Based on a true story like the Annette stuff in the main chapters.
Casual Friday

I had awoken on a mildly cold and dreary day. I opened my glowing purple sparkler eyes to greet the day with a groan. Learning to sleep at night as a nocturnal creature is uber hard work! But it was all worth it to put my energy into school for social situations, my grades, and overall the economy that way(may be tough to imagine but just think about it). I pulled my black Egyptian cotton silk curtain drapes open wide and spread out. The sun was not out so it made me extremely happy because it was dark like my vampire soul. There was enough light however to reflect off of my porcelain doll skin. It was the whitest white and resembled the moon...as always. I fluttered my long, dark, rose red eyelashes as I blinked to wake up. I yawned and stretched cutely. I arched my thin body which kind of made my big breasts jiggle. It made me a little embarassed. I blushed the mildest palette of powdery pink over my naturally rosey round baby cheeks. My long hair was dragging on the ground because I didn't put it up for bed the night before. My hair was somewhat ridiculous and Rapunzel length but I liked it that way. I would not change a thing about it! I flipped my black gothic lightswitch on. The bright white lights of my room glinted and danced on my crimson blood red mane. It looked like glitter from a craft project. My skin did the same. My lily white complexion dazzled wonderfully and splendiferously. I went into my personal bathroom after grabbing my black and gray serafuku to get dressed. Today was a lucky day in my eyes since I got up without being bribed in any way! This made me prouder than king of a lion pride. I had a skip in my step adorably and naively. I put my hair up in ponytail but then I looked at my vampire bat calendar. It said it was Friday! That means it is Casual Friday like it is every Friday at school. This is a big deal since we all are required to wear those kind of conformist uniforms. I dropped my uniform on the floor excitedly I jumped up and clapped. I even squee'd a little. I put my hair up in lolita or Miku styled high pigatails. It made my hair look a little thinner but more graceful and free like Aurora when she's dancing in the forest with the animals in Sleeping Beauty. I tied the hairs up with tiny thin Ouchless scrunchies. I did my make up too. I drew simple black cat eyeliner with wings on the ends to make my big eyelashes and eyes look even bigger. It made me look like a loli that was a bit emo. I put on a nude Cover girl lipstick to make my poofy big pale baby pout lips look even paler. It looked icy and the smallest bit pink. For clothes I put on a tight pair of dark blue navy stretch denim emo jeans. I put on black Converse hightops a bit like the ones Kira would wear but maybe less punk and more casual and beat up because they are old. I put on a plain white t-shirt blouse that was tight on my chest and hugged my curves. I put on a pure raven black mini vest. I looked like an awesomely casual cutie!
Then I sprinted athletically down the stairs with my vampire quick feet. Kiku did the same except the opposite in a way she lives on the bottom floor(the main floor is only big enough to be my room and the basement has multiple big rooms and the middle level is mostly the kitchen and living room and front door). Kiku was dressed for success today too! She had her hair up in a high messy bun like Amy Lee in concert. It was ratty but in a cool and gorgeous awesome way. She clumped up all her super long cyan sea blue hair. Her hair is almost as long as mine and it has super spiky ends like in an anime. She had subtle clear white light blue barely there eyeshadow on. She had black wing eyeliner like Kiki Cannibal usually has except even better! It made her big lolita doll eyes look super huge, giant, and even just angelic. She had on glossed red lipstick that was a deep shade of blood tone and fire engine red. She wore a big baggy kawaii tomboy loose-fitting sweater. It was so big that it hung over her tiny bony white albino shoulder. It showed off that she had a white cami tanktop underneath which is sexy and cute and probably something her man Youkai would enjoy. She took her long simple white purse with the super long strap with her. Her big bouncy bun was tied together a bit tightly with a big white sweet lolita bow. Kiku had some subtle red pink blush on. She also had some tight light blue popstar trouser jeans on that rolled up at the ankles like the style in the 80's. She had on high heels which were the darkest blue in the world. You could barely tell they were not pitch black but the glossy sheen of her shining pumps. They were not super high and nasty because she is not a slut like Annette, Cameran, and her other wasted preppy stoner zombie minions.
We went out the door and sped our way with our vampire super speed to get there. We actually arrived early as ever! So we chilled in the hallways and cafeteria commons. Kiku decided to leave me alone to chill a while while she looked for our wolfy Youkai Kami Wolfheart and to of course go to the bathroom and powder her nose beforehand. I wandered down the halls slowly walking and waltzing about. I traipsed around the school non-chalantly but still getting a good interesting view of things. I looked in every which way like an owl but not as freakishly flexible. Just most directions like more than one but definitely not all! I looked everywhere except behind me. My vampire senses tingled but they always do that when people are nearby. That is why I ignored them. But this decision was foolish once again! I stopped walking out of suspicious and the person stopped too. I guess they were somebody I knew or something and wanted to talk I turned around not even looking and said "Hai! What's up?" quietly. "Hey, b***h." The person said rudely. I opened my bright pink purple highlighted eyes in shock they glowed with a fiery passion and hatred. "Um, excuse me?!" I lashed out not knowing who it was but then I saw. He stood about 7 feet tall and was muscular like he was a juiced up gorilla guido on steroids.....oh kami-sama, he was! He had a tan nastier and darker than Snooki's and The Situation's or anyone else on that dumb Jersey show(at least those people make money being stupid these preps don't do anything with their lives). He had bright orange yellow blonde spiked up gel hair. It looked harder than a rock, poorly dyed from a bottle, and just cheesy especially with those overgrown caterpillar sideburns! He had perfectly white teeth that sparkled from immense cleaning and bleaching surgery he paid all his daddy's money for.(I mean come on he has great teeth but shitty hair and tans? He looked like he shopped at Walmart seriously.) He was wearing a black tanktop that was tiny and loose yet tight. It showed off his weird Dragon Ball Z body and his hairy 1970's chest. I cringed at his gross jockocity. He wore baggy black thin gymshorts which I barely wanted to look at. He had on big Tennis white and black Nikes basketball sneakers. "Yeah, I'm talking to you, b***h." He said rudely and meanly at me like I was property. That pissed me off because I am a feminist. "And I am soooo NOT talking to YOU!" I growled like a mother wolf protecting her babies at this bad dude. I stomped and walked away. I figured it was over as I walked away....BUT NOPE! He wanked on my arm like it was just a noodle and lifted me off the ground. "Hey you jock ********! Put me down or you'll taste my wrath!" I said struggling and punching him angrily. He absorbed the blows like it was a baby doing it. He was sweating a lot though. I grew out my fangs partially in vampire mode triggered by the rage of it all! One of my eyes was bright wild cherry red and the other was a glossed over fady purple pink. I sank my teeth into his hand. He dropped me, I landed on my squishy round bum, and then I ran one step with my vampire quick feet before he grabbed me again. I screamed. "What the hell, Kevin? What did I ever do to you? We met like once in a class that you quit on the first day! Why are you fighting me?" I asked and pleaded confused and angrier than ever but scared to death and exiting vampire mode because I was flimsy and kind of wanted to faint but could not in this given situation. (FYI I DON'T USUALLY FAINT I'M FEARLESS)
I know I did not faint but things were blurry from then on. I remember Kevin going strangely quiet and not answering a word but carrying me into some dark dank evil dungeon of a room! It was more bleak and depressing than me! I opened my dazzling pink star eyes. The hue of dark lavendar beating through because there was the thinnest sliver of lights from underneath the door hitting them. The lights inside the room immediately turned on after as I awoke. It scared me into a bit of a shock. It was like a camera with a flash took my picture in the middle of a rave without my permission. The room was ironically dusty and full of boxes and cleaning items. It was the Janitor's Closet! I looked around really confused as to why I was there. My eyes glowed a brighter shade with these heavy bipolar mixed emotions and with the lights hitting them more. My whole being sparkled like Edward Cullen did in the sun. My long red pigtail locks glowed rosey and sparkly like two fountains of gorgeous life-giving blood or even strawberry wine. My pure white doll moon skin shined like a polished porcelain yet again(like this morning so like yeah) especially on my forehead where I mildly sweat from the stress and struggle of it all. My face was flushed more than usual because I remembered what that a** of a blockhead did to me! He physically attacked me for no good reason. I bolted and sat up but was tied down. My hands and one of my skinny white legs was duct taped to the wall. This s**t was getting very horror movie-ish except not in a good way like The Grudge 2 or The Ring more like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the sense that some meathead held me captive!
There was a dark shadow in the corner and my kidnapper walked out of it. It was of course star quarterback and capital a*****e Kevin Smith! The most popular guy in school and quite likely the whole town! He was smirking pervertedly. "What are you doing to me?! Let me go now!" I said strongly and demandingly. I wriggled and tried to escape but it was no use only Vampire Mode could save me and I just couldn't do that at school ever again! It would be embarassing, stressful, complicated, and most importantly it could endanger my friends like that last time! I drooped in my position giving up suicidally and depressedly. Kind of ready to die like I was inside and stuff. I didn't lose my fight like baby doll in suckerpunch even when Blue Jones thought she did in a way. But I wish I stabbed him like her. It made him laugh and clap like a villain would ironically do for a protagonist during the evil plan plot twist thing. I breathed deeply. It sounded like a moe moan and very cute but still in pain. "At least tell me why....and nani? Like seriously...what? Why are you doing this to me and whats the purpose?" I struggled a little and gritted my pure pearly whites which were straighter than rulers at the moment. "Well...you're hot. I like you." He said stroking his huge square Gaston jawline. "Heh." I laughed angrily all growly like a cornered black cat facing a dog. "You have a funny way of showing it, jerk!" I struggled a little again and relaxed. I tried to think of a plan as means of escape until I had an idea I was just going to talk and humor this guy like the smart little kitty/neko I am. "I'm a bit like a comedian that way.....you really think so?" He said obviously. His eyes were covered with cheap 90's looking sunglasses with black lenses and a medium blue trim. "I know so. You make me laugh all the time." I said forcing a cute little smile to show a false sweetness to lure him into some security. "Hey....I was going to force you here but you're really nice if you makeout with me and let me touch or whatever you I'll let you go." He said flatly and bluntly like it was an average walk in the park with his puppy. He unbound me as he talked. "Hell to the no, jock a**!" I said getting out of character from anger and frustration. "Too bad! I love you, Raven! You're the hottest and weirdest girl in school! I like weird and I ALWAYS get what I want!" He smirked as he leaned over me. I thought of The Duke and wondered to myself "Why did God curse me to be so beautiful? Or was it Satan that did this?"

He pinned me against the wall as I noticed there was actually a window with light peeking through. I almost considered screaming but I was so questioning, embarassed, scared for my life, and confused. I did my best to tone it down with my rage to reason with him. It was basically like my last hope. "Look, I know you're Annette's boyfriend and I'm just not interested. Why can't you just leave me alone?" I asked lowering my eyebrows sadly and submissively. I looked so droopy and emo. I was so emotionally exhausted and my dark yet bright rose red emo bangs fell more on my face as I inched nearer to the Janitor Closet wall. "Curse me for wearing Miku pigtails!" I thought to myself.
In that moment, I wanted to cry...as much as Annette is a b***h no one deserves a cheater like this. Absolutely no one. This would devastate her maybe even more than it is to me in this very moment! That was what I pondered in the moments he was leaning in and almost touched me. Of course, silly selfless Raven thinks about someone she does not even like as she is about get manhandled and rapped in school to death. My pretty pouty pink lips parted and opened into gasp. I squeaked and cried a little. THEN THE DOOR BURST WIDE OPEN WITH A LOAD BANG! It was.......MY BEST FRIENDS! Kiku, Youkai, and Kira all barged in. "Oh...arigato....Kami-sama." I said weary and daintily about to faint thanking the lord and savior. I was like a soft little damsel in distress at that moment but can you blame me? Kiku gasped cutely and ran for him yelling at him. He turned to Kiku. He didn't like Kiku because she wasn't curvy or as weird as I was.(She's purely subtle is all and Kevin like most jocks secretly loves 'em weird, goth, sexy, and freaky. They think we are like Dina Von Tease.) "Get out of here, you ugly brat! Can't you see that we're busy?!" He grunted as vains on his sweating pulsing dark muscles appeared grotesquely. He said still leaning in to kiss while shoving my cute little cousin with his big arm that was basically even bigger than her! (She's that little after all!) "How dare you!" Youkai and said in alarm and anger. "How dare you ******** touch her, you p***k." repeated Youkai his long raven dark locks painting over his face making his emo flip hang more than ever because his head was down. He bolted at him and bit his arm with his wolf fangs. Kevin Smith just flung him off like he was seaweed. Then he planted me with a yucky kiss. It was nothing like the sweet kiss Kira would give me from time to time. Normally, Kira was meek as ever but this just tore it. He ran over to the jock and tapped his shoulder. "Wha-" was the only thing that jerk could mutter as he got clocked in his jaw. That was the power of love. It is more effective in real life than in Scott Pilgrim. Kevin fell to the ground and we just left him there and explained the situation to the principal what happened. He was expelled.
I wondered to myself as I walked away from the school this Casual Friday. Should I give her the details at risk of being bullied and hated more by her? Would she kill me for this or appreciate my friendly honesty? That to this day I am not sure I will ever know! But I felt it wasn't my place to say. It's their relationship not mine! Kira held my hand as we left. He gave me this look that said "I will always protect you" though not directly saying it. It was clear how he felt about me now more than ever before!
Maybe it was a good Casual Friday after all.
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Sat Aug 18, 2012 @ 05:14am · 1 Comments |