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Come And Read My Fan fic. Of Moriah Heru
All Of Moriah Heru Part One
Chapter 1

New Comers

High in the mountains in the village hidden in the valley, the last person still alive stood over the highest cliff looking at her ghost like village. She had bright green eyes like summer grass, long slivery-gray hair down to the middle of her back. It was pulled back in a green ribbon at her shoulders; two feathers were tied in the green ribbon, one red and one yellow. Her bangs were pulled to the sides into braids down to end of her rib cage. Her pale skin matched the color of the snow, with a black bird marking on her back. Her clothing was a bright blue back less shirt with white sleeves, and jeans. A black ribbon kept the shirt from falling off her small body. She had a body of a thirteen year old, but was a lot older then she looks.

She looked at the cloudy sky. “Mother, Father, I wished that you made it here to see on my 22nd birthday.” She said out loud, sadly. The cold winter’s wind blew her hair. “The civil war was only 15 years ago. 15 years I’ve lived alone, because of that war. Now I’m fully grown. I just wish that Kabuto was here ready to take my hand.” She jumped off the cliff and did a summersault. As the she picked up speed the closer the ground was getting. She closed her eyes and made hands signs of a ninja and she addvechly slowed down. She landed softly on the snow with her feet. She has the power of the winds.

The village is 3 days from the village hidden in the leaf, and 5 days way from the sand. So her kind of clan was made up of snow, leaf, and wind. Moriah on the other hand only enharred the wind trait with a bit of snow, but no leaf.

Moriah walked into her empty house. The room was dark and dull, from the lack of life. She walked to the wall and saw the pitcher of her and mother and father. She smiled a fake smile. “I miss you guys.” She said out loud.

“Kakashi sensei, why are we up here!? It’s freakening cold here!” Naruto wined.
“We here for some training.” He answered back with a grin.
“But he is right sensei, its cold up here.” Sasuke agreed with Naruto for once. Kakashi glared at all three of them. Sakura kept her mouth shut. The wind blew a hard cold breeze, toward the village.
“Dang the wind is cold!” Naruto barked. Kakashi just shook his head. ‘Silly kid, this would bring you endures up.’ Kakashi thought.

Moriah was out side doing her normal walk around the path when she smelled company was heading her way. “What! People! No one is aloud to be up here. Only the mountain people are!” Moriah growled. She darted to where the smell was the strongest.

“This is a fine spot. We’ll practice here.” Kakashi said. The students looked at him like he was crazy, maybe he was.
“All right, let us begin shall we?” He warned ready to battle.
“You shouldn’t be here!” a voice growled from a cliff above them. They looked around in terror.
“Who was that?!” Naruto yelled.
Moriah growled again, “Get off this mountain or you’ll find you self’s frozen here!”

Moriah jumped off the cliff and landed on her feet like a cat would. She slowly rose her body up to face them. They all looked at her like she was a ghost of chrismas past or something. Moriah glared at them.
“Off my mountain now, or fight me!” she demanded. They just sat there, Sasuke, and Naruto looked at her with small drool. ‘Dang she’s pretty.’ They both thought at the same time. “Fine, who’s going to fight me?” She snarled. The students pointed at Kakashi. “Fine, I’ll fight you. I’ve fought bigger things then you.” She mocked.

He grinned, “Oh, yeah. Lets see.” He charged at her with a shincen knife. She just stood there, smiling. When he was a few feet in front of her, she jumped in to the air and flip to where she faced him. He didn’t get a chance to even turn, before she hit him with cold wind; forcing him to fall face first into the snow.
“I told you so.” She laughed. Kakashi got up and looked at her. ‘Dang she’s fast. I must use my Sharingan. Just to keep up with her.’ He thought. He lifted up his badge and looked at Moriah with both eyes.
“WHAT THE?! WHAT IS THIS?!” she yelled.
“My sharingan, I can copy any move that you make.” He laughs.
“Fine try this! Wind Style ‘Snow Blizzard’!” she yelled the wind stopped and grew colder and ice came flying at Kakashi at 100 mph. He did the same hand sings and his blocked out her’s.

“What?!” Moriah yelled.
“I’d told you so.” He mimicked her. Moriah growled. ‘He copies my every move with that eye of his…’ she stares at his eye. ‘If I can get him to come to me, I can use a sneak blow.’

“What’s taking you so long, girl?!” Naruto yelled.
Moriah grinned. “Hey I’m waiting for him to attack.” Kakashi looked at her like ‘what?’ “Come on attack me.” Moriah taunted. Kakashi charged at her at faster speed then last time. ‘Dang, he got my speed to. I’m going to have to time this right or else I’m toast.’ She thought.

She watched as he charged at her. Then when he was a few feet in front of her she whispered some words and jumped in the air, faster then anyone has seen before. As Kakashi turned his head, she had a ball of wind in her hands. And then threw into the back of his head. He went crashing down in to the ground once again.
“See I’d told you. Now do you believe me?” she asked sweetly. The kids looked at her with shock and fear in their eyes. ‘Who is this chick? She’s strong; she just brought Kakashi sensei down. She must be something like a Jonin.”

Kakashi got up and cover his sharingan, with his badge. Moriah smiled with victory, but saw a glimpse of blood running down Kakashi’s head.
“Oh My Gosh! I’ve made you bleed, I’m sorry!” She said running to his aid.
“I’m fine.” he growled.
“No I made you bleed. So now I have to treat you.” She growled back, but more politely then he did.

“I said I’m fine.” He pushed her hand away from the wound. Her face was full with torment. She hit him in the head.
“Fine.” He answered.
“Yay!” she cheered. “Then come with me.” She showed them the way to her empty village.

When they got to the village, Moriah showed them to her house. “Welcome to my home. Make your self’s comfortable. I’ll be right back.” She said as the new comers when they went in the door. She on the other hand went to the nurse station across the street from her house. She grabbed a rag and badges, then ran back to her house. She walked in Kakashi was sitting in a small chair, and the kids were wondering around the house.

“Kids, why don’t you guys go out side for a bit and get some herds for me. I need a blue blossom with green pointed leafs.” Moriah asked, trying to get the kids out, so she could ask Kakashi questions.
“Oh, you mean the night flower?” Sakura asked.
Moriah nodded her head. “That’s it, now I need all of you to go look for it.” Moriah added. All of them went out side, now Kakashi and Moriah were all alone.

“Why are you here? With these kids?” Moriah asked putting the rag on his wound.
“Well, I was going to train them in dramatic changes in tempter.” He answered. Moriah stopped the bleeding. But his badge was in the way. She tried to take it off, and he pulled away quickly. Grabbing her hand and pulling her close to his face.
“Don’t do that.” He growled. Moriah was scared. She never had anyone yelled at her like that.
“Sor-sorry.” She said frighten. Kakashi dropped his grip around her. A tear ran down her face.
“Sorry about that.” He said trying to make her laugh, but it didn’t work. Moriah pulled her hands close to her chin and put her head down.
“It’s okay; you’d had full right to yell at me.” She said sadly.

It sounded like she was about to cry.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you, it’s just I live for this badge. And I don’t take it off unless I have to.” He apologized. Moriah kept her head down. Kakashi felt a bit sorry for her. ‘How long has she been up here?’ he asked himself.
Moriah looked away to the bandages, and reached for them. Kakashi took off his badge and close his left eye.
“Here, I took it off so you can…” Moriah looked at him, and touched the wound with the rag again, then rapped the bandages around the wound. “How long have you’ve been alone? Did you live here you’re whole life? Where are the rest of your people?” he asked calmly.
Moriah stopped and looked at his face. “What, are we playing 20 questions?” she joked. Kakashi smiled and looked at the floor. Moriah begin to rap his head again.
“Well the first answer is for 15 years, I’ve never been around another person for 15 years. The 2nd one is yes I was born here. This is my 22nd my birthday today. Then the last one…” She stopped, she finished rapping his wound. Kakashi looked into her face and blushed. Moriah looked away to the floor again.

“So what happen to them?” He asked again.
“They’d all died.” She said turn toward the door. Kakashi eyes grew wide. ‘She’s like me, lost everyone that’s close to her.’ Kakashi tied the badge around his head covering his Sharingan. Moriah hugged herself, and couldn’t stop the feeling of being alone. Kakashi walked behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder.
“How about you join us, I mean if you want.” Kakashi said, trying to hide the fact that he was starting to like this girl. Moriah turned to him, looking into his eye.

“Oh, by the way my name is Kakashi Hatake.” He ginned. “My students are Naruto Uzumaki, the blonde hair kid, Sasuke Uchiha, the black hair kid, and Sakura Haruno the girl.” Kakashi explained.
Moriah smiled, “I’m Moriah Heru, of the hidden valley clan.” Moriah said. Kakashi grew confused.
“I thought that the hidden valley was only myth?” he said. Moriah shook her head.
“No, we…I am not a myth.” Moriah sighed.

Kakashi moved closer to her, he was 5’’9 and she was only 5’’7. So he looked down at her. “Well since you don’t have anybody to talk to, why don’t you come with us to the village hidden in the leaves?” he invited her. Moriah looked up into his face.
“I would love to see people again. I know that I’m a bit slow on my social skills, I have to admit. But hopefully you can lead me in the right direction.” Moriah blushed.
“Hopefully, I would.” He blushed back. Kakashi bought his face closer to hers, rapping his hand around her cheek. Moriah watched as he pulled her into him. Kakashi’s lips barely touched her, and then the door flew open. Kakashi and Moriah jumped back with blood red faces. Sakura came in with the night flowers with Naruto and Sasuke arguing right behind her.

“I got the night flowers, like you asked, miss.” Sakura said sweetly, walking toward her. Naruto looked at Kakashi sensei.
“Why is your face so red, sensei?” he asked. Kakashi blushed even more.
“Well, it’s a long story.” He scratched his head.
“Were you reading one of your books again?” Sasuke had to ask.
“You can say that.” He ginned. Moriah kept her mouth shut and looked at Kakashi. ‘Book?’ she thought. “Well, any ways.” Kakashi cleared his throat. “Moriah here is one of us now. She is all alone up here and has no one to talk to. So be nice to her.”
“Awww, Kakashi sensei finally got him self a girlfriend.” Naruto laughed. Moriah even turned redder. She hid her face in the flowers. Sakura looked at her, with curiosity. Then it hit her, Moriah and Kakashi only wanted to be alone to talk and Moriah fell for him, big time.
“Naruto! Be nice!” Sakura hit him in the head. Naruto grabbed his head in pain, “Ow!” Sasuke grinned. He knew what was going on as well.
“Well, everyone can rest for a while and you kids can start your training tomorrow. Because the way the snow is falling, it won’t stop until tonight.” Moriah subjected. “Maybe if you guys train hard enough tomorrow, I’ll take you to a hot spring around here.” Everyone’s face light up.
“Really, you’ll do that?” Naruto asked joyfully. Moriah nodded her head.
“Alright it’s settled. You’ll sleep here for the night, and train tomorrow.” She headed into the door way. “Come on Naruto, and Sasuke. Your room should be here.” She swung her head to the two rooms. “Just pick a room that you want.” Naruto picked the one on the right and Sasuke picked the one a crossed the hall from him. They unloaded their backpacks and sat them on the floor.

Then Moriah walked back into the main room with Sakura and Kakashi. “Kay, Kakashi your room would be in here.” She walked to the other side of the house, to a master bed room. His eyes widen.
“Dang, this is a big room.” He spoke out loud. Moriah looked at him.
“Why, is something wrong?” Kakashi looked at her, and scratched his head.
“Why, no. it just that. Well, where are you going to sleep?” He asked. Sakura stepped behind Moriah.
“Excuse me, miss. But can I sleep with you?” She asked sweetly, like a child with a nightmare. Moriah nodded her head and closed her eyes with a smile.
“Well, of cores you can. We’ll just have to sleep in a different house that’s all.” She frowned. Sakura tilted her head and saw a small glimpse of depression. Kakashi felt the same way. He wanted to talk to her more. Moriah lifted her head up with a smile. “Well, I have to say good-night and leave you boys alone.” She said and turned to the hall way, with Sakura fallowing her like a lost puppy.
“Good-night… Moriah.” Moriah turned to him. She liked the way he said her name, it sounded as if it came from his heart. Moriah finally felt like she found her place in the world. She belonged to Kakashi.

Chapter 2

New Beginning

Almost 4 mouths pasted by and Moriah, become friends with her new guest. And it was New Years Eve. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke make gifts for their new trainer. They all came back to the meeting place by the cliff and showed off what they got.
“Look what I got. I got her some ramen that she likes, beef and pork. Mmmmm.” He held it up high like a trophy.
“Well, look what I got her.” Sakura growled. “A bowke of red lilies. She’ll love mine, so nph xp.” She smelled them, holding them up to her nose.
“Humph. My will be better then all of yours times two.” Sasuke mocked. He pulled out some huge hock feathers. “The room I’d stayed in has a bunch of feathers in it so; I figured that she likes to collect feathers.” Sasuke said, like he won. Kakashi walked by reading his porn book.
“What on earth are you guys doing?” Kakashi asked looking up from his book.
“Well, today is New Years Eve. And we want to give Moriah something for her first New Years with us.” Naruto shouted. Kakashi looked at them with curiosity, then their gifts.
“Then that means I got to give her one to!” He shouted, he shoved the book into his pocket and ran off.
“Ahmmm. Was that subpost to happen?” Naruto asked. Kakashi ran off to the hot springs, where he last saw a blue rose bush. ‘Night roses, she said the best flower that described her is a night rose. ‘He ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

As he turned the corner his feet slid, casing the dust to fly up. When the dust cleared up Kakashi saw something that he didn’t intend to see. Moriah was fully naked, no bandages or any thing, her naked body was about to entered to hot spring. Kakashi turned blood red in the face. Moriah turned her head to see who was behind her. Once she realized she had her back to him and coved her self the best that she could.
“Ka-Ka-Shi… Wha-What are you… Doing here?” She stuttered, hoping he didn’t see any thing. He turned around to where his back was to her.
“Sor-Sorry. I was going to get something from here. I didn’t know it was being used. I’ll go a head and leave.” He stuttered back. Moriah quickly got into the water.
“You can turn now.” Moriah said softly. Kakashi’s face was on fire from the embarrassment.
“Are you sure?” He asked, a little shocked and surprised.
“If you want to you can come in to. BUT, we have to stay back to back.” Kakashi’s eyes widen like they were going to pop out, of his head. He turned to find Moriah sitting in the middle with her back ageist him.
“You trust me that much?” He said, a bit sacred of her answer.
“I trust you, even to the end. So yes I trust you enough for if we even did…” She stopped.
“Enough for what?” He pushed, taking off his clothing.
“I trust you more then you doing this.” She blushed, hoping he didn’t catch it. He stepped into the water, and sat behind her.
“More then this, eh.” Kakashi sat with his back straight. Moriah turned her head with her eyes closed.
“Yeah you know what, you’re done.” She laughed. Kakashi stared at her pretty face, and couldn’t help but laugh back. Moriah lend back, having her bear back against his. Her warm, soft body felt good against his, he felt fully complete.

Later Moriah fell asleep, she rapped one arm under his and grabbing his shoulder, and the other one on just his shoulder to support her weight. He could feel everything even; things that are suppose to be untouchable.
‘Oh, s**t! Okay just calm down.’ He thought. ‘This is so like my book. QUIT THINKING ABOUT THAT! GRAAAHHHHHH!’ Kakashi was going insane, by this. ‘Kay must remain calm. Think unpurved thoughts… God help me.’
Later when Kakashi gained his self-control back, even though his manly hood and even his head was throbbing. Moriah woke with her head on his back. She quickly pulled her arms away.
“Oh…I’m….” Moriah stared but Kakashi cut her off.
“Wow I’ve never had a girl do that to me, before.” He grinned, to make her feel uncomfortable and it worked. Moriah blushed, big time.
“Well, you were…”
“I was what?” he asked. He wanted to turn around and touch her. But he was gentleman, and he knew better then that. Moriah face was red from the heat of the water and the embarrassment.
“You were quite comfortable.” Moriah sighed. She wanted to say something else but couldn’t. “Well, it’s about time I get out so if you could.”
“Don’t worry I wont look.” Kakashi smiled. ‘Enough I wish I could.’
“I don’t mind it any more.” Moriah admitted. Kakashi reopened his eyes.
“WHAT.” He shouted trying to look at her. He turned around, but she wasn’t there. She was all ready at the shore fully dress, standing by his close.
“By the way what were you here before you knew I was here?” she asked. Kakashi blushed, and coved his left eye.
“Well, I was getting you…”He stopped.
“A what?” She asked, sweetly. Trying to get him to answer.
“The kids wanted you so I came here for you.” He lied. “But I didn’t know you would be…. Ready to get in the water.”
Moriah sighed. She turned around to head where their meeting place was. ‘Damn it! How does she do that? No one ever made me feel this way before.’ He thought to his self.

Moriah was at the meeting place but no one was there, so she head back to the house. Sad enough they were there. They all pounded on her like a cat on a mouse.
“Look we’ve got gifts for you!” Naruto hollered. “See, see. Here’s what I got you, your favorite ramen.” He held it up in her face. Moriah flinched back, to get every thing back into focus.
“Wow, thank you Naruto. I’ll enjoy this.” She said, rapping her hands around the glass bowl.
“Now, me!” Sakura yelled, push Naruto away. “I’ve got you some red lilies. Aren’t they pretty and they smelled nice to.” Sakura exhaled in one breath.
“Thank you, Sakura. They are pretty.” Moriah said, softly. Sakura giggled. Then she laid them on the table, ready to put in a vase. Sasuke walked up, for his turn.
“Here, I hope you’ll like them.” He handed her two giant hock fathers. Moriah’s face light up.
“Lovely hock fathers, Sasuke!” She shouted. She took them and tied them around her shirt’s ribbon. “Thank you all for your wonderful gifts. I’d just wished I got you guys something.” She wined.
“Don’t worry about it. We wanted to give you these gifts.” They all said at the same time. Moriah nodded her head.

It was starting to get dark. Moriah ate her ramen, and put up her new red lilies, in a green vase on the table. The kids went off to find some thing to do. Moriah went out side and sat in her usual spot, on New Years, to watch the fire works of the leaf village. She sat there with her legs curled up to her chest and her arms under her legs hugging them to her chest.

Kakashi walked behind her, and smiled. She was alone for once. No kids around her.
“Hey, there.” He said as he sat beside her. Moriah looked at him. Her head fallowed him as he moved. “It’s such a beautiful night for the leaf’s fire-works.” Moriah nodded her head.
“I love to watch them. The colors are so beautiful.” Moriah said quietly, looking in to the night sky. Kakashi looked at her and then to village, it was only a 3 day walk from here.

He pulled out his porn book and stared to read it. Moriah looked at the book. ‘He reads that a lot. What is it about?’ she asked her self. Then her eyebrow rose up and an evil smirk appeared. She had an evil plot, to steal the book and see what his reaction is.

She grabbed the book and made a run for it. “Yoingk! Thank you.” She shouted as she grabbed it. Kakashi freaked.
“Oi!” he said off guard. “Give it back!” he yelled as he caches her in circles.
“Make Me!” She joked. She ran off, looking behind her, to see how close he was. Then he made the same smirk that she did.
“Is that so?” He whispered in her ear behind her.

Before she knew it his lips were on hers in a passionate kiss. Moriah moaned into the kiss as his tongue licked her bottom lip. Their tounges engaged in a fierce battle until they broke for air. Kakashi smirked.
"Thank you." he said taking his book back.
"Hey!" Moriah said and pouted.
"You said 'make me' and I made you give it back." She kissed him again. He dropped his book this time as his hands slid around her waist while she rapped arms around his neck. The fireworks came up, as they kissed again. Then they broke.
"Happy new year Kakashi." she whispered in his ear. Kakashi smiled. They head off back to the house, but came across the hot spring’s cave. It’s all ways warm inside from the steam of the water, entering the cave. Moriah tugged him into the cave, to show him some thing that would change everything, and make a new beginning for the new Team 7.

“Moriah what are we doing here?” He asked. ‘Boy it’s hot in here.’ He thought. Moriah started a small fire, by a wall. As the cave light up, there was cave paints every where.
“This is where my people went to hide when the war was going on.” She explained. Kakashi looked around at all the paintings. “Each one tells a story.” He looked at her; she had her head down in depression, and then looked back to the paintings.
“Hey what’s this about?” He pointed to a child painting. It was a child by it’s self as other people ran off with spears and bows. Moriah looked over it.
“That one was….Mine. Its how I was left here by my self as the rest of my clan ran to fight. I was too young and to value able to fight, comparing to what my parents thought.” Moriah finished. Kakashi walked over to her, he rapped his arms around her waist.
“You’re not alone any more now. You’ve got us now.” He said to cheer her up. Moriah looked at him, and smiled, but only a fake one. Kakashi wanted her to forget the past and move on, thinking about her future.

The next morning Moriah woke up fully dressed and in a bed. She got up to readjust her to her surroundings. Kakashi was already up and running around. The door opened, Moriah though it was Kashi.
“Kakashi?” She asked, looking around the door.
“Good morning Lady Moriah.” Sakura said with joy. “Did you sleep well?” Sakura had a tray of bacon and eggs, with orange juice. She sat on the bed and laid the tray beside her. “Here I made this for you. I hope you’ll like it.” She smiled. Moriah sat beside the young girl, and grabbed the fork. Stabbing one of the eggs she lifts it into her mouth. Her face lighted up.
“Wow, these are really good. I’ve only ate my own cook for so long that I forgotten what everything taste like.” She complemented. Sakura giggled. The door flew open again; a glimpse of blonde hair gave him away.
“Sakura, is it true that we’re going back to the village today?!” Naruto shouted, joyfully. Moriah looked at him with bacon hanging from her mouth.
“Naruto, do you ever knock anymore?!” Sakura yelled at him. Moriah stirred at him.
“What?” She asked, shocked. Then Sasuke walks in with his hands in his pockets.
“I heard that, we’re leaving and going back to the village. Kakashi sensei told me that we’re leaving this after noon, after we get our gear ready.” Sasuke added on. Moriah felt uncomfortable. All three kids were cheering on, ecstatically.

‘Well there ready to go home. I guess that I be ready to go to my new home, with people.’ Moriah thought. Her head begin to slip down to the tray of food. The only thing left was the last bacon. She just stirred at it like it was her. Naruto grabbed it and ate it.
Sakura jumped up and hit him in the head. “Naruto you idiot! That was Moriah’s!” Sasuke shook his head in disgrace. “I’m sorry Moriah, Naruto can…” She looked at Moriah. Her face was still glued to the tray. “Moriah?” She asked.
“Hu, what?” Moriah said as she lifted her head up.
“What’s wrong?” Sakura asked. Moriah looked up to the short pink hair girl.
“Oh I was just thinking that’s all.” Moriah said, a little gloomy.
“About what?” Naruto asked. The other two kids stirred at him. Then Kakashi walked in.
“Hey, how come everybody is in here?” He asked. The kids gathered around him. They all talked at once, then ran off to get there things. Kakashi sat by Moriah and looked at her face. Her face was toward the ground in depression. “Moriah?” Moriah looked up to him. Her bright green eyes looked to his blue eye. He moved the tray on the in table by the bed, and scooted over by her. “Hey, you’ll love our village. There’s many thing there. You can met new people, and make some friends. I know that my friend Gai will like you.”
Moriah smiled and then looked to the floor. “Its not that I don’t want to go, it’s just that…“ Naruto walks in. the two adults looked at him.
“Kakashi sensei we’re ready.” Naruto said pleased. Kakashi dropped his head and sighed.
“Alright, just wait out side.” He let out in one breath. Naruto walked out the door and closed it behind him.
“Man, was it something I said?” Naruto asked him self.

Moriah jumped from her seat. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. I’ll make an impression to the village so people will know my name. I’ll be a Joini in training.” Moriah announced. Kakashi looked at her. ‘Hopefully she doesn’t get the dangerous missions. I don’t know what I’ll do if something happens to her.’ Kashi thought to himself. He stood up and rapped his hands around her waist.
“Then that means I have to be your teacher as well.” He joked. Moriah blushed; she covered her face with her hands in a shyly manner. Kakashi kissed her forehead though his mask. “Let us start our journey.” He said. They both walked out the door and into the snowy, cold land. They all headed off to the village hidden in the leaves.

Chapter 3

Faded Memories

The new group of Team 7 wondered off onto the path of the mountain’s end, on to the Leaf Village. A day has past of walking, when an unexpected guest showed up. It was mid noon, the group stopped to rest for a bit. Moriah pulled out some fruit and handed them out one by one.
“Thanks, Moriah.” The kids said at once. Kakashi looked over to her hands. She was handing out peaches.
“Moriah, where did you get those? I didn’t see you grab any on the mountain.” Kakashi asked. Moriah looked at him.
“Don’t worry they’re fine. I’d picked them last night while the kids were asleep. And you were reading your book in a tree.” Moriah explained. Kakashi tilted his head in confusion, and smiled. Kakashi touched her hand with his own, grasping her hand and the last peach. Moriah blushed like crazy, and turned her head to the ground. Sakura looked at them, and giggled. Which broke Kakashi’s grip around her hand; Kashi grabbed the peach and pulled his mask off to eat it. Moriah on the other hand eat hers, facing away from Kakashi to keep from making contact with him.

But the way she moved, she felt of pretence of a person. The bushes move to a human’s movement. Kakashi jumped up and threw a kunine knife at it, and out came a person. He had long sliver hair like Kakashi’s, pulled up in a low pony tail to keep it out of his face. He wore a purple shirt with gray sleeves, and black pants. His face was a more of a girly face with green eyes like Moriah and he wore black round glasses. He looked as the same age as Moriah, only with more of a year printed on him.

“Kabuto, you little sneak. What are you doing here?” Kakashi demanded. Moriah turned and saw the boy rise up, in a battle position.
“Why if, it isn’t Kakashi and his misfits.” Kabuto mocked. Moriah looked at him with her head tilted. ‘Kabuto, is that really him?’ She asked her self.
“Kabuto? Is that really you?” Moriah shouted. Kabuto looked at her like who the hell are you? Then he suddenly realized that it was his fiancée.
“Moriah?” He asked. He started walking toward his lost love. “Moriah Heru, is that really you?” He whet on. Kakashi jumped in front of her to protect her from him. Moriah grabbed Kakashi’s shoulders and whispered to him. The only thing that Kabuto got her was, My Love. “So you left me to got to this old teacher?!” Kabuto growled. Moriah stirred at him.
“Well, yeah you left me up on the mountain and never came back up to get me. We were supposed to get married on my 16th birthday. But you weren’t there. So I’ve learn to get over the fact that you would never come for me.” Moriah growled back, but more furious.
“I was on my way right now. I was training how to heal. Thank you very much.” Kabuto yelled.
“It’s over before it even started Kabuto, you ran away when the war broke out. When you were 7, remember? You left me on that day, just to save your own skin.” Moriah shouted. “So now I proclaim that we’re over Kabuto!” Kabuto clinched his fist into balls.
“So that’s how you want it. Then if I cant have you then NO ONE CAN!” Kabuto charged at Kakashi and Moriah. Kakashi got ready to fight, but before he could remove his badge over his eye. Moriah was already in front of him. The kids watched horrified of their new friend charging at an enemy.
“Moriah! Don’t!” Kakashi shouted, but it was to late. She was already grabbing Kabuto by the shirt throwing him to the ground, with great strength. Kakashi watched as he never seen her do these moves before.

Kabuto dogged from hitting the ground and got a knife out. “You will fall.” He growled. He jumped into the air, getting ready to stab her in the chest. But Moriah quickly made some hand signs and pulled her hands apart. A giant wind ball was made up of yellow chakra. Everyone stirred at the wind ball.
“WINDS OF A BIRD! CHIRA! Moriah shouted. The wind ball looked like Kakashi’s Chidori, but was yellow instead of blue, and it was wind not lighting. As the ball spun in her hand, Kabuto was hit in the stomach with the ball, which sent him spinning into a tree 20 yards away from his starting point. As Moriah lowered her arm down to her waist the group looked at her with amazement in their eyes. Even Kakashi was shock to see something that close to the Chidori.

Their mouths were dropped, for what just happened. “So onward we go!” She cheered. The kids looked at Kabuto, his unconscious body fell on to the ground on to his stomach.
“What about him?” Naruto asked, getting ready to have to fight. Moriah looked at Kabuto’s body, and smiled.
“Don’t worry he’ll be out of it for at lest, 5 hours.” Moriah laughed. Everyone stirred at her. “So on to the village we go.” She started walking to the village by her self. She was about 5 yards away. “Come on you guys. Don’t you guys want to get home?!” she shouted. They all ran to catch up to her. Five hours later Kabuto woke up to the rain poring down on his back.
“You left me for…HIM. THEN I’LL HAVE TO MAKE YOU FALL FOR ME ONCE AGAIN!” he yelled, he was so angry that he hit the tree with his fist, that made a gapping dent.
 

Two days later, Moriah was in Kakashi’s house asleep. Kakashi was already up and dress, he went down stairs and started making breakfast. Moriah woke up to the sun light gleaming in her face. She rose her body up and felt sick to her stomach. She ran to the bathroom, feeling like she was going to lose it. Moriah started vomiting into the pot.
“Blah” Moriah grunted. She lifted her head up to face the mirror. The bathroom was sit up as a small bathroom, first thing from the door was the sink and the bathroom mirror. Then right beside the sink was the toilet. At the end of the wall was the bath/shower tub.

Kakashi came running to Moriah’s grunting. “What’s wrong?!” he shouted. Moriah looked at him with a hit of green in her face, that shown that she was sick.
“I don’t- blah.” She tried to say. Her head was right back into the toilet. Kakashi walked over to her and rubbed her back. She stopped for a monument. Then door bell rung. Kakashi looked into the hall way down the stairs to the front door.
“I’ll be right back, kay.” He said. He patted her back and ran down the stairs to the front door.

He sung the door open. There were two people standing at the door. Both looked like Join by their jackets.
“Genei, Righto? What are you guys here for?” Kakashi asked. Moriah looked up from the toilet.
“Kakashi who is it?” she asked sickly. She got up and walked to the beginning of the stairs. Her face was a little more paler then normal. She was wearing Kakashi’s black shirt and his baggy black pants. Her closes were in the wash. The two men looked up to her. “Kakashi?” Moriah asked again.
“Don’t worry, they’re Join like me.” He laughed. He looked at them, and they kept their eyes on Moriah. Moriah walked down the stairs.
“Hi there.” She said joyfully, welcoming new visitors. She rapped her arms around Kakashi’s waist, to show that she’s with him. The men cleared their throats.
“Kakashi, the Lady Hokage wants you to do a mission, since you came in late.” Righto explained. Kakashi looked at him. Moriah looked at Kakashi, and he looked at her.
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. It’s just my body is trying to get use to the weather, that’s all.” Moriah said.
“But I worry, too much for you. I don’t know what I’ll do if something happens to you.” Kakashi said. Moriah closed her eyes.
“Kakashi, I’ll be fine. Now go and do your mission.” Moriah snapped.

“Fine. I’ll get Sakura to take care of you while I’m gone.” Kakashi subjected. Moriah glared at him.
“Kakashi what do you not get about me being fine?” Moriah growled. Kakashi started to walk out the door.
“I’ll see you later, okay.” He said as the other two men fallowed him to the city hall. “I love you.” He said as a good-bye. Moriah stepped out the door and waved.
“I love you to. And don’t you bring Sakura into this!” Moriah said as her good by.

Kakashi and the men walked to the main building. Righto looked over to Kakashi with an odd face.
“Kakashi, why that girl was quite the catch, isn’t she.” Righto complemented. Geni looked at Kakashi.
“But she looked like she was only 13. God Kakashi I didn’t know you were into that young.” Geni joked. Kakashi glared at them.
“She, 22 years old, I’m not type of guy to go chasing after girls that young.” Kakashi scold. After that Geni and Righto kept to them self’s for the rest of the trip.

Moriah went up stairs, and lay on the bed, of green and black star covers. She sighed and tried to go back to sleep. But someone busted through the door. Moriah ran down stairs to see who it was.
“Kakashi! Where are you?! I heard you’re finally back and we must have our annual duel.” Moriah caught a glimpse of guy wearing a green jump suit.
“Gai?” Moriah asked. The man turned to her. Knowing that black hair cut and those bushy eyebrows, it was Gai.
“Who are you?!” Gai yelled pointing the finger at Moriah. Moriah giggled.
“I guessing you’re Gai, right?” Moriah asked. Gai looked at her with fight in his face.
“How do you know my name? And why are you in Kakashi’s house?”
“I’m Moriah, I live here with Kakashi.” Moriah said calmly, trying not to laugh. Gai looked at her and lowered his guard toward her.
“So you live here with him. Then what is you relationship with him?” He asked. Moriah stopped laughing for a monument and smiled.
“Well, I’m his girlfriend.” Moriah said. Gai gasped, with shock.
“WHA-“He yelled. “Are you really is lover?!” Moriah smiled and nodded her head yes. “Then where is he? I want to fight him.” Gai asked trying to regain self control.
“Oh he just left to go on a mission. If you hurry to the main building you can catch up to him.” Moriah explained.
“Thank you. I’ll do that.” Gai said. He head to the door. He opened the door. “Oh, by the way. It was nice meeting you, Moriah. Maybe we can all hang out or even train together.” Moriah nodded.
“Yeah I hope so to.” Moriah exhaled. Then Gai walked out the door. Moriah started heading back to the bedroom.
“Hey, Moriah. There’s a girl here for you.” Gai shouted as Moriah was half way up the stairs. Her eyes widen, she turned her head to face him. A girl with short pink hair was standing in front of the door. Moriah walked down stairs trying to keep from shouting at the invisible Kakashi.

“Good morning lady Moriah. Kakashi sensei sent me to keep you company while he was out.” Sakura said. Moriah’s face turned red from anger.
“Come right in. I wasn’t expecting you. So make your self right at home.” Moriah said through her teeth. Sakura walked in and head for the kitchen to make lunch. Gai left to train his students. Moriah on the other hand stood right in front of the door.
“KAKASHI HATAKE!!!” Moriah shouted. Her voice echoed through out the village, clear past the gates. Kakashi lifted his head from hearing his name be called out by Moriah’s angry voice.
“Gees. What do you do?!” Righto asked. Kakashi closed his eyes.
“Let’s go before she finds me.” Kakashi said. Righto and Geni left onward to their mission.

Moriah closed the door knowing that it would be awhile before Kakashi gets back. She walked into the kitchen where Sakura was. She started to have color back into her face. Sakura started making tea that Moriah loved, to make her feel a little better.
“Kakashi sensei said that you weren’t feeling very well. That’s why he sent me.” Sakura said. Moriah sat at the coffee table; she crossed her legs on the floor and placed her hands on the table.
“I told him not to worry about me. My body is just getting use to this place, that’s all. If he worries too much on me, then he wouldn’t pay attention to his mission.” Moriah sighed, with guilt.
“Don’t worry sensei is the greatest at these things. He’ll come back in no time…” Sakura said sitting beside Moriah. “But he said this mission might take him a month.” Sakura finished. Moriah stirred at her with her mouth dropped.
“A MONTH?!” Moriah yelled. Sakura looked at her, confused.
“Yeah, he has to go to the land hidden in the mist and retrieve someone for the Hokage.” Sakura explained. “It takes seven days to get there and seven day to come back.” Moriah looked at her hands.
“Well, it looks like I have to wait for him, then.” Moriah sighed. Sakura hugged her.
“That’s why I’m here!” She laughed. Moriah couldn’t but to laugh back.

The day went by, and Sakura went to sleep in the spear bedroom. Moriah lay in Kakashi’s bed trying to go to sleep. ‘Kakashi, where are you?’ Moriah asked her self. Then fade off to sleep.

Moriah how could you leave me for that old teacher? How can you leave me…? The words that kept running through Moriah’s head, in Kabuto’s voice. Moriah woke up in the middle of the night with a jolt. “What the?” she spoke out loud. Her body clasped on the bed. “I have to get Kabuto out of my mind. I have to put the past behind me. Make him into a faded memory, and forget about it.” Moriah said before she went to sleep.

A month past by since Kakashi left, and the roomer was that he was coming back today. Moriah was happy to find out that he’s coming back; but her sickness got worst. She was vomiting more, and can’t keep any food down. Moriah got up and ran to the bathroom. Sakura woke up to Moriah slamming the bathroom door.
'Oh God Not again please!' Moriah thought, but her body did it again. She threw up in to toilet. Sakura knocked on the door.
“Moriah are you ok you kept running off maybe you should see Tsunade?" she asked worried.
"I'll be fine let’s just go to the village gates already" Moriah reply shaking after the horrible sickness. They both left and walked to the north gate of Konoha, and they both stood there excited, but Moriah was neverous it had been a month since she had seen Kakashi. And to add on the drama she skipped her period last month. So a week ago she took the test and it was positive.

In the distance Moriah saw gravity defying hair and she knew it could only be Kakashi. Sakura nudged her out of her train of thought and she ran into the arms of her one and only love. He picks Moriah up and spins her around.
"I missed you so much Moriah" He whispers as he puts her back down.
"I missed you too kashi" Moriah said cheerfully, but sounded like she was hiding something as well. By the way her voice was he could tell something was wrong, but he would wait until they were alone to ask.

So the day went on every greeted Kakashi, as him and Moriah was walking to the Ramon Stop restrunt. Kakashi pulled Moriah into the ally a crossed the street.
"Okay we're alone now what’s wrong hun?" He asks with a worried expression. Moriah looks at him.
"Well I have some news that might affect our lives but you can probably guess what it is now" She said with a half smile. He looked at her confused for about 10 minutes. He still hadn’t figured it out even though she stretched out his hands on her stomach which had grown abit since he left.
" Oh for petes sake Kakashi I’m pregnant!!" Moriah yelled the street goes quiet and she turned bright red.
"Oh...my...god…IM SO HAPPY!" He yelled he starts to dance but he looks like an insane person. He grabbed Moriah by the arm and pulled her into him. He hugged her gentle but firmly. He kissed her on the forehead.
“You’re not mad at me?” Moriah asked confusedly.

“Mad…Why would I be mad at you?” he asked with his head tilted. Moriah sighed…
“Well, this means. We have to change our lives a bit.” Moriah looked to the ground. “I want to become a sensei like you. Have my own team.” Kakashi stair at her for awhile, like she was going to vanish right before him.
“Well, if that’s what you want, I’ll take you to see the lady Hokage. You have to ask her you’re self though.” Moriah smiled.
“Okay, Kakashi.”

Chapter 4

Nightmares Growing Into Realty

Moriah woke up, with Kakashi beside her. She sat up and looked at him, and smiled. She pulled the blanket off of her, and felt the cold floor beneath her white socks. She walked to the closet and got dressed. There was a knock at the door. Moriah ran to the door, and opened it. It was still dark out here, and telling how dark it was it was about 5:30 in the morning.

At the door were Guy, and Rock Lee right beside him. “Mad’ dam.” Guy spoke quietly. “The lady Hokage is ready to see, you.” Moriah nodded her head. She looked up the stairs, and hoped that Kakashi wouldn’t wake up until she returned. She looked back to the latex man. “I’m ready to go.” They all walked out in to the street and head to the main building.

The sun rose up into the sky. Kakashi rubbed his face and rolled over to get the sun out of his face. But felt nothing but covers and no warmth of a body next to him. Kakashi quickly opened his eye, to find emptiness. He sat up and looked around the room trying to find a glimpse of life, but still nothing. He jumped out of the bed with only black boxers on and a white t. he ran down stairs hoping that he would find her in the kitchen. “Moriah!” he cried out loud, as he turned the corner. He looked but no one was there. He’s face grew to more of a fearful expression. “Moriah! Moriah Where Are You!” he cried as he moved to the sitting room. But still no life expect to the house old plants. He ran out side grabbing his Joini jacket and throwing in on, and dashing out side. Kakashi slammed the door behind him and ran off, to find her.

Moriah reached the main building. Guy told her a week ago, that the only way that Lady Tsunade would let her jump to Joini was if she could be earthier beat Shizue, or Righto. Well Moriah picked to go ageist Shizue, because she wanted a challenge. Moriah wanted to push her self, to find her limits, since she self-taught her self.

She went in side and walked up the stairs to the Hokage’s office. She opened the door. Tsunade sat at her desk and Shizue stood be side her. “Well look who this is.” Tsunade said with a friendly smile. Shizue looked at Moriah and smiled.
“I believe this is our new ninja…Moriah Heru.” Shizue spoke. The Lady Hokage looked at Moriah.
“So you’re Moriah Heru? Well welcome to the Leaf Village. What Village Are You From?” She asked, trying to make Moriah feel welcomed, and less nervous. Moriah looked at her with a bit of a lonely look in her eyes.
“I’m from the Village Hidden in the Valley.” Moriah spoke quietly. Shizue bounced back in shock. But Tsunade just stirred with her chin on her hands.
‘Awww, a member of the valley village, a land that had a sprit guardian. Just like the nine tailed fox, but this one is like a god to them. But this one chooses its host like a partite, to live in, but can’t get out unless the host body dies…. There’s only one problem with this equation. She’s the last of her kind, telling how her eyes were when I asked her where’s she’s from. So the sprit will die if she dies.’

Moriah looked down to the ground, feeling like she’s an invader. “Well, Moriah you’re here to become a Joini right…and I can tell there is some else that you want.” Tsunade said with a fighting smile. Moriah looked up to her; her mind was read she did want else with that occupation. She wanted her own team, she want to become like Kakashi.
“I want to become like Kakashi, and Guy. I want to have my own team, to train. Even thou I’m still learning how to talk to people, this would be a good experience for me.” Moriah spoke out loud. Tsunade lifted her head in surprisement, but then lowered her head back down, closed her eyes and smiled.

“I’m sorry but I have to refuse, your request.” Moriah looked up to her and her mouth drooped, and she felt like her dreams were crushed. Moriah felt like she was going to loose her mind, as she started too looked to the ground. Tsunade spoke. “But~ you have to change teams. We have teams that don’t have a teacher. So now you’ve will become theirs.” Moriah looked up to her and the sadly face melted away and got replaced with a joyful smile.
“Really, I can have my own class?!” Tsunade smiled and closed her eyes. Shizue backed up. “AHHEEEEE! Do you think she’s ready for her own class?” Shizue squealed.
“Of course she’s ready, but she has to beat you if she wants to jump all the way to Joini.” The lady said. Moriah nodded her head.
“I’m always ready for a battle.” Moriah spoke.

Some one was running to the Hokage’s office. A glance of bright blonde hair and that voice showed that it was Naruto. “Grandma Tsunade!” he yelled as he burst through the door. He looked at them and then he moved his eyes to Moriah. He blushed and scratched his head. “Well, Moriah what are you doing here?” he asked. Moriah looked at him and Tsunade spoke for her.
“She’s here to become a ninja.” Naruto stirred at Moriah. “But I don’t know what rank to put her in.” Naruto turned his attention to the Hokage.
“She’s really strong she moved a lot faster then Kakashi sensei did with out his shuning gun.” Naruto said, proudly. Tsunade and Shizue looked at Moriah like she was an alien.
“What is that true?!” Shizue asked frighten. Moriah looked at her, and nodded her head slowly.
“Yeah then she moved even faster when sensei used it. She timed it just right to over throwing into the snow.” Naruto added. In Moriah’s head she was saying ‘Naruto! You’re going to get me in trouble.’ Naruto stopped. And looked at Moriah’s face, she was embarrassed.
“Well, it looks like you’ve got a challenge there, Shizue.” Tsunade laughed. Moriah smiled, hoping that she did something good. Naruto looked at Shizue and back to Moriah.
“I can tell you already that Lady Moriah can beat Shizue, less then one minute.” Naruto said, like he was putting his money on Moriah. Moriah stirred at Naruto, with her mouth dropped. Sweat dropped down her face, and she scratched her head.

“Now, Naruto, give Shizue some credit.” Moriah said, politely.
“Why you want to make a bet on that, Naruto!?” Tsunade said, ready to take the bet. Naruto nodded his head.
“Yeah I’ll take a bet on that, grandma. Moriah would totally trash her.” Naruto argued back. Moriah looked at the Hokage then to Shizue, who was just sighing, then back at Naruto.

Kakashi was running around the market place. “Moriah, Moriah are you here?!” He hollered, in the gorier store. Every one turned their heads to him.
“Moriah?” the store keeper asked. Kakashi turned to him, and described her to him. But the man shook his head no. Kakashi dropped his head in defeat, and then walked out of the store.
“Ummmm…does he know he’s still he’s in boxers?” the keeper’s younger daughter said. The keeper looked at his daughter and shrugged. “Let’s get back to work, papa.”

Kakashi walked into the street. He pulled his hand to his chin. “She wasn’t there. Then that’s must mean…..SHE”S AT THE PARK! She loves to listen to the sounds there!” Kakashi darted off to the park, leaving a trial of dust be hind him. At the park Kakashi looked by the tree that Moriah all ways sits under. “Dang she’s not here, either.” He said out loud.
“Kashi! Wow I never thought this day could get any better!” a male’s voice hollered. Kakashi turned to find Gai pointing at him. “Ready FOR OUR……Ummmm Kakashi- do you know that your still in your boxers.” Gai announced. Kakashi’s face turned red, from embarrassment.
“What?” Kakashi asked, embarrassed. And to make matters worse, there was female voices coming up.

Tsunade was walking a head to show where Shizue and Moriah would fight. Naruto fallowed behind them. “Are you sure that this place would be ok for us, my lady?” Shizue asked. Tsunade turned to her.
“Of course, no one come to this park this early in the morning.” Moriah kept her mouth shut. This is where she came every morning to hear the birds sing. Tsunade turned back around and walked into the middle of the park. ”This is where you two where face off.” Moriah nodded her head and walked to the side of park, ready to fight. Shizue nodded back and walked a crossed from her. Tsunade stood in the middle. “Here’s the rules, go to tempt to kill. I’m here by the side lines, and I’ll call it off, if some one gets to badly hurt.” Moriah looked at Shizue, then to Lady Tsunade. “Alright ready….begin!” Tsunade jumped to the side lines, and got ready to shake with Naruto for the bet.

Kakashi hid behind the tree, so he wouldn’t flash the woman his “fancy black boxers”. Gai wondered off, to find lee. Kakashi couldn’t move or else, he would expose his hiding place. He look over the tree, to see where the woman where. But what he found was his missing lover, Moriah. Shizue waited and got ready to fight.

Moriah on the other hand just stood there with her eyes closed. “Come on Moriah show this chick whose boss!” Naruto cheered. Kakashi looked at Naruto and saw Tsunade. ‘What are they doing?’ he asked him self. “That’s it, I’ll make the first move!” Shizue hollered. Moriah still did nothing.
“Ready to call off the bet, Naruto?” Tsunade asked, evilly. Naruto looked at her.
“Are you kidding, Moriah would win, believe it!” he cheered. Shizue was in rage for her ninja art, poison fog. Shizue got ready for it, and arched her back.
“Ninja Art Poison Fog!” She shouted. A cloud of purple smoke came from her mouth, and head right for Moriah.

Kakashi could see that this was not a friendly battle, and his eyes were glued to Moriah. Moriah finally opened her eyes. She slowly moved her hand to her mouth and put her pointer finger and middle finger on her chin. She opened her mouth and blew a gentle wind out of her mouth. The fog, slowly begin to moved a way from her, and back at Shizue. “What!?” Both Shizue and Tsunade said at the same time. Naruto was amused from Moriah’s move. Even Kakashi was surprised.

Shizue moved out of the poisonous fog, and the way she moved she pulled up her sleeve, and pulled a string, sending out 10 sharp killing needles at Moriah. Moriah’s eyes widen, as the sharp needles where heading her way.

Chapter 5

Shizue’s Victory or Her Defeat?

Needles where heading at Moriah, as her eyes widen, everyone was glued to her. Moriah pulled her hands together, and spoke out loud. “Chi, re, ni fo, con sea ne ea fo, on.” With those words she did hand signs, with them. When she stopped, she slowly pulled her hands apart like she did with the Chira, but this time, the speed of the wind ball was different. The ball in her hand grew and spun faster. The ball grew to her sized and sucked her right in the middle of it. The ball sucked her in to it; it looked like of something of Gaara’s sand barrier, but expect only with wind.

As the needle came flying toward Moriah, the wind moved the needles to where they wouldn’t harm her. As the needle moved, side ways, the wind made them, orbit around her. Everyone’s eyes grew wide; they’ve never seen any thing like this. Moriah moved her hand quickly, to the side. The needles fallowed her hand movement. Kakashi’s eyes became bugged, when he saw the needle heading straight for him. He back up and hid behind the tree.
The needles went trough the tree and stuck out points by Kakashi’s face. “Whoa, that was a close one.” He spoke out loud. Shizue looked by the tree and saw where the needles had gone. Her eyes grew with fear.
“Wow that could had kill me, if she made them go after me.” She spoke quickly. She pulled her head back trying to think of a plan. Naruto looked at the tree, and saw the small holes in it.
“Wow, no wonder why Kakashi never makes her mad.” He thought his eyes still on the tree. Kakashi tried to move, hoping thought the next thing that Shizue threw wouldn’t come after him. Tsunade looked at the tree then to Moriah. She mind was blank she didn’t know what to think.

Shizue thought of some thing. “She has to have a weak spot, if that is her shield.” Moriah closed her eyes, like she did before. “Maybe hand to hand will break through?” Shizue charged at her, at full speed. Moriah slowly opened her eyes. The yellow shield of wind, moved faster, as Shizue came closer to it. As she got ready to punch at it, the wind ripped off her sleeve. As Shizue was trying to pull her arm back, small cuts formed on her arm, from the velocity of the wind.
“Don’t fight the wind, or else you find worst cuts then these.” Moriah whispered, through the wind. Shizue looked at her, still trying to pull her arm out. “Fallow the wind, to stop the pain.” Shizue stirred at her, with pain in her face.
‘Go with the wind? Fine I’ll go.’ Shizue let go of he arm, and let the wind carry her, around Moriah. The wind pushed her around and she fell out behind Moriah.

As Shizue hit the ground she pulled her arm to he chest, she saw the small, deep cuts. Blood ran down her arm, and dripped into the grass. Tsunade eyes grew in fear, same as Naruto. Moriah dropped her shield. And move over to Shizue to help her up. As she reached for her, Tsunade yelled from the side lines. “This battle isn’t over yet!” Moriah looked over to Tsunade, but still help Shizue up. Shizue grasped Moriah’s hand and pulled her self up with it.

Moriah smiled when Shizue was face to face with her. “You might want to stop now, or else your wound will get infected. The wind wasn’t regular wind; it was wind that I made together by the earth. So right now, your wound has dirt in it.” Moriah warned. Shizue looked at her wounds, and put he arm down. She moved her attention to the lady Hokage.
“My, lady, I’m done. She has beaten me, by small wounds but there deep.” Shizue sigh knowing that she just let Lady Tsunade down.

“WHAT!?” Tsunade yelled. “I LOST THE BET!” She cried. Naruto began to bust laughing.
“I told that she would win.” Naruto mocked. Kakashi smiled, and came out form behind the tree. He walked over to Moriah.
“Moriah?” Kakashi asked. Moriah turned around to him.
“Awww, morning, my love-“she looks at him, and noticed that he was still in his boxers. “Ummmm….my darling….Ummmm….do you know still in your boxers?” she asked, blushing like crazy. Naruto looked at Moriah and saw Kakashi sensei and ran to him to greet him.
“Yeah, the thing is-“Kakashi begin to say, scratching his head. Naruto ran over to him, with his eyes close, smiling.
“Good, morning sen-“ he opened his eyes. And his mouth dropped. “Ummmm, sensei you’re still in your boxers. Why are you still in your boxers?” he asked. Kakashi didn’t know what to say. He dropped his head.
“It’s a long story Naruto.” Kakashi answered. Naruto tilted his head, in confusion.
“A…long story…?” Naruto asked. Kakashi just shook his head. Moriah giggle, and smiled.
“Well, you better get back home, before other people find you like this.” Moriah laughed. Kakashi blushed. “Fine, my sweet.” He said softly. He kissed her fore head and head back to the house.

“Wow, that was odd?” Naruto said out loud. Moriah looked at him, and smile.
“I’m guessing he woke up, and couldn’t find the note I left in the kitchen, for him.” She laughed. Naruto looked at her, and smiled. He still had a crush on, her. Moriah looked to the Hokage hoping that she made it, to Joini. Naruto looked up to her, and blushed.
‘Wow she fought like that was child’s play. She really didn’t do any thing. I wonder what really happens to her when she gets in a real fight?” Naruto asked himself.

Moriah opened her mouth and got ready to say something, but closed it, and sighed. Naruto looked at her, then to the Hokage, and Shizue. Tsunade was healing Shizue’s arm.
“Moriah! Now you’re a joini! You can have your own class!” Naruto cheered. He was so happy that he grabbed her from behind to give her a hug. Moriah froze, and then slowly placed her hands on top of Naruto’s. When he let go of her, she turned around to him, and kneeled. She was face to face with him. Moriah smiled at him, and placed her hands on his shoulders.
“Naruto…you’re like a little brother to me. I hope that some time you come and train with me, and meet, my class. I just wished that I could spend more time with you, Sasuke, and Sakura.” Moriah muttered. Naruto looked at her bright green eyes.
“Of course I’ll come to see you, are you kidding. You’re like a big sister to me. ^. ^” he smiled. Moriah opened her eyes wide, and then smiled, joyfully. She grabbed Naruto in a grasping hug. She buried her face in his orange jacket. Naruto flinched back, but then slowly hug her, softly.

Tsunade looked at them and, smiled. ‘She is a lot stronger then I thought. She didn’t even want to hurt Shizue, so she has a lot of compassion. She would be a great teacher, after all.’ She smiled, and finished healing Shizue’s wounds. “Hey, Moriah!” Moriah looked up from Naruto with a red face, and tears. “Welcome, to the leaf village, Joini Moriah!” Tsunade yelled.

Kuri The Elf
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