrical Lies and the Phrase that Pays [One Shot]
I am Mary Blood a songwriter/singer/bassist for my band, Love and Tragedy. I’m trying to put my feelings down in words; the words can normally just flow from my mind to the paper, but not tonight. Maybe never again, not after what happened earlier. All of you reading this are probably wondering what happened. The truth is you will likely laugh and think I’m stupid because most of you will think “that’s what gives inspiration to people,” but I’m not like most people.

[Two Hours Previous] [Mary’s POV]

I’ve been on tour with my boyfriend, Shaant; from Cute is What We Aim For, for about two months. He’s been acting weird for the past few weeks. And I haven’t seen him since their performance. And only the worst was running through my mind. But I can’t bear to think he did THAT again.

“SHAANT! Where are you?” I yelled.

*Great I’m lost I have to find him. He’s been acting weird lately and of course when I finally decide to ask him what’s up he disappears. *

I gave up on finding Shaant and decided to go talk to Tom. That’s when I saw him… I couldn’t believe my eyes. I rubbed them to make sure I was seeing clearly, unfortunately I was. The blond groupie was sucking face with Shaant.


I ran away tears streaming down my face. I heard him calling after me but it didn’t matter… nothing did, not anymore… My vision was blurred and I ran into something it felt like a brick wall, but it caught me…

[Unknown POV]

“Dude you okay?” I said.

The Girl shook her head. She was getting my shirt wet. But I didn’t care. She looked familiar and I wanted to help her.

*Tears, my greatest downfall. *

[Mary POV]

I’m probably staining his shirt with my make-up but if I am then I can’t do anything anymore.

“Is there any place you were heading in particular?” he asked.

*His voice sounds oddly familiar. *

Once again I attempted to shake my head.

“Do you mind if I take you to my bus then?”

“Who’f bus would the hat be?” my voice came out muffled from his shirt.


I took my face away from his shoulder and repeated myself. Then I realized just how familiar he looked.

*Could it be? Is it him? *

“Who’s bus would that be?”

“Oh, it’s the Academy is… bus, and this is the one and only William Beckett you are speaking to.”

*So it is him. *

“I thought you’re voice sounded familiar, Okay I’ll go.”

[William POV]

“You really didn’t know it was me?” I asked

*If this is the girl I think it is, then I’m disappointed she didn’t remember me right off… I guess it isn’t. *

“No, sorry, but you haven’t recognized me yet either.” She said.

*Maybe it is her… *

I held her away from myself and looked her over.

“Mary Blood? Is that you?”

She nodded Her head. And I pulled her into a big hug. (We were next-door neighbors and we are great friends. She also helped with our band before we were signed.)

[Mary POV]

“Now I really can’t believe you didn’t know it was me Mary.”

I just hugged him tighter to apologize. He then picked me up and carried me to the bus. When we sat down he took a closer look at me.

[William POV]
I was definitely pissed now. Her eyeliner was running and her eyes were blood shot. Whoever did this to her was going to pay.

“Who did this to you? I swear I’m going to kill who ever it is.” I said.

“No. Don’t it was my fault. I went back to him the first time he cheated on me and I shouldn’t have.” She said.

“That still doesn’t give him a right to do again. But if you really don’t want me to I won’t.”

“Thanks Will”

“No problem babe. But are you on tour with whomever this is or did you just come to the concert?”

“I’m on tour.”

“Are you going to stay on their bus still?”

“I’ll have to.”

If I had any choice in the matter she was not going to stay on this mystery man’s band’s bus. I knew the boys would remember her from our garage band days [About two years ago] because they all loved her and she helped us with our songs.

“No you don’t. I don’t think the guys’ll have a problem with you joining us for the rest of the tour if you want to. But you’re going to have to at least tell me what band you’re with so I… or we can go get your stuff.”

“Are you sure?”


“Thank you soo much!… Will, do you mind if I go clean up? Oh and please don’t tell the guys they have enough to worry about with the tour and everything.”

“No problem. And sure it’s down the ‘hall’ and to the right… I won’t as long as you don’t want me to.”

[Mary POV]

“Thanks again you’re the best!” I said.

I leaned over and hugged him then walked to the bathroom. About eight minutes later I hear…

“Hey Mary the guys are here now.”

I jumped at his voice then ran out of the bathroom to greet the guys.

Mike, Siska, Andy, and Chislett all walked on the bus. Then Siska stopped and yelled…


[Siska POV]

*I couldn’t believe it. The girl who we’d spent so much time with the past few summers was sitting… well standing on our bus! … I hope nothing’s wrong. *

I engulfed her in a bear hug. I think she actually remembered me!

“Siska…I. Can’t. Breathe.” she gasped.

*Yay! She remembered my name! *

“Sorry…” I said

“It’s ok.”

[Mary POV]

“Hey guys do you care if Mary stays with us the rest of the tour?” Will asked

“Please?” I begged.

All at once they lunged forward and hugged me then yelled…


“Well welcome to the bus.” William said.

“Thanks guys!”

“Are you going to tell me which band you were with then so I can go get your stuff?”

“Umm I don’t think you should. I’ll just go and get my stuff by myself because I don’t want anyone to fight over me.”

“No. Sorry. But I’m going with you.”


“Because I said so.”

“Uh yeah… right.”

I walk off the bus unfortunately with William at my heels.

*Great now he’s going to get in a fight with Shaant if he’s there and I’ll have been the one to ruin their friendship I mean Shaant’s the one who introduced me to William in the first place. ********! Why me? *

[William’s POV]

*Why is she trying to protect this guy? Is he one of my friends? The only guy I know she’s ever dated that would be on this tour is Shaant… but he was with some other girl a few days ago… DUH! s**t I bet it’s him. *

“It was Shaant wasn’t it?” I asked.

A look of panic flashed across her face.

“N no…” she stuttered

“I can’t believe he’d do something like this.”

*She only the most amazing girl in the world how could anyone ever do this to her? *

[Mary’s POV]

*s**t. Why does he have to be so smart? And why don’t I have a better poker face? *

“If he so much as touches you when we get your stuff he’s going to get what’s coming to him.” William stated. And I knew not to argue.

“Okay…” I said in a very small voice.

Three minutes later we are standing outside of the Cute is What We Aim for bus.

*Cute isn’t quite so cute anymore. *

“We’re here.” Announced William.

Unfortunately, Shaant was the only one on the bus because the rest of the band had went to get something to eat across the street earlier and apparently wasn’t back yet. Fortunately, I had William by my side and Shaant didn’t say anything. He just stared at the TV and ignored us as I packed my suitcases. He only said one thing as we were leaving.

“There’s nothin’ good about goodbye.”

A quote from the song I used as his ring tone. (Hinder - Nothin’ Good About Goodbye) Shaant knew exactly how to tug at my heartstrings. But I had William this time so I’ll be stronger and I will NOT go back to the pathetic being now known as my ex-boyfriend. But William saw the tears forming in my eyes and turned around to glare at Shaant.

[William’s POV]
“******** you.” said Shaant.

“Oh hell no!” I yelled.

I walked back to where he was and he stood up.

“Guys stop… please…” whimpered Mary.

Shaant punched me in the gut and I fell to the floor. Then he headed toward Mary. He started to take a swing at her. That was it. I got up and punched him square in the face. I heard a crack and saw blood running down his face. He fell back onto the couch. Then I heard his band mates laughing and talking loudly. So I took Mary’s hand in mine and took her bags with the other.

[Mary’s POV]
I was practically in hysterics when we walked off the bus. William was trying to run but I couldn’t see through the tears so he picked me up and slung me onto his back. As he was running back it started raining, the rain always cheers me up, so I gathered my emotions.

“Can we play in the rain?” I asked.

“What?” William replied shock apparent in his voice and stopping immediately.

“Can we play in the rain please?”

“Where did that come from?”

“The rain makes me happy, and it’s fun to play in.”



“Haha of course.”

He set me down and saw that we weren’t that far from his bus so he decided to put my bags under it in a dry spot.

“Tag you’re it!” I yelled and ran.

He ran after me laughing then he caught me but we both slipped and fell when we went to turn around. We were both laughing hysterically I then realized that I was lying on top of him.

“Thanks for breaking my fall William.”

“Thank you for not breaking me.” He said with a grin on his face.

He picked me up bridal style and spun me around.

“Do you want to go inside and dry off?” he asked.

“We probably should.” I replied.

William walked over to my bags without setting me down. He stopped and stared at them.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I can’t figure out how to pick them up.” He said

“You know you could put me down and I could get them.”

“But I want to carry you, and carry your stuff for you.”

“Well then if you won’t put me down then take me to the bus and set me down then come back to get my bags.”

“But that would be too easy.”

“Boys…” I sighed

He smiled then exclaimed, “I know!”

He got down on one knee and supported me with the other while he used one hand to pick up my bags.

“Good job” I stated

“Thank you”

He then stood up and walked to the bus, this time he stared at the door.

“I’ll get it this time William”

“Fine…” he said pouting

I opened the door while still in his arms. When we walked on to the bus the guys were playing video games and didn’t look at us until William walked in front of them. Then Siska paused the game and asked how things went.

[Williams’s POV]

Mary looked like she was about to cry again so I hugged her closer. She sobbed into my shoulder. I carried her to my bed and sat down with her.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked soothingly.

“You’ll have to tell the guys but that’s it. And don’t tell them who it was because I don’t want anything to happen to get them in jail or him in a hospital.
You knowing who it is, is bad enough.” She whispered.

“I’ll try my best to leave out that detail but I don’t want to lie to them. They’re like my brothers they can tell when I’m lying and I don’t want them mad at me.”

“I guess if they ask you who it is then you can tell them but tell them that if they touch him I know where they sleep.”

Chills ran down my spine with the venom she put in those last five words. I knew she was serious but I didn’t understand why she wanted to defend him so much. It confused me. Didn’t he just cheat on her for the second time?

[Mary’s POV]

We were finally heading back out to the guys. I prepared myself for all of the guys’ reactions to my tears. Part of me wanted them to overreact and disobey my orders and send Shaant to the hospital yet another part wanted to kiss William for some reason. They were all looking at me questioningly as we walked back out.

“Hey guys, where am I sleeping?” I asked trying to avoid their questions.

“That’s one tiny problem. There are actually only five bunks because we took out a mattress at home so we could use the bunk as a storage shelf. So you can have my bunk and I’ll find somewhere else to sleep.” William said

“No I can’t do that it’s your bus and you need to be well rested for your next concert.”

[William’s POV]

She had no clue how much I wanted to tell her I would sleep better with her beside me. I’ve actually had a crush on her since I met her six years ago. But I just couldn’t tell her, especially not after today.

“But you can’t sleep on the couch, it’s a horrible bed when we’re moving.” I said.

“Well I have to sleep somewhere and so do you. So I’ll just share with someone.” She replied as we blew off the guy’s expectant looks.

“Why don’t you stay with the person who has the largest bunk?” Siska suggested.

I jumped for joy on the inside when he said this because he knew I had the largest bunk. He also was the only band mate of mine who knew of my little secret.

“Okay, that makes sense. The question now is who has the largest bunk?” she asked.

“I...I do.” I replied trying not to blush.

[Mary’s POV]

Did I just see William Beckett blush? I couldn’t have I mean who would blush over me I’m a wreck. It must have just been my imagination. I wish it wasn’t though, secret is I think I like him.

“Mmhmmm, now which one’s that?” I said trying not to blush as well.

“Oh, I’ll… I’ll show you. Right back this way.” William said.

As we walked to the back I thought I heard snickering and muffled catcalls but it must have been my imagination once again. Break - ups must heighten that kind of thing or something.

[The Next Day] [Mary’s POV]

“IT’S SOUND CHECK TIME IN TWENTY!!!” one of the guys yelled from somewhere in the front of the bus.

I heard a grunt from behind myself and jumped but the memories of the previous night came rushing back and I started to cry. I then felt an arm snake around my waist; he pulled me closer to comfort me so I turned over to face his chest. A little while after I turned he kissed my forehead and just then however cliché it sounds I fell head over heels for William Beckett. Ruining the moment, Siska came bursting in and pulled me off the bunk then apologized and said he forgot and was trying to get William down then when he knew I was ok he turned to repeat the process but found William in the way looking rather unpleased.

[Siska’s POV]

*Oops… *

“What the hell was that for!?!?” exclaimed William.

“Don’t kill the messenger I was sent to wake you up because it’s almost sound check time.”

“Isn’t our set at 4pm?”


“Then what the hell would we have sound check this early for?”

“Umm… Dude, it’s like 3:30pm.”

“Damn really?”

[Mary’s POV]

“Yeah it is babe.” I said.

William looked a little confused.

“What?” I asked.

“Did you just call me babe?” asked William with a slight smirk.

*s**t did I really? Oh no! What am I going to do now? He’s going to think I’m a freak now and he’s going to kick me off the bus then I’ll have to crawl back to Shaant. s**t, s**t, s**t, FUUUUUUUUUCK!!! *

“Ummm… I guess? Why?” I said

“I’ll just tell the guys that you’ll be out in a bit.” Said Siska.

“Okay.” Said William.

“You guess what do you mean you guess? Either you did or you didn’t.”

“Okay fine I did but you still didn’t say why you wanted to know.”

“Ummm… Well because…”

“Because why?”

“We need to get ready.”

“Fine.” I spat.

*Why won’t he tell me why he wanted to know if I called him babe? Could he?… no… he couldn’t… could he… like me? I mean there’s no reason he should I guess. I mean look at all of the girls he could have in the snap of a finger. *

I then went to my suitcase to find an outfit that may help me test my theory. Luckily I’m a pack rat because I have almost all of my clothes and make-up, etcetera in my two suitcases. So I picked out a blue, yellow and gray plaid semi mini shirt, purple fishnet tights, blue and green fishnet arm warmers, pale yellow and gray layered tanks, hanging star earrings, with my combat style boots, and my white gold lip ring (Sterling Silver and Silver burn my skin and my parents wouldn’t get me a cheap lip ring for my 18th birthday. ^_^) I then applied my black eyeliner with lime green, light gray, and electric blue shadows. Ta-da! All finished.

[William’s POV]

Mary walked out of the bathroom and I couldn’t believe my eyes. She had changed a lot since last summer.

“Wow…” I said as I stared.

*Did I really just say that out loud? *

[Mary’s POV]

*Did he just say wow? And is that drool I see? Ha ha well maybe not the drool but I’m pretty sure he did say wow. Yay! Maybe he does like me after all. *

“Do you think this is ok?” I asked.

“Uhh… yeah you look hot… I…I mean…” William stuttered.

*Did he really just call me hot? And stutter? *

Before I could ask him to repeat himself Mike came bursting in yelling that there were only five minutes left until sound check and pulled William off of the bus practically dragging him across the parking lot. I had to run to catch up. When we finally got there we had one minute left.

“Just in time.” Mike sighed in relief.

William whispered something in Mike’s ear and looked at me with a smile. Mike then ran to the rest of the band members and huddled with them whilst pointing at me.

*This can’t be good. *

“What’s going on?” I asked William.

He just smiled and grabbed my hand and drug me over to Mike.

“What did they think?” William asked Mike.

“They think it’s an awesome idea.” Mike replied enthusiastically.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I half yelled.

*What are they planning? It obviously has to do with me and I don’t like how they’re all looking at me. *

[William’s POV]

*I hope she says yes it would be so amazing! *

“We were wondering if you would want to sing with me tonight?” I asked.

“Wha… what? Me?!” she asked exasperated.

“Yes you. You should know all of our songs I mean you only helped us with them for like three years. And I bet you have all of our CDs because you think my voice is smexy.” I said with a smile on my face.

[Mary’s POV]

*s**t do I talk in my sleep? Or is he just messing around? *

“Ugg… Fine. I’ll sing. But I soo don’t think your voice is sexy, but I know you think mine is. Why else would you want me to sing with you?” I replied.

He frowned and looked a little flushed.

[William’s POV]

*How’d she know that I like her voice? Do I talk in my sleep? *

“Okay so what if I think your voice is sexy mine is waaay more sexy…er…” I said.

“Nu-uh mine is.” ‘Sticks tongue out’

“Quit fighting like babies. We have to do our sound check and practice a little so Mary knows what songs we’re doing.” Mike said.

I stuck my tongue out at her and she gasped.


“SO WHAT GET OVER IT!!!” Mike yelled back.

She pouted and collapsed on the floor making a scene forcing me to apologize.

“I’m sorry Mary. Pwease forgive me.” I said pouting as well.

“Okay you’re forgiven.” She grinned.

She then hugged me and attempted to kiss my cheek but I turned my head so our lips collided.

[Mary’s POV]

*OH MY GOD!! I’m kissing William Beckett! *

We didn’t pull apart until we heard mike yell for us once again. Once we pulled apart both of us blushed.

“Wow…” William said finally.

“Yeah… wow…” I agreed.

I felt the guys staring at us so I looked at their reactions.

*Mike looked like a fish out of water; Chislett had the ‘deer in headlights’ look; Andy had an unreadable expression; and Siska was grinning from ear to ear. Wait… why’s he grinning? What don’t I know? Does William really like me? Then why is only Siska smiling?… Wait… Is this some sick joke? Did they make a bet or something? *

William must have seen the look of worry glance across my face because he leaned toward my ear and whispered,

“Siska is the only one I told about liking you. That’s why he’s smiling.”

*Oh thank God I guess he really does like me. YAY! (Has a party in head) *

[Skip to Concert]

William comes on stage and sings The Phrase That Pays.

My eyes can't believe what they have seen.
In the corner of your room you've stockpiled millions of my memories.
Oh Doctor, Doctor, I must have gotten this sick somehow.
I'm going to ask you a series of questions,
and I want them answered on the spot, right now.
Is it serious?
I'm afraid it is.
Am I gonna die?
Well son, death is gonna catch up to all one day,
But yours is coming quicker than ours, than ours.

Some things I may have taken for granted again and again,
well here's what was said then

Hold your head high heavy heart.
So take a chance and make it big,
Cause it’s the last you’ll ever get.
If we don’t take it, when will we make it?
I make plans to break plans,
And I’ve been planning something big, planning something big, planning.

I’ve never tried to make the best of my time,
When I thought that I had plenty of it.
Is this serious?
I don’t know what to think.
Is it all a lie?
Well one thing is for sure
I'm taken back to the glory days
When we were kids without a brash or bitter thing to say.

Now my life is one big make it, or break it.

Hold your head high heavy heart
Save your strength for the morning after.
So take a chance and make it big,
Cause it’s the last you’ll ever get.
If we don’t take it, when will we make it?
I make plans to break plans,
And I’ve been planning something big, planning something big
So take a chance and make it big,
Cause it’s the last you’ll ever get.
If we don’t take it, when will we make it?
I make plans to break plans,
And I’ve been planning something big, planning something big, planning.

Hold your head high heavy heart
Save your strength for the morning after.
So take a chance and make it big,
Cause it’s the last you’ll ever get.
If we don’t take it, when will we make it?
I make plans to break plans,
And I’ve been planning something big, planning something big
So take a chance and make it big,
Cause it’s the last you’ll ever get.
If we don’t take it, when will we make it?
I make plans to break plans,
And I’ve been planning something big, planning something big, planning.

“And I have been planning something big! Do you want to know what it is?!” he yelled over the crowd’s applause.

Screams drowned out every other sound.

“Okay if you want to know you have to quiet down a bit!”

The crowd went quiet except for a few whistles and screams.

“Well I’m going to have a girl sing with me, she is very dear to me.”

The crowd gasped and applauded so I took that as my queue and walked on stage.

“Please give a warm welcome to my wonderful friend MARY BLOOD!!”

Screams once again took over the auditorium, until the music started. And William and I sung Skeptics and True Believers.

Don't be so scared, we will not lead you on like you've been doing for weeks.
So you're selfish, and I'm sorry.
When I'm gone you'll be going nowhere fast
Nowhere fast, nowhere fast.

Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you,
'cause I wouldn't believe you if you said the same to me.
And near death, last breath, and barely hanging on.
Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you?

Don't be so scared to take a second for reflection,
to take a leave of absence, see what you're made of.
So I'm selfish, and you're sorry.
When I'm gone you'll be going nowhere fast.
So who's selfish, and who's sorry?

Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you,
'cause I wouldn't believe you if you said the same to me.
And near death, last breath, and barely hanging on.
Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you?

Someone, somewhere said some things that may have sparked some sympathy, but don't believe.
Don't believe a word you've heard about me.

Don't be so scared. It's harder for me.
Don't be so scared.

Don't be so scared, It's harder for me.
Don't be so scared, It's harder for me.

Don't be so scared, It's harder for me.
Don't be so scared.

Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you,
'cause I wouldn't believe you if you said the same to me.
And near death, last breath, and barely hanging on.
Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you?

Someone, somewhere said some things that may have sparked some sympathy, but don't believe.
Don't believe a word you've heard.

Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you?
'Cause I wouldn't believe you
Wouldn't believe you now.

Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you?
'Cause I wouldn't believe you
Wouldn't believe you now.

[To After The Concert][Still Mary’s POV]

“OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO AMAZING!!!!!” I screamed.

“YOU WERE AMAZING!” William yelled right back.

Right then for some reason I gave into my instincts and kissed William. He deepened the kiss; it felt like an eternity had passed yet at the same time it felt like time had stopped all together.

“GET A ROOM!” yelled Siska.

We pulled apart and I stuck my tongue out at him.

“How about you just quit watching?” I snapped back.

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Community Member

Sat Nov 15, 2008 @ 06:47pm

Its a story!!! WOOT!!

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