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My life as a writer
Not adding up. . .
I've had quite a 3 day weekend.

Lets start with Friday. Went to Addie's place, and gave her a friendship test. Surprisingly, she passed with flying colors. Unfortunately, our friendship will not be lasting too long. Next year, I will have to cut her off, and live my life freely from everyone.
I also went to get my hair done. Addie's mom couldn't do it, so her sister in law did it. We had quite an interesting chat. We talked about Natasha, and how little sense things are making. I am already done with her, but I still find myself worrying about her. Not in a romantic way, but I don't seem to understand what is going on with her. Everyone else thinks she is doing me wrong in some way. But I feel that there is more to this story than anyone else can imagine.
This is especially true when I went to a cook out the next day. The host, Elliot, is Natasha's cousin. He REALLY wants me to be with Natasha. I haven't told him that I no longer want to be with her. What didn't make any sense is that Natasha didn't come to the party, but she sent her brother AND her son. I was under the impression that Natasha didn't want me to meet the kid, but she sends him to a party knowing that I will be there.
What's also odd is that lately, Natasha has been mentioning some "vitamins" that she needs to take. If she is not up to date with them, she seems to get tired. Not sure what type of vitamins she is taking, but something tells me that it's not a Centrum.
Sunday, I took the kids to church again, and treated them with cake. I do have this friend who I once liked, an older woman. Lately, she's been pretending to like me, but all she does is ask for money. I will need to figure out a way to cut her off soon.
