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The Blackest Rose's Journal Of Horror
Welcome dear friends to this journal. Please address me as Thorn Sterling....or just Thorn. I'll always answer. Let me tell you one thing though.......I'm quick to temper, and like to blurt out radom weird things. So beware. Be very afraid!
Companions of the Sword part 2 (so far)
((Here you go. This is what I have so far. Please tell me what I should add, take away, etc))

Companions of the Sword
part 2
A Second Chance

The scent of blood drifted along with the wind. Total carnage covered a deserted battle ground. The carian crows feasted off the dead corpses of so many diffrent races of creatures. Only one lone soldier walked the grounds. Her cape billowed behind her in the wind as she slowly walked through the corpses. She wore a blood red and black riding outfit with some bits of armour on her arms. She didn't have to worry about armour on her legs due to her knee high black boots. Her vibrant blood red eyes followed the crows then drew down to the dead. Many were her comrads; Her fellow kinsmen. Her jet black hair that was slightly streaked with silver blew in the wind. Her pale skin looked even paler in the fading sunlight.

"A pitiful battle over something so small..." Her voice carried a melody of a Romanian like accent and ice all at once. A coy smirk crossed her face. A single crow with a missing eye landed on a ripped and broken flag pole in front of her. In it's mouth, was an amulet.

"If only Allestar gave that to me when I asked, he would still be alive." She took the amulet from the bird's mouth and it flew away. She gently put it in a black velvet pouch that hung at her side. Aside from all the dust, blood, and dirt, that black velvet pouch remained completely clean. She started walking off the battle feild when a voice reached her sensitive ears.

"I see you managed to kill many more again Shana Dragonfire." Shana turned to face the new comer. There in front of her was a demon she knew all too well. The girl was three inches shorter then her and had long wild, dark brown hair. Her eyes were large and also a dark brown. Her skin color was an even shade of olive and a simple fighting kimono decorated in flames and ankle high black boots was all she wore.

"Long time no see Nira. It has been so long, I though you were dead." Nira laughed.

"Me? Dead? You must be joking. Say...something is diffrent about you..." Nira looked her friend up and down trying to find the source of what made her diffrent. Shana chuckled. The air around them grew colder and Nira shuddered due to the sudden chill.

"Nira...Nira...Nira. And I thought you could see auras?" A swirling mass of black raging flames surrounded Shana for a minute then disappeared. "One hint for you. Here is another: What is my natural eye color?" Nira gasped when she put two and two together.

"I can see auras Shana. But yours was hidden....I now know what is diffrent. You're evil again..." Her voice trailed off in sadness. Shana laughed a spine chilling laugh.

"So true my kitty friend!" Shana lept into the air as black and silver dragon wings appeared from her back. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I have more pressing matters at hand! Farewell!" She began to fly swiftly away leaving Nira standing in shock.

"I thought it would never happen again...She promised it wouldn't...." Nira walked off the battle field, but before she could go, she snapped her fingers causing the entire battle field to burst into flames. The smell of rotting flesh and smoke began to drift in the wind as Nira slowly disappeared with a slight smirk on her face.

Shana landed back at her dark and desolate castle. Her wings disappearing into her back. The gothic style aritecture of her castle matched her perfectly. She kicked open the heavy metal doors and strode in. Many of the servents there bowed their heads as she passed. But she didn't notice them. She headed to the library where two certain people were there...waiting. She stopped just outside the door and heard their voices. A smirk crossed her face as she opened the door silently. The two people were deep in conversation. The one was a man. He was quite tall and had shoulder length white hair. His eyes were two diffrent colors...one red and one white. A decayed angel wing and a demon wing sprouted from his back. He was quite pale and wore all black. His red eye glowed a blood red more the usual. The other person was a woman. She too was three inches shorter then Shana and had dark hair. Her hair was down a bit passed her ears. Her eyes were blood red, but not so deep a blood red as Shana's were. She wore a dark purple robe with silver markings and had dark skin. Shana leanded against the wall between them with her arms crossed. She cleared her throat and the two people jumped.

"Nice to see you noticed me you two." Her voice held a lingering sense of scarcasim.

"You made it back alive I see. What of your men?" The man inquired.

"All dead Vergil...All dead. And Sehara, I have that amulet." Both Vergil and Sehara's eyes widened.

"I thought you wouldn't be able to get it from Allestar..." Sehara barely whispered out. Shana began to coyly laugh and made her way over to an empty black velvet chair. She took out the amulet and began to twirl it around her fingers. In one swift motion she crossed her right leg over her left.

"Oh Sehara my dear...Allestar is a weakling compared to me. It was like taking a toy from a baby. But a baby would give a better fight then he did." A coy smirk arose on her face as she looked at her two bewildered companions.

"But his army is undefeatable..." choked out Vergil.

"Was undefeatable. But his army was defeated. Even though my whole army is dead." Shana continued to twirl the amulet around her fingers. Vergil and Sehara still sat there with shock painted on their faces.

"Wow...you really are one of the feircest fighters I know..." muttered Vergil.

"I forgot to inform you two that I shall be usuing my old name once more." Shana announced.

"And it is?" asked Vergil. She smiled as she saw Sehara smile and nod. She knew the name well.

"Tallenessa Blooddagger." The room grew to an unatural coldness. The flames were licked out and a shadow floated around the room with the setting sun.

The winds began to pick up and shake the trees violently. Something was wrong with the land. Villagers ran to hide in their homes as objects began to fly about the land. A great black dragon with a vibrant red scar down his right eye emerged from his cliff top cave. His deep ocean blue eyes looked around the landscape until a scent reached his senses...chaos. He roared and flapped his wings then settled down again.

"This has not happened for over two thousand years. Why would it happen? Why now?" he asked himself. His deep voice lingering with a sense of worry. He turned around and headed back into his cave. But suddenly he paused and looked back towards the dark and looming gothic castle to the south.

"The dark commander has returned..." With a swish of his great tail he retreated back into his cave deep within the mountain. The sun had finally set. Below him in the village, the villagers were in a panic save for one, a man cloaked in a dark green cape. Behind him was another shadowy figure.

"Here. This is her castle. I haven't seen her ever since that horrid day..."the man sighed sadly.

"Pull yourself together. She is your sister remember?! You did right bringing me here. She never told me or showed me where she lived..."This voice belonged to a woman. The man drew down his hood and sighed. He had pale skin and long white hair drawn back into a ponytail. His eyes were a misty light green and he wore earth tone pants, tunic and boots.

"But I never thought that she would do this once more. She is...was...stronger then this. But now Shana is...not the sister I loved." The woman sighed in annoyance and drew down her hood as well. It was Nira.

"Sanada...OPEN YOUR EYES!!! You shouldn't fully trust the ones you love! It only shows you a quicker way to death then you ever imagined." Her temper had enough with the foolish elf boy. He clenched his fists and whipped around to face the arrogant demon. His usually calm eyes burning with anger.

"Watch your tounge demon! Around here, your kind is carefully watched. My sister trusts everyone who is close to her. She trusts Kallar with her heart and soul as she does me. What does that tell you?! Say it!! My sister is near death?! Well she isn't...but I have a feeling you are!" He turned away from her and disappeared into the shadows. Nira stood there annoyed and worried.

"That damn fool is going to get himself killed. By his own sister none the less. Why doesn't he listen to me?"

"Maybe it is because he has heard things about you that he doesn't trust huh demon?" The voice...cold as ice with the hint of a vampiric accent. Shana. Nira whirrled around to face blazing blood red eyes, a pale face, and a firey red star.

"Hello again Shana." Nira took one step back, but Shana took one step forward.

"How nice of you to join me in my beautiful lands." A wicked smile crossed her white face. Nira cringed at her aura. The burning black inferno was now visable to her. Shana had really unleashed a darkness that even Nira couldn't handle.

"Shana. I'm sorry. Your brother knows what you are now, and so do I. We cared about you...but now...I'm not so sure." Shana laughed that bone chilling laugh causeing the air to grow colder. Nira began to back up slightly, but Shana kept advancing from the shadows. Another pair of red glowing eyes appeared behind her followed by a blazing red eye and a blazing white eyes.

"I see you brought your little minions with you...Shana." Shana smirked and stared coldly at Nira.

"Oh on the contrare my lady. They are not my minions. But first. Don't call me Shana anymore dear one. Call me...Tallenessa. A name you might recall. Secondly..." She motioned for the other two creatures to emerge from the shadows. On her right stood Vergil and on her left, Sehara.

"These are your so called friends." Tears of sadness and fury welled up in Nira's eyes. Her hands balled up into tight fists. The tears she tried to hold back fell down her face as Tallenessa locked eyes with her.

"How dare you!! Why did you drag these two into this mess devil?!?" Her cries of anger only made Tallenessa laugh.

"Why do you care? You hide from us all." Her eyes squinted to a feirce glare. Her hands balled into tight fists. Her dagger like nails digging deep into her palms and her blood dripped through her hands to the ground.

"I'd leave now if I was you demon. You do not belong here." Nira reached behind her back and pulled out a secret dagger.

"Oh I'll leave alright. When you are dead!!!" Nira sprung at Tallenessa with pure white hot anger and plunged the charmed dagger deep into her heart. Tallenessa screamed out it a sheriking pain. She ripped the dagger out of her chest and threw it in the ground. Sehara held her as she fell to her knees. Vergil growled and unsheathed his deadly sword and advanced towards Nira. Nira's anger turned to panic as she realized what she had done. In a flurry of flames she disappeared as she saw Vergil advancing towards her. Vergil sheathed his sword once more and knelt down besides Tallenessa and Sehara. The dark commander clutched her heart and was gasping for air.

"That damn demon. Her dagger is charmed." She screamed as the wound began to burn. Suddenly, Tallenessa passed out from the pain.

"Come Vergil. We must get to the castle medic right away. She might actually die this time." She began to make her way through the dark alleyways. Vergil picked up Tallenessa and followed Sehara into the darkness.

Far off in the western kingdoms, a she elf rode in a flower filled field. A long flowy green cape billowed behind her as she rode on her beautiful unicorn Curion. A simple yet detailed riding outfit is all she wore, This elegant elf was the Lady Bri. She made her way back to her castle to see her two dear friends now. Kali and Frozen. She rode Curion into the stables and locked him into his stall. She made her way to the great hall where she heard laughter through the heavey wooden doors. She smiled and opened the doors.

"I'm back guys!" She called as she skipped over to her laughing friends.

"Bri!!!" yelled the girls as the ran over to her hugging her. They all laughed together. Happiness filled this castle. For Lady Bri's castle was full of love and pretty colors to say the least. The outside was a beautiful and gleaming white while on the inside there were rainbows of colors everywhere. Elegant tapestries hung about the castle while flowers were placed everywhere. The three girls sat down at a table still giggling. Frozen handed Bri a goblet of some sort of fruit drink.

"Here! Try this! Kali and I came up with it today while you were out riding." Bri took the goblet and looked at her friends with a suspicious eye.

"Oh come on! It isn't poisonous at all trust us." Kali announced. Bri giggled.

"Thats what frightens me." She took a sip from goblet and her eyes widened. She took another sip.

"This is..." She paused and a big smile streched over her face.

"GREAT!!!!" The three girls once again broke into laughter. For the rest of the afternoon they remained in the great hall laughing and just having fun.

Hours passed when there has a knocking on the great hall's heavy wooden doors. The girls turned and looked at the door.

"Who is it?" called Bri. A young man's voice returned the answer.

"Lady Bri! It's me Adre! May I enter? I bring news!" Bri smiled.

"Adre! Just come in you silly elfling. You're always welcome." The three girls stood up and headed towards the doors. Adre opened the heavy wooden doors and started running towards them. He noticed that they where walking to him, so he skidded to a halt nearly falling over.

"Sorry...Bri. Evening...ladies." His chest rose and fell with his deep breaths. His light blonde hair was tossed about and his vibrant sapphire eyes showed how tired he was from running.

"Come on Adre. Sit and tells us what news you bring." Bri pulled out a chair for him and he greatfuly sat in it. Bri, Kali, and Frozen sat near him and waited to hear what he had come to tell them.

"Well..." he started.

"You probably already know about the Dark Commander returning right?" The girls sadly nodded.

"Okay then. So do you know King Allestar?" Once again, the girls nodded.

"Now I know you don't know this. Well he and his whole army have been slaughtered by the Dark Commander and his army just the other day. But the Dark Commander's army was also destroyed. Only he remained alive." Bri, Kali, and Frozen's eyes widened.

"Are you serious Adre?" questioned Bri. Adre sadly nodded.

"Go on. Is there more needed to be told?" asked Kali.

"Oh yes! Much more." He cleared his throat and began once more.

"In a mountain in the Southern Kingdom not far from Lady Shana's castle, resides a great Shadow Dragon Lord. Almost as powerful as the Dragon Lord spirit inside Lady Shana. He only comes out of his cavern now and then to assist King Kallar and Queen Shana. Ususally that is in only times of war or distress. Well not really...anyway. He has emerged. He knows the Dark Commander has returned and knows the king is out on a campagin. We have to get Shana out of that castle. She is in grave danger if she stays there with that Dark Commander trapsing around." Bri sadly sighed and stood up.

"Adre...the Dark Commander isn't a man. It is a woman. The Dark Commander is Shana, my friend Adre. She has corrupted Lord Vergil and Lady Wink. Our other dear friends. We're still puzzled to why she suddenly changed this this..." Her voice trailed off sadly. Adre stood up and rested his hand on Bri's shoulder.

"There there. It will be okay. Lord Sanada has returned too. Not to mention this fire cat demon creature." Frozen looked up at the mention of the cat demon. She stood up with a smile on her face.

"It's Nira!" Kali, Bri, and Adre jumped. Bri nodded and smiled.

"Come. We should go find those two."

The next day, the Shadow Dragon Lord emerged from his cave in the mountain. He streched his wings and muscles. He scanned the horizion with his deep ocean blue eyes.

"I must go retrieve his lordship. There is much work to be done." In a swift beat of his wings, he rose to the air and flew off towards the West. The ground passed beneath him like a dream. Village after village passed until they began to disappear. Houses became trees. Villages became forests. The scent of death blew along the wind. He was growing closer to his lordship. He flew over a battlefield covered in tents, soldiers and abandoned weapons. An army of elves, dragons, and half dragons were assembled at the foot of a great mountain. The Shadow Dragon Lord landed in the clearing and folded his wings tightly to his body. He raised his head up high and began to make his way towards the king's tent. Many soldiers who saw him bowed to this ancient dragon. His eyes spotted King Kallar as he grew closer. He was dressed in the traditional armour of the Stormfire Dragon clan. His dirty blonde hair was strewn about but still fairly neat. His grey eyes found the dragon as a smile crossed his face. The dragon bowed to him as Kallar bowed to the dragon.

"DarkWater. My old friend. What brings you here?" asked Kallar as he moved closer to the dragon. DarkWater's eyes held a tone of seriousness. Kallar lost his smile and became serious.

"Kallar. The Dark Commander. She has returned." Kallar's face grew gaunt. A frightened whisper spread quickly throughout the army. The skies grew dark and the wind began to pick up.

"I met up with her brother and spoke with him. This supposedly happened a week ago. My lady and five of her friends were summoned to go on a mission for the Serpentine Kingdom. The Queen Karissa's son had been kidnapped. Albhe sent for them. But durning the trip, she was corrupted somehow. Two of her companions were corrupted as well. The Lord Vergil and the Lady Wink...now called Sehara." A silent tear slid down Kallar's face. He looked into DarkWater's eyes and saw that he too was upset.

"I thought Shana would never change this badly again." Another frightened whisper spread throuh the army as they heard the name of their queen be said.

"My lord." called one of the archers who was an elf. Kallar looked up at the elf and regained his composure.

"Yes Amoral?" The archer was nervous as he stepped forward.

"Is it true that Queen Shana is the Dark Commander?" Kallar sighed sadly.

"Yes Amoral. That is correct." He looked across the army and addressed them.

"Men. I want you to know this. Queen Shana is the Dark Commander. The same Dark Commander from thousands of years ago. We might have to fight yet another war. A war on your own Queen. But she is not alone this time. Lord Vergil and Lady Wink, who is now to be called Sehara again, are on her side. This is going to be the hardest thing you men have ever done." He paused and looked at their faces. Each man was terrified.

"Now. Pack up camp. We head home. To the Southern Kingdom!" DarkWater rose up on his hind legs, out streched his giant wings and roared loudly. The men hurried off to pack up camp.

"This definetly will be the hardest thing they've done. The hardest thing...I've done." he whispered to himself as he walked into his tent to pack up.

In the Southern Kingdom, no one stirred. All was so silent, you would think no one was alive. The dark looming castle casted its dark shadow over all in the moonlight. A dark figure stepped outside from the large metal doors. Cloaked in all black stood Tallenessa. Her peircing red eyes glowed from the shadow of her hood. The red five pointed star on her forhead glowed just as brightly. She stepped forward to head down the stairs when a hand landed on her right shoulder. She stopped and spun around. There stood Vergil.

"Why do you stop me fallen one?" she asked him coldly. He looked at her sternly. She could see he was as fully dressed as she was.

"I'm coming with you." Shana glared at him and turned around.

"I go alone Vergil. I do not need anyone to accompany me thank you very much." She started to walk away once more, but he grabbed her shoulders and made her face him.

"You are not going out there alone Tallanessa." She growled feircly at him and quickly monuvered around him. In a swift movement, she kicked him down the many stairs of the castle. He landed on the ground with a thud. He growned in pain as she silently and gracefully walked down the stairs. She stepped over him as if he was a sleeping dog. But she stopped and turned around. She spied him struggling to get up. Her boot met his chest as she pushed him back down to the ground with force.

"Don't dare try to follow me Vergil. Or I will leave you to die in the baron lands. There the buzzards will eat you alive. No one could hear you scream. I go alone." She lifted her foot off his chest and disappeared into the darkness of the village below.
Vergil stood up in agony. The fall down the stairs really wasn't that pleasent. He streched his back and it cracked, echoing through the silence. He stared off into the direction Tallenessa had gone and sighed.

"She is a stubborn one. She just better not get killed." He paused and began to think.

"Why didn't she want anyone to follow her? I was..." His voice was cut off as someone else finished his sentence.

"Only trying to help and protect." Vergil whipped around, sword drawn, but lowered the blade when he saw who it was. Sehara stood there in the shadows behind him.

"Damn you Sehara. You almost just got yourself killed." Sehara smirked.

"Wouldn't be the first time Vergil." She said jokingly.

"Yeah. Not funny you know." He paused as Sehara walked passed him. Silently he turned around and stood next to her. They both looked out to the dark and silent villages. Seconds lasted for what seemed like hours. Finally, Vergil broke the silence.

"Say Sehara. Why didn't Tallenessa want anyone to follow her?" She turned to face him. She could tell he was oblivious and confused. Sehara sighed and faced the village once more.

"Vergil...don't you remember that she is a vampire?" Silently he nodded.

"She doesn't want anyone to watch her feed off of these meaningless creatures called humans. But there is more behind it." She paused and closed her eyes. Vergil waited patiently for her to continue. She opened her eyes and continued with a sigh.

"She also is cursed." Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Vergil grow intreguied as his eyes slightly widened.

"Please go on." Sehara smiled and continued.

"She has told only me this secret. Besides recieving the spirit of the Dragon Lord when she was born, she recieved a curse only few get. The curse of the Dark Spirits. This curse goes to people when they are born. It is said, the curse finds those people who are destined to be evil or lead a life of tragedy. Tallenessa lives both." Vergil's eyes grew even wider.

"By the gods...I had no idea. What has happened so far to her?" Sehara faced him in shock.

"You mean to tell me you don't know about her past?!" He shook his head.

"Should I have known?"

"Well it would do you some good to understand her slightly!" He took a step back away from Sehara.

"Can you possibly tell me then? In the short version if you don't mind." Sehara nodded.

"Okay then. Well, her mother died five years after her birth. Which was the same day her brother, the Lord Sanada, was born. Then about 50 years later, her father was killed in her arms. Next, about 100 years later, her birth kingdom was attacked by barbaric humans. She managed to escape on Kellena, that dragon-horse thing of hers. She thought she was the only one left alive, but her brother managed to survive as well. She then found a kingdom in need of help. She ruled there for 50 years. But that too was attacked and it was by that same barbaric human tribe. She was tortured for days when then they finally threw her down the many many steps if the palace. Just like you were. She got on Kellena and rode off finally ending up in the Dragovanian Sharkova, or The Evil Lands in common tounge. For 1000 years, she reigned as the highest ranking commander there. She had command over all of the armies there. Plus, she was right hand man to the ruler. She went off to war on this one kingdom. She was killed there and the army fled. The queen of that land had her brought back to life, that is a whole diffrent story, and she was made advisor. She met Frozen and not long after, Kallar. He and she went to rule the Southern Lands, which is where we are now and have been for many a year. But she was turned into a vampire by a Count Radu Vladislas. Nice fellow. She loved him like a father. But he is now dead as well. Lord Sanada had shown up about 20 years ago. She fears that Kallar and Sanada will be the next to die. Not to mention all her companions. That is why she distances herself from us all. She fears the future no matter what state she is in. Good or evil. And one other thing. That evil side of hers still emerges now and then. She goes on a killing rampage every full moon. She is a crafty one when evil. But I don't really mind it." Vergil stood there amazed and shocked. He knew nothing about his friend until now. Suddenly a question popped into his mind.

"Sehara. Is it just me or did you notice Tallenessa's hair is slightly streaked with silver? Is she that old?" Sehara thought on this question. Finally she came up with an answer.

"Why yes. I actually did notice. "

"Any clue to why?" Sehara answered even quicker then before.

"Yes I do. Is is a symbol of her power. One day, all her hair will probably be silver. It is a trait that all half Shadow dragons pick up. You see, their colors are black and silver, so eventually their hair grows all silver. But I think in Tallenessa's case, it will always be silver and black."

"Ah...I see. Thats...well...interesting." Sehara laughed and started heading back into the castle.

"Come on. She knows we are out here. We must be disturbing her." Vergil stared back to the village with a look of confusion on his face as Sehara slipped into the castle.

"Can she really tell?" he called after her as he too slipped into the castle.

Tallenessa slipped silently through the dark streets of the village. The moon made the castle cast its eerie shadow over the surrounding land. She would pause for a few seconds in front of a door then move on. But when she came to one door, she didn't move on. Inside was a family of four. A father, a mother, and two daughters. There was soon to be a fifth member, for the mother was due very soon with another child. Images rushed through Tallenessa's head.

"This is the family for tonight," she whispered to herself. Normaly she would take only two victims a night, but they all had the scent of death around them. Why let them go to waste? She waved her hand over the door and watched as it unlocked. She slowly and silently opened it. Peering in, she heard the same snoaring sound from the father as she did when she was outside. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness. In the biggest room, which really wasn't too big, was where the mother and father slept. She crept in and watched them for a few seconds. Silently, she slunk over to the mother. The woman's stomach big and bludgeing.

"It will be a son," Tallenessa whispered into the woman's ear. She couldn't take her. Her eyes drew over to the father. He was familiar to her. Suddenly, she remembered. He was a palace guard. But he was on leave since his wife was due to give birth. She couldn't take him either. So silently she walked into the next room which was slightly smaller. There were two beds which two girls laid sound asleep in. They were around the age of twelve or so. One girl was frail and very very pale. She was as pale as Tallenessa herself which is almost white. She had long light blonde hair and Tallenessa could tell she had the deepest green eyes. Like emeralds.

"Why is that eye color familiar to me?" Tallenessa asked herself. She looked to the other bed and saw the light girl's sister. This girl wasn't so pale as her sister. In fact her skin was a bit lighter then olive. Her hair was long too, but it was a pitch black like Tallenessa's. This girl's eyes were a deep brown. There was a certain significance these two girls held on the Dark Commander. Like their mother and father, she couldn't kill them.

"These four don't hold a scent of death about them. But why is that scent so powerful here?" she thought. She left the girls' room and went to the back of the house. There, two servents lay asleep. They were the marked ones. Silently she bent down and sent peaceful images to the first servent. Carefully she held him in her arms and tilted his head back slightly. She bent her head down and exposed her dagger like fangs. She peirced the skin of his neck and began to drain his blood. Once he was drained, she did the same thing to the other servent. But while she was drinking this servent's blood, she didn't sense the frail light girl walk outside. Tallenessa finished draining the second servent and sensed the girl. She turned around, her red eyes a deep blood red, and looked at the girl.

"Shouldn't you be in bed child?" she calmly asked.

"I knew you were coming master." Tallenessa's eyes slightly widened.

"What did you just call me girl?" The girl smiled. Her lips were red and her eyes lit up.

"I called you master. My sister and I have been waiting for you for ages. We have been wanting to get away from the life of humans since we can remember." As if on que, the dark sister emerged from behind the light sister and stood next to her. Tallenessa was baffled. What could she do? Finally an idea came to her.

"Come with me then my children." They both smiled and took one of Tallenessa's hands. Her flowing black cape was gently draped over the girls' shoulders as she led them back to her castle. They all slipped inside and went to Tallenessa's chambers.

She opened the door and allowed for the two girls to enter. Once the door was closed, she took off her cape and sat the two sisters on the bed. A kind and warm smile spread across her face.

"First. Can you tell me each of your names? I can't just keep calling you "child" now can I?" They all laughed happily. The light girl spoke up first.

"My name is Thorn."

"And my name is Rose." The dark girl said with a smile as she joined her sister's side. Tallenessa smiled kindly.

"They aren't human..." she thought to herself. She looked into the girl's souls and saw what they truely were. They were Shadow Vampires. A deadly clan that one could be in at birth even if the parents were humans. This could be bad? But Tallenessa had nothing to worry about. No one dared really go against her word. Tallenessa smiled and took the two girls to a vacent room.

"Here is where you shall stay. Don't go wandering around please. I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

"Yes Master!" exclaimed Rose and Thorn happily. With that, Tallenessa left the room and headed back to her own chamber.

The next morning, Kallar Stormfire's army was just waking up. They were about a day's march from home. Kallar emerged from his tent slowly and somberly. His men began to worry about him. He grew more and more sad and somber as they grew closer to home. DarkWater approached him with a slight head bow.

"My lord. We are worried about you. Is there anything we can do? Anything I can do?" Kallar looked at him with glassy eyes. He put on a half smile, which was completely fake.

"No DarkWater old friend. There is nothing anyone can do." Just then, a scout sounded an alarm. But one that was not for danger. Kallar ran and lept onto DarkWater as he began to fly into the air. He soared up high into the air, the rising sun glinted off of his dark blue scales and Kallar's armour. This flashing of lights startled the army, but they were at ease knowing it was their king. Both dragon and lord began to fly down towards the advancing riders of six. From afar, they could not tell who these strangers were. The closer they got, the easier it was to see them. Two men were on each end of four girls. The first man was a young elfling, that had to be Adre. Next to him was a dark haired, dark skined woman. Kali. After her was a light and bubbly elf lady. No one else could fit who this was except for Bri. Beside her, was the light and strange Kumiko...or Frozen. But next to her, was a girl Kallar had never seen before.

"DarkWater...Who is that girl next to the Lady Kumiko?" DarkWater stared at the girl not knowing what to do or say.

"I don't know milord. The only thing I can think of is that she is a demon no doubt. Her aura screams it."

"Right..." Kallar took one look at the last rider and knew it was Sanada, Shana's younger brother. They circled the troop once then landed in front of them, cutting off their path. The riders came to a halt, save for one. Nira.

"Hey! Whats the big idea blocking our path you moron!?" Kallar coldly stared back at her. DarkWater tensed up as it to strike her. The others stared back at her with eyes wide and open mouths.

"Umm...Ni," Frozen could barely finish her sentence when Nira silenced her.

"No Frozen. I'll handle this." She dismounted her horse and took out a knife.

"Come on big shot. Show me what you got."

"Is she for real?!" whispered Bri to Frozen.

"Sadly yes Bri. She is..." Kallar smoothly got off DarkWater and unsheathed a sword much like Shana's own Salandra. The two of them got into fighting stances. Nira charged first. With grace and ease, Kallar lept over her, kicking her to the ground.

"You better stop now little miss, or I will kill you," he threatened. Nira jumped to her feet and slammed Kallar to the ground. How, no one could understand. Just as she was just about to slit his throat, an arrow shot the knife out of Nira's hand. She looked up to see Sanada with his bow, another arrow drawn in the string.

"Nira! Enough! On the horse now or you die!" Nira never saw Sanada like this, so she backed away from Kallar and mounted back onto her horse. Sanada slung the bow over his shoulder once more and walked over to Kallar, helping him to his feet.

"You alright Kallar?" he asked.

"Yes. Yes I'm fine. Keep that demon away or I swear Frozen..."

"I'm soo sorry milord. She just dosen't know who you are," Frozen apologized.

"Who is he then? Will someone please tell me?!" demanded Nira. Everyone slightly glared at her, even the horses.

"This, Nira, is Shana's husband. Lord Kallar Stormfire. Ruler of the Southern Lands," chided Sanada.

"And Kallar, this...This is Nira. A cat and fire demon hybrid." Kallar bowed to her and Nira slightly nodded.

"So you all know about Shana eh?" Everyone nodded. Suddenly a flash of anger and sadness crossed over him as he faced Bri, Frozen and Kali.

"I heard she was with the three of you when this happened. And you did nothing?!" The three girls looked to the ground sadly.

"Kallar. Please...calm down. Do you honestly want a clouded mind when you finally meet up with Shana?"

"Shes no longer Shana." chimed in Nira. Everyone turned to her waiting to hear what she had to say.

"She isn't using the name Shana anymore. She is using..." But she had no time to finish her sentence. Kallar did it for her.

"Tallenessa Blooddagger. The Dark Commander. I know. No need to inform me demon." He mounted DarkWater once more and they flew back the the camp. The six friends stared at one another. Each one not really knowing what to do. The sound of pounding horse hooves began to eminate from around them. They looked forward to see Sanada riding towards the camp.

"I guess we follow him?" questioned Nira.

"Yeah...I think we should. Poor guys. They are so upset over Lady Shana..." added Adre. They passed glances among eachother and began to ride off after Sananda and Kallar.

That night, Tallenessa woke up with a bit of a start.

"What the bloody hell is your problem Vergil?" She looked up, seeing Vergil leaning over her. He jumped back in shock and embarassment. Tallenessa stood up and swiftly threw on her robe. She stared at him, both hands on her hips.

"Well...Spit it out man!" Vergil once again jumped in shock.

"Right...umm...Sorry..." he stuttered. He glanced around quickly then spoke once more.

"I was making sure you were alright. It sounded like you were having a bad night. I heard it from my room all the way down the hall. I stayed in here all night making sure you were ok..." She just stood there, stareing at him. Finally she walked passed him with a sigh, leaveing her room and heading out into the corridor..

"Lighten up Vergil. I'm not a weakling..." He sighed and rolled his eyes and began to follow her.

"I have Tallenessa. Very much so. If anyone has to lighten up, it is you..." She stopped dead in her tracks and whipped around to face him, her eyes blazing. The lights from the torches in the corridor gave her a demonic glow. She growled deeply, causing him to shrink back a bit.

"I gave my life oh too many times for ALL of you! I don't want to hear it!" she growled. Vergil stood there holding back his anger. Just then, Sehara walked out of her room.

"Evening...?" she hesitated. She looked at the two creatures stareing eachother down. Sehara looked at the auras surrounding both of them. Vergil's was black with anger, which was normal. But Tallenessa's...her's was a raging black inferno. An aura that no one would survive. She had to do something or Vergil will be dead. In a blink of an eye, Sehara sprang upon Tallenessa. She tried her hardest to knock her out, but found herself being thrown across the hall into the wall. Tallenessa's anger grew even more.

"What the hell do you think you are doing Sehara?! You should know better!" Sehara gazed back at her, weak and out of breath.

"I was...only trying to...calm your aura..." she managed to gasp. Tallenessa's eyes grew softer. In the backround, another door opened.

"Master? Is everything alright?" called a soft voice. They all turned around to find Rose and Thorn stepping sheepishly out of their room.

"Yes girls. Everything is fine. Go get dressed. I'll be with you soon." The two girls nodded and went back into their room. Tallenessa passed Vergil and Sehara as he helped her up to her feet. They passed glances and looked after Tallenessa. She walked with a strong stride and a straight back. She was very made.

"What are we going to do with her Vergil?" asked Sehara as they walked down the corridor to the Great Hall. Vergil walked with his head lowered and his demenior was slumped. Quite diffrent from his normal stride.

Tallenessa strode back to her room in fury. What was wrong with her two "friends"? They were so hostile to her today. Was it something she did? Something she was doing? She opened her door and entered. Her room, like always, was dark. Very dark. She stepped in and shut the door behind her. With grace, she took off her robe and threw it gently on the bed. She ran her fingers through her hair with frustration as she sat down in her chair. Her hands slowly slid down her head unti l they covered her face.

"Things aren't going as well as I planed..." Her door opened with a slight creak. She rushed to her feet and spun around to the door. Thorn and Rose silently and cautiously entered the room, dressed and cloaked.

"Master...We are ready. We got dressed as you said," calmly informed Rose. Tallenessa's muscles loosened as she walked over to the waredrobe and threw on a simple riding outfit and cape.

"Alright girls. Let us go." She took hold of each girl's hand and walked out of the castle with them. As she passed the Great Hall's opened doors, she said nothing to Sehara and Vergil who were sitting at a lone table near the door. They looked up and sighed heavily.

The three of them had fed nicely that night.Tallenessa let the two girls play in a feild while she sat on a boulder near them. She gazed at the stars until a glimmer caught her attention. The glimmer came from a large camp. Kallar's camp. He was returning home, but with company. She stood up, slightly infuriated.

"They have joined camp with him," she growled to herself. She knew who was with Kallar. Bri, Kali, Frozen, Nira, Adre, and...

"Sanada?" Her voice held a pang of sadness. Why did they have to bring him into it. No matter how evil she ever could be, she still loved her brother. She looked around and saw the two girls playing. Slowly, she made her way over to them.

"Girls?" she called softly. They both stopped playing and ran over to her with a smile.

"Yes master?' They said in unison. She looked them dead in the eyes.

"You know how to get back to my palace from here?" They both nodded.

"Thats my girls. Now, I want you to go bad, silently. So to Vergil and Sehara and stay with them. I'll be back shortly." She hugged them both and watched them leave. She then sighed and began to walk over to the camp.

In Kallar's camp, the eight of them were seated at a dining table. No one ate much or spoke much for that matter. Each one looked down at their plates. They all looked up though when the sound of necks snapping rang through the tent. A figure stood in the doorway.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Plotting my death?" Tallenessa walked out from the shadows in all her deadly glory. Kallar and Sanada stood side by side and took a step foreward. She sighed and unsheathed her sword and pointed it to them.

"Come any closer and I'll cut you to ribbons." Her voice lacked its power. She would never hurt them.

"Please...Shana. Don't do this. Please. Come back to us..." pleaded her brother. She stared back at him blankly.

"I can't. I will never come back. I love you two. But I just can't" Adre came foreward. Her sword and glance focused on him now.

"Then let Vergil and Wink come back. Please. If you won't, just let them." Kallar and Sanada turned to him to try and silence him. Bri tried to walk to him, but backed away in fear. Tallanessa's evil glare focused on him and her grip on the hilt of her sword tightened.

"Are you telling me what to do, boy?" Her voice held a stinging bitterness. In the background, Kali, Frozen, and Nira grasped their weapons. But it was really no use, Tallanessa knew.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Mon Jun 05, 2006 @ 10:56pm

    YAY! STORY! I've read most of it, so I figured I'd comment before I read it. WHY THE HORSES GLARING AT ME? WHAT DID I DO TO THE HORSES!
    You are an AMAZING writer, better than me, and don't you dare say otherwise!
    Much love
    Your psychotic sister (who's just a TINY bit worried)

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