i don't get it. what does Death Note have to do with your thinking? i see you as a good person, but are you really? the way Light thinks is cruel and foul. he wants to kill all the criminals thinking he is keeping the world a better place. i hope he knows though every action has it's consiquences and i hope you know that too. when you told me you were to be someone worse i didn't know what you ment at first. but as i understood the way Light is i've figuared out bits and pieces of what you believe you are to be. but i think otherwise. you are a great person who has a great future in front of you. i know you don't expect me to understand, but remember who i am. remember who i have become. understanding others feelings and ways of life is what has come with the person or the monster that has taken over my life. don't expect me to turn from you. i'll never push you away no matter who you have become, but you locking me away from who you really are just makes me think you don't want me around; like i'm just like everyone else. i see things so much more worse than everyone else. i don't expect to live much longer. so as you close me away, you kill me slowly. i'm sorry for everything, but if your locked in why are you so afriad to let people who care about most in? if i'm locked out then how am i suppost to talk to you about events that may occur or what will occur. locking me out locks me out forever and is only creating more pain for myself... i'm sorry.
-em0 lov3
ilve_eli_goldsworthy Community Member |