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How you act can really depend on things
Nature versus nurture, isn't that right?
Example: Complexes childhood brings
Something you can't neglect; bring it to light
You're mad at the world, but mostly yourself
The world hates you too, though it tries to not
You hardly regret reaching the top shelf
Back to those complexes: feelings you fought

As time goes by you remember some things
Highballs had never before existed 
Your wife: has she always been numb like this?
Always hated how life was depicted
The coach you loved had loved you back, you're sure
But he saw your true nature, so not anymore

There's a good amount of interest in people
What they do
What they want
What they do for what they want
What they do with what they want
And no two are alike
They may share themes of their lives
One has a strong belief in justice
That person will need power
One seeks to be seen well but not truthfully
That person will also need power
The ones that had power but did wrong
They already had power
This is what makes people so great
So complex and so unique
But with all they have
Power, wealth, general good fortune
They just throw it away for more
Like that fortune was trash
And the new fortune they get will be gold
So maybe it's greed that makes people great
Or not something so simple
Because isn't it complexity
That makes people so great?

 When I wasn't quite as sly I suppose I let it slip
That the world is a spinning ball atop my finger tip
As soon as I let it drop, so does a napalm bomb
And when something isn't right everything is all wrong

The sun will start to hurtle dangerously towards the Earth
Or suddenly, catastrophically implode upon its own girth
Maybe a plague would run throughout and ravage the land
And the survivors, distressed, would take their last stand

"Perhaps the plague was a sign!" the eccentric pastor had said
But one widow retorted "I've got no time for signs when my family is dead!"
And I sit devious, watch the arguments into which they delve
Because who am I? I am 2012

 I admit I recently thought the world would end
Everything came tumbling down so quickly
In a dizzying spiral of self-righteousness that makes my stomach bend
The only thing that could save me was a sudden epiphany 

Though that came all too late, I still wish for the people to see
The good that I did, at only a few's expense 
Don't look with that disgust at what I did or me
I'd like to explain it all as my last request

Please disregard the hurried nature of my words
As of now I sit on death's row (my life's story is about to end)
And leave the story as it should be heard
To combat the current over censoring trend

When I was little I had met a very bad man
He was a small-time criminal, but the worst in my eyes
I asked him why, what was his life plan
He never answered, got hit by a car and immediately died

Now I know that sounds unimpressionable and rather short
But through my eyes I saw he got the justice he deserved
I went through the rest of my life trying to send these people to court
And I was jubilant my voice was finally getting heard

But more and more criminals began to slip through my fingers
Ones once prosecuted were free out on the streets
To endanger the innocent, this was something that could not linger
I began to entertain taking things into my own hands, a tall feat!

But as I looked over some of the most troubling murder cases
Ones that were so well thought out, even I could not condemn them all
I found myself taking notes in my own office of all places
If I worked carefully, would the feat really be so tall?

Night after night I trembled as I dreamt of this in my bed
I know I'd die sometime anyway, and I know I'll get caught
So I eased into letting these hypocritical ideas dance in my head
And eventually carried out my plans, soon without thought

And it's because of this lack of thought that I know now
That I got sloppy, I dare say cocky in executing my acts of law
But executing those deviants was establishing justice in the best way I knew how!
It was because I was so efficient that I carried out my final, fatal flaw!

And thus I am led to where I am now
With words of advice, in the form of a question for you
If you had the power to give justice, but not how
Just what choice, yes or no, would you choose?

You may have heard of power corrupting
Those with power go insane
Chilling results of attempts made on
Strength and integrity, then traded
For greed that decays the mind and soul
A fair trade in the eyes of history
You have heard this before
But have you listened for a new idea
That power is being corrupted
That the time it takes to decay
Is getting shorter and shorter
And shorter still is
How we react
How we respond
To what we gain
And soon what
We lose
To power

King Midas wished for all he touched to turn into gold
A wish the rest of the kingdom thought quite bold
Dionysus granted this, but added a warning
"The power you seek will cause you great mourning"
Thus Midas suffered riches of amounts untold

Eyes shine with evil
Delight, one once humble and
Good is now corrupt

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