Life: each breath i take adds another chain each heart beat puts another knife through me and with every second i cry another bullet flies in at me
song parts... ur opinions plz
how can u go and break me down i feel shallow as i hit the ground inside you shreaded me yet am i still in love? oh... i dont think so!
all i do is cry myself to sleep laid to rest all the memories the dreams hav passed now the nitemares are all that last throw it all away!
creamated in our sins are tragities just wasten away as the smiles start to fade i'll end the day with a bang
so babi listen to me im keepin ur secret safe in me so block it out numb your pain ignore it all & punish me its such a foolish game
so what did you gain?
just look deep in my eyes, can u not see that im dying inside?
so this is the end of the line yet im still walking...
im nothing to wait for im lifes dead chamber im hate & anger you calm me down
i wish i knew what to do im so lost in you so unsure of love kill my heart its broken of shatter the pieces as they fall hide thy emotions from you all so slit her wrists she loved you im so sorry
boiis like heroine one powerful addiction one hit and i need more i know your bad but you make me feel so good
dont show me ur pitty & sympathy i dont need it from you from anybody i just want you to set me free
[[any comments would be nice, point out any parts u liked, i just want a few opinions]]