Okay so i kinda stole this idea from angel but thats ok (...i hope). none of them have last names because...well...i just didnt want to give them last names.

Age: 17
Appearance: Dark brown hair over her right eye, red eyes, lighter skin, tannish-yellow vest (not sure what color you would call that) with points out from the shoulder, dark blue almost black baggy pants tucked into her boots, brown boots with orange stripe that goes down from the top around the inside to the back of the heel and a hard (kinda like brass but that seems too expensive) cover over her knees pointed at the top, dark blue scarf, black headband, and dark green sleeves with a darker trim at the top and lighter at the bottom.
Likes: Making Johan happy, new things (clothes, bag etc.), Saeran (eventually heart ), people helping her, fruit (she doesnt get fruit very often).
Dislikes: defiant victims, nobles and royalty, alcohol
Random: guilty about killing for a living, fears...uhhh *oh* losing the few people she is close to, hides a lot of her emotions.
Theme Songs: 1. Headstrong by Trapt 2. What I've Done by Linkin Park 3. A Never Ending Dream by Cascada (omg this matches so well for the more...emotional, i guess, parts) 4. I Dare You by Shinedown

Age: 18
Appearance: Sandy colored hair, usually messy, light blue eyes, red satin vest and overcoat with gold trim, two diagonal black lines coming from the back around both sides, one to the front bottom corners and one to the stomach. Another coming from the neck line, down the shoulder and around to the inside of the wrist, black pants, and dark brown boots that fold down around the top.
Likes: Kiera heart , extravegent food, sleeping in a real bed
Dislikes:Trina and her friends, leaving the palace (at first), being treated like a child.
Random: Hides his fear of becoming a bad king, is surprised at how smooth he is being with Kiera and how unskilled he actually is at fighting.
Theme Songs: 1. Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park 2. Glory of Love by New Found Glory (also meryk's theme wink ) 3. I Dare You by Shinedown 4. I Just Can't Wait to be King... KIDDING! xd

Age: 63
Appearance:Salt and pepper hair, brown eyes, short stubble, black headband, baggy black shirt laced up at the neck, black tied belt, black pants that cover his boots (so you really cant tell that they are boots at all) geez he sounds goth.
Likes: Classical music, Kiera's company, his "glory days"
Dislikes: Saying "no" to Kiera, defiant victims, nobles and royalty.
Random: He always treated Kiera like the daughter he never had, making her stumble and almost call him "dad" or "father", was the strongest, fastest and sneakiest man in all of Lombarton in his day.
Theme Songs: 1. Frontline by Pillar 2. String Quartet in f minor OP.20, N by Joseph Haydn (dont kno what those other letters/numbers mean but whatever)(the mood seems to fit him)

Age: 17
Appearance: medium shade brown hair in a pony tail with bits of her hair on the sides of her face, purple eyes, head piece with two smaller onyx gems and a bigger amethyst, elegant choker, black corset that shows her stomach, arm bands and wrist bands connected with a chain (thin like those necklaces) (disregard the bat wings), black translucent shaw, dark purple ribbon sash, tan capris with an ivy design coming up from the pant legs, black pointed high heels with an ankle strap.
Likes: Power, causing Saeran pain, deceiving her father
Dislikes: Her family, anything that could get in the way of her ruling Lombarton, animals (including puppies, tho she can hide it pretty well)
Random: Has been plotting the Ku De Tah (however its spelled, overthrow her father) since she was 12, very good at deceiving people.
Theme Songs: 1. Sin With a Grin by Shinedown 2. Kotov Syndrome by Rise Against
As always suggestions are welcome. btw, should Kiera have the sleeve things or not?
Ember1257 · Mon Apr 06, 2009 @ 11:22pm · 1 Comments |