I went to the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train mini concert last night and saw Amanda Stott, Wayne Rosstead and The Moffats!
I got Scott's and Cliff(? He's the bassist) Moffat's autographs, and I got pictures taken with them! Those didn't turn out, but at least I have the hot hot memory of looping my arms around their shoulders. They may have had puffy jackets, but I knew there was man flesh under there for the taking. Hot damn. xd Yesternight was just one of those great moments. They were a little testy though, seemed rather teed off. I made sure to thank them for everything. I saw them first when I was eleven. Now that I'm older, I realize that they're not necessarily great singers (Scott's really nasally), but they put their heart into it, and their music is pretty good.
Amanda Stott's so pretty! Real good singer too. And we got a picture with Santa...that also didn't work. Most of our pictures didn't because the flash setting was wrong. WRONG I say!! Oh well. The experience was worth it.
We got the Moffats to sign our pizza box sign that we brought! We scribbled 'WE LOVE you!' on it, and then got it signed. We also made another girl's day by giving her a piece of the pizza box so she could get autographs.
We never did find the drummer, whose name I also have managed to forget over the years. The whole thing brought out the fangirl in me. *squeal!*
And semi formal is tonight! I may/may not get pictures up here. biggrin I heart life. NYC on Saturday! I forgot to ask Magnusson when we were getting back to Tbay and all... oops... sweatdrop
Renee the Rabid Squirrel · Thu Dec 08, 2005 @ 09:59pm · 1 Comments |