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Minima collection Dark poems by The King of Elves

Community Member
Character Bio: Konata Mizuhashi
Height: 4'9" Weight: 93 Chest: C, but binds chest Age: 15
Hair colour: Dark purple Eye colour: like Yugi's Skin tone: porcelain

Konata is a priestess at the Temple of Lemurai. She wears a traditional priestess uniform (red hakama, staff with paper tassles, etc.). Her hair is tied at the end with a bell ribbon. She is an excorcist in training and has to perform 23 more minor exorcist jobs to become a full fledged exorcist of the Temple of Lemurai.
She joins Pandora's group after they battle at the temple for the fire symbol. She is defeated by Shinji, but he does not kill her. Konata is deeply moved by his actions and swears to protect him for as long as she lives.
Konata follows Shinji everywhere, keeping her promise to protect him (like to the bathroom, every meal, training, and even watches over him at night).
She doesn't quite realise that she loves Shinji more than a ward, but as a loved one; she'll figure it out soon.
Konata can conjure or exorcise ghosts and spirits. She is still learning and is having Pandora teach her about basic necromancy.
Her abilites to exorcise is very limited to only medium level danger ghosts and weak level danger spirits.