I have really curly hair. I mean, if I don't work on it I'll have an afro. ( Hair product, then put it in a braid when I sleep. A+ hair the next day) And I love my curls. I love the way they look, how they spring up when I pull one down. They're different, not everyone has curly hair.
I don't understand why so many people straighten their hair. Curls are beautiful. And it cost so much money and time to change hair like that. Not to mention all the damage it causes. =/
This is me with straight(ish) hair. LOL, Seattle= Hell, no your hair ain't staying straight.
 Curly. I think I look better with curly hair.

Where has that pink tie gone? >.<
Desi the fuzzy fluffhead · Mon Aug 02, 2010 @ 09:54am · 0 Comments |