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View User's Journal

My life as a writer
Another Chance
Yesterday I was hired at Stop and Shop. Earlier, I thought that I was not going to get the job. I sulked, and almost gave up hope that I will ever be anything more than an IKEA employee. But now that i got this job, I am the most happiest person alive. I celebrated several times between today and yesterday. I'll have my car soon if I work hard enough. Then I'll have everything I've ever wanted, even the one person I deserve.

I was pretty peeved earlier this week because of a friend talking all sort of nonsense behind my back. I don't think she meant any harm, but I felt pretty embarrassed over what she said. She told another friend of mine that she didn't want to hang out with me and the kids because she didn't think I can afford to take her. Well today I showed her. The kids asked her again, and she didn't have any choice but to go. I even took the other friend she told so that I can have a witness. We went out, and had lots of cake and celebrated. We were supposed to be celebrating her birthday, but I celebrated my victory. I almost feel like I embarrassed her, but I don't care. In the end, I win.
