I love this icon. I'm going to use it again.
I'm bored right now.
I would like to think that somewhere out there, someone is being inspired to write something. I know there is at least someone who's reading my stories and possibly getting inspired to write something. I would have liked it if someone would direct me to some stories like some of the Stones; I would be so happy and I would thank them.
I'm trying to be able to write right now. I am trying to finish up my James Fox/Mick Jagger story. I should really start doing different pairings; seeing that I love Mick, I have to write somebody else. Perhaps I could squeeze in a Ronnie/Keith story. I know that I would put Mick in there. Anyways, I wish I could get something different.
I need to put my Led Zeppelin story. I wrote it a long time ago, in September of '09 and I would like to think that it could be a good one. A long Jeff Beck/Jimmy Page/Robert Plant story. I love love triangles.
It is so hot right now. It's 87 degrees outside right now; there's no way I'm going out there right now. I should go check the mail, but I don't want to.
I've got to get back to drawing. Seeing that I signed up for AP Studio Art for next year. I should be drawing up some things but I have no inspiration. I don't think I could spend a lot of time on one particular drawing because I do have a short attention span; it's already hard enough to stay focused on one drawing or writing a story.
I should be joining some communities on LJ since I'm a bit inactive because I always forget.
I'll be writing more John Lennon/Mick Jagger stories later. I should let Mick top, but it's a bit hard, seeing as I like Mick as the submissive one.
Currently listening to the radio, but the vacuum is on.