I try to be nice. I really do. But at what cost? Sometimes I fall into these....bouts of depression.
It's great being able to make people happy, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. But how much will I pay in the end? Is my happiness a fair trade for someone else's?
Sometimes I just don't know what to do. Sometimes........it feels like everyone just wants me gone.
ahh! I had no idea you felt this way, dear. cry Please remember NO ONE wants you gone!!!!! Your a great guy and im VERY glad we met and became friends! biggrinbiggrin ITS GREAT that you are nice! biggrin but please be sure to worry about yourself too sometimes
Selfless Knight Community Member
Thu May 14, 2009 @ 02:09am
Thanks again for commenting! biggrin When I get depressed like that, It's good to know someone cares. smile