yum_puddi yum_tea yum_onigiri yum_cupcake Yes i'm back! After soo long though............
eek But things on this Gaia Citizen has gotten much... Brighter
whee rofl .
ninja idea I should earn more gold
gaia_gaiagold !
idea I should accually try to achieve my goals (on Gaia, for Gaia)
gaia_diamond !
idea I should finish the bacon
yum_bacon !
idea I have billions of ideas in my... small...
emo .... head...!
sweatdrop Nothing happened! Anyways~ just got done with 2 videos for YouTube~
razz mrgreen 4laugh I just feel like putting up emoticons~!
wink blaugh xd smile biggrin twisted exclaim And my kitty feels this way:
cat_4laugh cat_mrgreen cat_lol cat_biggrin cat_smile cat_whee cat_blaugh cat_cool cat_3nodding cat_blaugh because im petting her~!
emotion_c8 emotion_hug emotion_awesome emotion_dealwithit emotion_bigheart emotion_kirakira emotion_yatta gaia_spoons gaia_star lolol