Ellloz! (i SHOULD be posting a New Entry tomorrow, But im Bored and just got home from school. i also should be Drawing a New Pic. But im not! x3 ) Like i said, ELLLOZZZZ!...Today, We only had 3 classes! It was a Half-day. ^^ Tomorrow is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!...Im going to Be sleeping in! xD i can't wait to do that! Although, ima Miss every one of me Friends. Some of them are going to Different High School's as me, so i might not see them EVER AGAIN!....(How depressing, right?) o_o Oh! Last night i woke up. ( i dont know what time it was, but...) i kinda rolled over, and then..."BOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!"....Thunder. I FREAKED! and hid under meh Covers. It scared me half-to-death! not to mention, i was having a Nightmare right before that. Dx... But, that aside, Yesterday the Sunset was REALLY pretty! Here, ima Upload a Pic i took of it. (if i can figure out this new Camera of mine...hold on)...OKies, i got it ima Post it at the Bottom , and a Pic of meh. (cuz im cool!) xD *Dances* Im Listening to "singing in the Rain"..im also singing along with it. (cuz im twice as cool) X3 i really dont have much to type here. Nothing to "awesome" has Been going on. x_x And now im listening to "Tango Maureen" from the Movie "Rent"....^^ i haven't seen it myself, but i REALLY want to! =D "And you toss and turn, cuz her Cold eyes can Burn, Yet you Yern, and churn and RE-BOUND!" D= my tummy Hurts!...it might have been that PB and J i just Ate... :p
Anyways! This Has Been *drum roll* ~Jessica's Blog~ here was the sunset!
 And a Pic of me, myself, and I
jess_jess_chan · Tue Jun 02, 2009 @ 06:32pm · 1 Comments |