Avatar the last Airbender:
Color template
Name: Reach Yun Sei
Age: sixteen
Gender: Female
Race: Earthbender
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Emerald green
Height: 5'2''
Weight: 126 lbs.
Appearance: Ref pic 1 2 3
(The pants go to her ankles, but are pulled up and tied in place atm)
Reach wears a slightly loose fitting, short sleeved shirt, and baggy pants that fit snug near her waist. The shirt is dark green with a tan stripe down the front, and one tan stripe around the collar. The pants have an open slit on each hip for easier movement during bending. The pants are the same color green as the top and have similar tan stripes around the hem and slits.
She wears off-white/gray bandages around her forearms, calves, and her chest/ stomach. Around her wrists are weighted bands that help her steady her hands for difficult and detailed bending.
Reach's hair is an indian-ink black and stops just past her shoulders. It's spiky and always a bit unruly, because she let's it grow as it pleases.
Color template
Name: Reach Yun Sei
Age: sixteen
Gender: Female
Race: Earthbender
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Emerald green
Height: 5'2''
Weight: 126 lbs.
Appearance: Ref pic 1 2 3
(The pants go to her ankles, but are pulled up and tied in place atm)
Reach wears a slightly loose fitting, short sleeved shirt, and baggy pants that fit snug near her waist. The shirt is dark green with a tan stripe down the front, and one tan stripe around the collar. The pants have an open slit on each hip for easier movement during bending. The pants are the same color green as the top and have similar tan stripes around the hem and slits.
She wears off-white/gray bandages around her forearms, calves, and her chest/ stomach. Around her wrists are weighted bands that help her steady her hands for difficult and detailed bending.
Reach's hair is an indian-ink black and stops just past her shoulders. It's spiky and always a bit unruly, because she let's it grow as it pleases.
Bio: Reach is a citizen of the Earth Kingdom, and lives in Ba Sing Se with her aunt and uncle. Her mother lives in Omashu and makes a living on her art pieces crafted from precious stone using earthbending. Reach lives with her aunt and uncle so that she can be in Ba Sing Sei, where it is safer for children. She greatly resents this and wants to live in Omashu. She learned intricate bending, a bending that her mother has mastered, from her mother and enjoys to bend gemstones. Reach's father was an Earthbender who died nobly in war, leaving his wife and child behind. One of the reasons she lives in Ba Sing Sei is that her mother cannot bear to see how much of her father is in Reach. She knows this, but pretends that she doesn't for her mother's sake.
Personality: Reach is a laidback and easygoing person for the most part. She enjoys playing Rock ball (a game similar to soccer that involves using bending) and likes to earthbend when she's alone. During the day she can be found running around the city of Ba Sing Sei with a few other kids that she occasionally hangs around with. Reach loves a challenge and is never one to back down from a fight. It's hard for her to let things go, and forgive because of this. She inherited her short temper and low tolerance for injustice from her father. Even if she doesn't show it, she holds in her feelings when she's in pain so that others won't think she's weak.