Ok so its your guy Tyler aka Ink! hacking PRINTER!!! inside joke haha you would get it sorry your not inside the circle haha. ok so this is one of my top bestest friends in the whole entire world this hack could go on forever if i said everything i wanted to say. thats how many memories you can make with this gurl. ok so ashlee has gotten me thru my hard times and ive gotten her throu hers. Girl troubles for me Guy troubles for her and btw I WIN!!! haha when i first met ashlee i was like wow this chicks weird but she has a fun awesome side to her to. well be BESTFRIENDS FOREVER and dont try to break that. if you hurt her youll be hurting more then she ever will and trust me thats hard cuz when she gets hurt she gets hurt so just dont do it haha thats not a threat its a promise