I like a lot of things.
To tell the truth, A LOT of things.
Some of my favorite things are:
☺Some people
☻Video games
☻Things that can keep me interested for a long time.
Let's elaborate.
The people I like include my boyfriend (no duh! LUFFS YA, ROKKU!), T1F, Mosspelt, Ilia, Melanie, and some other people that I don't feel like mentioning. But those are my favoritest people that play gaia that you idiots might know.
My favorite video games are the Fire Emblem series but I also have a thing for Action/RPGs that aren't Kingdom Hearts. SORRY KH FANS! I FIND IT A BORING GAME! Sonic games and SSB are also good.
MMOS! I always get hooked to an MMO for a short period of time. Right now it's zOMG! If you play zOMG!, I'm level 5.0. I'll help ya out. ;D
Things that keep me interested... I think I have ADHD. It's very probable. VERY PROBABLE. Ask any of my friends. I can't stay concentrated for anything. Therefore, if I can do something for a while without gettin' bored. I like it.
I also like comics, manga, and other stuff.
Stuff I don't like:
☺When people say I have a crush on some one I hate.
☻When people don't listen to me.
☺Most of the Human race.
☻Writer's block.
I like drawing too. Expect those. Expect writings too.
Maji De Hikari Community Member |