Well, there we go! I feel like it's so short even though only an inch or two came off. It's brown, and then black at the front. I wanted it dark brown, and not black black...but oh well. It's apparently a dark brown...so maybe it'll fade nicely. If it fades to washout black I'll keel them. Keel them and eat them like lobsters. Mmmm...seafood... heart
We had chili for supper. It was good. biggrin I'm excited about a party coming up for my friend. It was her birthday, and now we're celebrating it. I forgot to get some phone numbers and addresses. *sigh*
It's so straiiiight...I'm going to leave it for one more day, and then wash it to find my curls again. I miss them already. They stay behind my ears better.
I think I'm starting to pull out of the low. I got myself so psyched up for the hair that it was inevitable. My contacts aren't as comfy as they used to be...that can't be a good sign. >.<
Renee the Rabid Squirrel · Wed Feb 01, 2006 @ 01:08am · 0 Comments |