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my randomness
2 years
its been over two years since i've posted in here so i better do something big...
My Biological mom died in November of 09, the relationship i was in two years ago went up in flames about a month or two after i posted that. I did get into another relationship excatly a month before my mom died. That lasted off and on a good 14 months. I became Leader of my division in LoGA and im proud to be there too. Ive met some REALLY good friends and some enemies as well within the last couple years and i have a reason to stay in gaia.

A person i started liking is on gaia and we've talked a good bit. I know my past really isnt the best of things but who knows. there might really be something in this one... Only time will tell i guess. The only annoying thing about this is my only way to talk to them is on Gaia... Now thats all fine and dandy but i wish there was another way to talk to them so we can set up times to meet up on gaia lol.

I only hope is what im doing/wanting to do doesnt get anyone hurt mentally or physically for any reason.

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