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The Journal of A Writer To Be
This is a journal of a girl who is a writer to be. I will someday I will live from my pen, my words, my voice.
True Story -- Part 1
You know what I decided, when I was only 5 years old. I decided to be miserable. I don't want to be miserable anymore, and you know what. The scary thing is now I can't change. My therapist thinks I can, and my friends support me.

It's not helping, and I don't know why. School, I think is what started it all. The new atmosphere, new people, new potty mouth vocabulary, new eating habits. Over that all my parents had prepared me for, the one thing they didn't was teasing. Oh, and that was the begging to all the problems. One following another, like ducks following there mother. I mean, I was picked on all the time, no one did anything about. Not the teachers, not my parents, not the other kids at school. I was the verbal heavybag of every one. Even when someone was kind, I knew they hated me deep down, cause of the way they looked at me. As if I were ugly, stupid, and anything else bad you could think of, I was it. Life became more and more complicated as couldn't help stand it any more. Soon it all rubbed in, believed I was ugly, I believed I was stupid, I believed that I should just dissapeer. And I struggled to find, anything or anyone that proved it wasn't true. Nothing came up, I was desperate. Here I was a kid left to find the harsh truth of worls on her own. That there was no happy endings in 'real life', that not all people were going to realize you in this 'real life', and that friends could backstab you in 'real life'. And it wasn't fair, it all happened at the same time. It was trama, I know that now. I was deppression, I know that now. What 6 year old would stuff knifes under there pillow and threaten to kill themselves. I think only I did it.

Later on, I found that I was smart, but that didn't make up the fact of how truly ugly I was. Oh no, then I found out, even guys lie straight to your face. It smacked in the face when I feel 'in love' with a guy. How stupid was I to like him. He had insulted me and my family. No, way I was going to let that slide. But, guess what? I mistaked my anger for love. Ugh! How more retarted could I get. It was just a few months after wards that I crushed him, made him have nothing. But, right after that is finally what I realized what I was a freak.

R e a n C a r n a
Community Member
R e a n C a r n a

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Mon Nov 10, 2008 @ 04:35am

    You deserve better than what you think you deserve. You're a good person; if the stuff on your profile and in this journal is true, you're a good person... you might feel like you've got no where to go in life...I felt like that once too, but if you start to act like you actually want something, you really will want it, and eventually you'll get it.

    I probably make NO sense...but everything I am saying is me -__-

    Have a good day... and take a bubble bath.... bubble baths always help smile

    Community Member

    Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 12:10am

    .. i just realized i never commented on this journal...

    the truth is, we all have moments in out lives that when we look back on, were emberased by, or discusted by. however, they never made/ make us stupid. Infact, they make us smarter. We grow off of thease "mistakes" in our lives and become stronger when we face a similar situation. So thease "mistakes" arent mistakes at all. On the contrare [idk how to spell that XP], they are emblems, they are what make us who we are today.

    User Comments: [2]