I've been thinking a number of things about my latest like, my latest crush, the latest hot-boy-I-want-to-be-with. I'm wondering if maybe I'm simple in love with King Charlemagne and not actually the boy himself. I also think that maybe I like him because of the freedom and liberty he represents. I also wonder if we're actually going to get together for coffee or not. xp
A friend of mine told me that maybe I'd stop liking him if he changed - who knows, maybe I'd stop, but I like him on the basis that I like him, not that I'm obsessed with him and he's perfect. Trust me, he is NOT perfect. lol Not that I'm perfect either. Sometimes it seems we're total opposites, and other times it just works. I don't know. I've gotten better with saying I don't know. I'm still a bit frustrated by it, but less. I hope anyhow.
I mean - he drinks (before noon), he smokes (and I told myself I wouldn't date a smoker!), and he toked up today. Wow, I know how to pick 'em, don't? So given all this, part of me wonders if I shouldn't be trying to do better while the other part of me really wants to be with him in some sort of way that's more than friends. Hell, maybe I just need to give into desire with someone. Not anyone, but maybe not specifically him? Who knows. He is a great person - he's musical (violin and piano!), he's a writer, and he's got this sexy-sexy voice that doesn't quit. cool
Wow, I'm getting introspective, aren't I? Man, my other friend might get a little ticked off if we don't end up at least going for coffee, since she told him I like him and everything. So I owe her now, and she's not ashamed to tell me so. xd
Gotta send that stuff into York and book my audition! xp I only need to find ONE more monologue...just one...and then I can memorize away and fly down there and be all BAM! great. biggrin I hope so anyhow. I don't actually want to read a play; I want one from a play I've read...but so far no dice. Time to read a contemporary play...
Renee the Rabid Squirrel · Thu Feb 16, 2006 @ 04:09am · 0 Comments |