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~Sharp Pain~

“Again. On the fridge is the emergency numbers, call us if you need us and we will head home as soon as possible. And we will call to check up on you.”
“Alright Mom. Alright. I understand. Now you and David better go before you miss your flight. I will be fine. Have fun in Italy.” Alexandra said now pushing her mother into the mini van. Her mother and step father had won a trip to Italy for two and were not going to go, until their daughter talked them into it. This gave her a chance to have a party Friday.. with boys! “So you are sure you will be fine? You're only sixteen years old. Are you sure you can handle seven weeks without us?” Her worried mother asked.
“Mom. Just go have fun with David and do.. 'Stuff'.” She said to her mother and kissed her cheek. She then looked to the driver side and waved to her step father. He waved back, they really didn't like each other, but they tried for her mother's sake.
“Alright, alright. We will get out of your hair. Bye Alexandra.” Her mother said now kissing her daughters head.
“Bye Mom. Bye David.”
“Bye...” Her step father mumbled and drove off before anymore words were exchanged. Once they turned the corner, Alex jumped up with excitement. “Yes! Finally! I thought they would never leave.” She said so that only she and people who were around the neighborhood could hear her. She ran into the huge house and grabbed the home phone. She plopped down on the couch and dialed a number then hit the huge talk button. She listened to the annoying ring until someone picked up the phone.
“Hello?” The voice of her best friend, Emily, answered.
“They are gone.” Alex said with a huge grin on her face.
“Really?! I will be over in a bit. Just let me grab Konner and we will be over there.”
“Alright. See you then.” Alex said and hung up. Konner, Emily and Alex have been friends since Kindergarten. They'd all been friends for a while and will be friends forever. Most people accused her and Konner of going out, but it was all silly. They would laugh it off anyway. Her and Konner? Konner was a light blond boy with green eyes. She didn't like green eyes that much, but his were an exception. His were like a jade green while hers were an ugly brown. Emily had light blue eyes, her idol eyes. Anyway, Alex hung the phone up and walked upstairs to her room. She didn't know which way they were going to enter her house. Window or front door. Either way she would know they were here. But then she of course heard the front door open.
“We're here!” Her best girl friend yelled.
“I'll be right there.” Alex yelled, now running to the stair case and sliding down the hand rail. Once she made it down to the floor, she saw Konner plopped on the couch and Emily was in the kitchen searching for food. No surprise there. She went and sat on the living room chair. “So what's the game plan for today? Go to the skate park? The mall? Konner's or your house, Emily? Or are we crashing here?” Alex asked now looking into the kitchen to see what Emily had found to eat. The girl walked into the living room, holding a bag of potato chips in one hand and shoving about ten in her mouth at once. “I dunno. Maybe we could go to the mall. Konner?” Emily had managed to say with the potato chips shoved in her mouth. Chucks of food fell from her mouth as well. Oh well, it wasn't like Alex had just vacuumed the carpet. Konner opened his eyes and looked to Emily then Alex. “I dunno either. How about we go to the mall. Maybe we could push Madison in that fountain again like we did last week.” He said now closing his eyes again. Madison was this mean, preppy chick that nobody really liked except her clones. She usually picked on Alex. Konner and Emily, of course, stopped her usually and last week when they were at the mall, Konner pushed her into the fountain. Alex laughed a bit, recalling the moment. “That sounds great. Let's go.”
“Wait!” Emily said.
“What?” Alex asked as she stood up from the chair, walking to the front door to grab her shoes.
“Can I take these?” The girl asked now pointing to the potato chips.
“Sure. I will buy some more later.”
“Alright. Come on Konner.” Emily said, taking the bag with her to the front door. She stood by Alex and watched her slide her shoes on. There was nothing else better to do. Konner slowly got up from the couch, his eyes droopy. He hadn't got to sleep last night, his old sister had a break down because her boyfriend broke up with her so she cried and play her music very loud. He walked over to the girls and put one arm around each of them. “Alright, let's go.”
“God Konner. What's wrong? You look so tired.” Alex said now paying more attention to his face.
“I woke him up. It's eight and it is in the summer. Konner doesn't get up until one. Do the math Alex.” Emily said smiling.
“No it's not that. It's just my sister's boyfriend broke up with her last night and you know how she gets. So I didn't get to sleep until this morning and that was five seconds before I felt someone grab the collar of my shirt and pulled me here.” He said now glaring at Emily. The girl just giggled.
“Well now we know when to get up when Emily comes by, don't we Konner?” Emily said smiling still. Konner just rolled his eyes. “Let's just go.” Alex nodded and went and grabbed her spare key. The three friends walked out of the house, locking the door behind. Alex pulled her keys out of her pocket and opened the garage door.
“Shot gun!” Emily yelled.
“It's all yours.” Konner said yawning. Alex laughed a bit, it was funny how they interacted with each other. It's been that way since day one. They walked into the garage, now getting into Alex's car she got for her sixteenth birthday last month. It was a light blue car, nothing special. Konner sat in the back, snapping his seat belt on, Emily jumped into the front seat and snapped hers on and Alex got into the car, slowly putting her seat belt on and starting the car. The car came to life and they left, now heading to the mall. They were about five miles away from the mall.
“Eh, let's just go to Emily's house. I don't feel like going to the mall anymore, besides, Madison isn't probably there.” Konner said yawning again.
“What?! We are almost there and I wanna push that B--”
“Emily! Let's just go to your house. We could push her later when Konner is in the mood.” Alex said and turned the car around, now heading to Emily's house.
“Fine. Fine.” Emily said now crossing her arms in the front seat. Emily lived not that far from Konner but very far from Alex. Once they got to the house, Alex turned the car off and Emily got out, running inside. Alex turned and saw that Konner had fallen asleep.
“Konner!” She yelled.
“Huh?! What?!” He said as he woke up. He realized that he wasn't in his own little world anymore but he was in Alex's car.
“Oh yeah.” He said smiling. He got a bit of sleep.
“Come on. Let's go inside.” Alex said with a grin.
Konner and Alex got out of the car and walked inside. It looked like Emily's parents weren't home either. Figures.
“Emily?” They both said at the same time.
“In here! Go ahead and go to my room, I'll meet you in there.” She yelled, her voice coming from the kitchen. No surprise either.
“'Kay.” They both yelled again and went into the room. Once in the room, Konner plopped into a bean bag chair and Alex sat on Emily's bed.
“So anything new happen yesterday?” Konner asked. He didn't hang out with Emily and Alex yesterday. They went shopping for bras and stuff at the mall.
“Eh. We saw a couple of hot guys here and there. But we did see some weird guy. He was stalking us through out the mall. He was very tall and pale. He kind of looked like James from school. You know that freakishly tall basketball player with the black, long hair and black eyes?”
“Um.. I don't know what color his eyes are but yeah I know who you're talking about. Why was he stalking you? Who was he?”
“I dunno, we never stopped and asked him. And besides, if you had someone stalking you would you just go up to them and say, 'Hey Mr. Um You are stalking my friend and me and we wanted to know why. Could you tell us'?”
“Yes I would.”
“Okay, that is true but....”
“I'm here!” Emily came into her room, now interrupting the conversation. Konner sighed and Alex laughed.
“Hey Emily.”
Emily looked confused. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No no no. Konner is just tired. Aren't you Konner?”
“Eh.” He just said, while he sat in the bean bag chair with his eyes shut
“Alright then. Well Alex, I wanted to show you this book I was reading...”
“Oh my God you can read?! Alleluia praise the Lord.” Konner said, now laughing. Alex bit her lip, trying not to laugh. Emily picked up a hard cover book and threw it at him.
“Say anything more and you're getting his book shoved up your A--”
“So... What book did you want to show me?” Alex asked so her friend wouldn't cuss.
“Oh. This one.” The girl picked up a book and handed it to Alex. On the front of the book it said Twilight. It looked a bit interesting.
“What's it about?” Alex asked, now skimming through the large book.
“Ponies and Rainbows and Glittery flowers.” Konner said and laughed.
“No! Do you want another book thrown at you? It's about a vampire falling in love with a human.” She said now looking back at Alex, trying to ignore Konner.
“Hm.. Do you think I can borrow it?” Alex asked.
“Sure.” Emily said with a smile. Konner then mumbled something and Emily had it.
“That's it!” She said and went and jumped on Konner. Konner laughed and started tickling her, he knew both of their weaknesses. Emily began to laugh. While that was going on, Alex opened the book and began to read. “I know what you are.” Bella said to Edward as they stood in the dark field. “Say it... out loud.” He said, demanding that she said it. “Vampire.” Escaped from her lips..... Alex read, who was about a hundred to two hundred pages into the book already.
“Konner! S-S-Stop!” Emily said squealing. He was still tickling her for sitting on him.
“Say Uncle.” Konner said as he continued to tickle her.
Alex didn't bother with her friends, she just let them deal with it. Emily would end up saying uncle anyway, she always did even though she said 'never.' “I'm a monster. I was built like a monster. Do you think a super hero could do this?” Edward asked and ran super fast around Bella, showing her that if he wanted to, he could hunt her down. “Should I be able to do this?” He asked and tore apart of a tree out of the ground and threw it in the river. Bella was amazed, but she still loved the vampire...
“Say it!” Konner said to Emily.
“Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!” She yelled, trying to squirm away from Konner, who was laughing evilly as he now stopped tickling Emily and held her in a tight hug. Emily looked outside. It was dark.
“Guys it is getting late. Alex are you gonna stay over?” Emily asked. Alex looked up from her book. “No. I need to go home.”
“Well I'm a gonna go. See ya girls.” Konner said, now getting up and walking to the front door, out it and across the street to his house. Alex then got up from Emily's bed and looked at the time. It was 11:00 P.M. Alright. God her mom called an hour ago. Maybe she was worried.
“Can you keep my car here? I'm too tired to drive so I am gonna run real fast.” Alex said with the book under her arm. Emily nodded and then Alex took off. She ran outside in the dark on the sidewalk. What she didn't know was.. someone was following her. They hid in the shadows well and were very quiet as they managed to follow her all the way home. Alex unlocked her house door and walked into it. She left the door unlocked, and sat her book on the coffee table. She decided to go take a shower. She went into her room, grabbed clean P.J.'s and sat them in the bathroom. She then grabbed two towels and sat them with her clothes and underwear. She stripped and got into the shower, turning the water onto warm. This was the stalker's chance. He walked into the front door, shutting it quietly so the girl upstairs couldn't hear. His eyes were a crimson color, for he was thirsty. Yes, he was vampire. He walked upstairs quietly and into the bathroom where Alex was. She thought she heard the door shut, so she grabbed a knife that she kept in the bathroom.. just in this sort of cause. The vampire pulled the curtain at looked at Alex, who was naked.
“Ah, such a pretty girl.” The man said, sounding like a creep with every word. He was the same guy from the mall yesterday.
“Get away! I got a knife!” She said, holding it up ready to aim and fire. The man just laughed and grabbed her shoulders, swinging her around so that her back was to him. His mouth by her neck.
“Such a wonderful smell you give off. Just let me try just a bit.” He said as he kissed her neck now. Oddly she blushed but she had to get this creep off her.
“Get off!” She said trying to stab the knife into his back, but it didn't work. The knife broke into two. It would be no help. She was going to die.
“Hm.. you're pretty cute. Maybe I could keep you if you don't die.” He said. She was about to beg him for mercy but then she felt a huge pain in her neck. It felt like a million knives went into her neck. She felt some warm blood run down her neck. She opened her mouth, trying to scream for help, but nothing came out. Her eyes widened, she just wished Konner or Emily had been here. Or her parents for that matter. She shut her eyes, now starting to fall to her knees. Once she was on the ground everything went blurry...then to black.

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