I broke up with you know who...it feels wonderful, I feel better, so much happier. A huge weight is lifted off my shoulders.
Little did some of you know but as I was put through all this nonsense...there was someone keeping on my feet...Mike. whee
Turns out I fell for him...and he did the same for me. It was a strange turn of event, I know...but I feel so much better. We have a s**t-load in common. He makes me laugh, hes handsome, very smart and talented in writing, drawing and from what I have heard...guitar and maybe even singing. O:
I hope above all things that this can last and it won't take a 'Tim' kind of turn. I would be even more messed up then I am now.
School has been...tedious. I'm so tierd all the time and I can't seem to get the marks I want no matter how hard I try. I'm gettign the same marks in math as I have for who knows how long. This is the year it counts most. I'm working my a** off, for sure...in fact I have homework to do right after this post. <:B
I chopped off all my hair. O: It looks FIERCE! It has some dark purplely pink streaks and the rest is black. Show in the back with a long and thin tail hanging from the back, under the layers of course. Also there are two long pecies hanging on either side of my face. It looks bitchen.

Now sweet and beloved journal of mine. I have a few halloween pictures of me and Elisha (Smexy No Jitsu) Right before we went out on our very last trick-or-treating trip...what a trip it was.
PS: My cotume is Gothic Ragidy Ann (And yes my face is painted white with black stiched on the corners of the mouth.) Elisha was dressed as...not Bat woman...we call her. BatWhore. 3nodding