 *Username* Wings of Hindrence RP *Female Name* Aari Lien *Male Name* {Do not fill it out I will tell you the name when I approve you} *Age* 23 *Gender* Female *Race* Human *I am the Knight of* Ambush, Knight Andromede *My Prince is* 3rd Prince *Weapon* Aari uses a long, elegant rapier with a gold and silver alloy gilding the hilt and polished to a fine finish. Aari is a fine swordsman, and her weapon shines like silver when used. Her weapon she uses when being Knight Andromede, she uses long, thin golden chains which are attatched to her armour. The ends of these chains are tipped with thin, sharp blades. Used much the same like whips, they can be very deadly. She also carries with her a customary dagger at all times. *Likes* Aari enjoyed the luxuries of humanity; namely the spirits, food, and comfort. To some this is the fall of humanity in it's greed, but Aari uses these luxuries to her full potential. She enjoys the simple things to, that is, the simple things that don't include work. *Dislikes* Aari does not enjoy preforming 'menial tasks' such as cleaning and cooking. She hates the feeling of getting dirt under her nails, which adds to her revulsion in cleaning. *Abilities* Aari is very good at being both lazy and efficient. Being the knight that she is, Aari excels in sneaking up on people; strangers and good friends alike. She has no singing or artistic abilities to speak of, but, for some reason, Aari attracts much attention with the women of the village. *Special Abilities* Aari, oddly enough, is unaffected by alchohol or poison of any kind. She doesn't know why, but it comes in handy with her enjoyment of spirits on a regular basis. Aari moves in utmost silence, and if she feels like it she could sneak up on the most vigilant of people. However, she doesn't do it much, and shows her presence by a well times cough or knock. Besides those, if Aari feels like it, she can 'blend in' with her surroundings. It's not like her skin changed color, it's just that no one notices her. *Personality* Aari is rather flambuoyant in nature, enoying the luxuries in life to the fullest and seemingly without restraint. She doesn't seem to take things seriously half the time, and she tends to slack off, but underneath her self centered exterior is a dry humoured serious individual who carries out her orders to the utmost. *History* Aari was an illigetimant daughter of a lower ranking noble, and therefore left at the orphanage when she was but an infant. She didn't let that stop her though, and she rough housed and played with the best of them until the king took her away. From then on she became Andromede, the Ambush Knight. People gave her respect she wasn't accustomed to, but she grew into it with time, giving her younger 'sisters' guidance and comfort, but also the independance they needed to grow into themselves fully. As she reached her teenage years, she all but thought of herself as a man, since she was forced to dress and act like on all the time. Not that it bothered her, really, but her charming looks made her a hit among the unassuming ladies. She at first found this amusing, bending to their whims to the limit of what was decent, a kiss on the cheek, a cuddle. Nothing worse than that. The ladies learnt to accept that with time, and some still were determined to be 'Andromede's' beloved. *Song* Wonderland - DJ Satomi *Other* Aari tends to attempt avoiding chores and any orders or suggestions that don't appeal to her.
Aribis · Fri Mar 19, 2010 @ 06:41pm · 0 Comments |