Forsake us not dear spirit of God at the gates.
For your spirit is like unknown but granted unto we.
Cast asunder not thine anger of days.
Let the generations see your love.
In loss of time and essence.
Even I have cursed.
Yet life bless and forgive.
Cast forth thine ancient crowns.
Ye old and young alike.
Thine priests, and saints adore.
A living prophet is rare.
Found in us descendants.
Among us and the prophet who stood brave and true?
God shall decide whom he chooses.
Even the prophet not know his calling.
Yet, come forth a day of temporal peace.
There is light and shadow hence forth.
The chaos of peace hides in sadness.
Thine shadow of wicked try to overtake thee.
Elders, man and life hated yet adore thee.
Yet thine darts are useless O Death.
To that day life chooses its calling.
Flesh dies or heals.
Spirit lives.
Legend of the Archangels - see how the glories shine.
Yet of them the hosts of heaven glories, thou Christ ye are great.
In melodic harmony of energy the spirits claim.
Thus, the answer of how perception to divine see.
For they are ministers of fire or mortified under and not above God.
It is thine harmonic rhythms cast forth or found.
In thine hearts O acceptance before control.
Control not I or man, a free thinker O spirit.
For we accept as man mortality to cure.
Conquest or not of perils - so define a people.
You O light and darkness holy before me.
Rejecting perhaps God though you hated...
In some way or form you loved him.
You are forgiven with no grudge in He.
To judgement come from His decision not mine.
If such be true, God understood deceit.
The world knows God loves.
Seven seals, the ancient scroll of days.
Yet the number of death an abomination to him.
You were worthy and are indeed.
O God of Man to live and Man of God.
The music divine is hidden by man as own.
For their safety or protection to life.
Or it is stolen among us each.
Perhaps preserved incarnate.
Know I your name? as they sought.
They had found his name.
To the wise... teach them a LORD.
Not controlling, but life.
I find it among teachers and academies.
To the skills which is offered in reputations.
It is easy not to claim professions unless acting.
Truth is do people act honest before each?
To the ruin sought by they the questing.
What hence is preserved or expanded?
We have with direction records and evidence.
So also onto they the life.
I conduct my research.
I say make not void the truth of whole.
For there are many unto eternity.
I shall not impersonate to steal purposely.
Even if tried, one cannot take the body or steps same.
But unto thee - life is a golden rule to teach consideration.
Who is a minister unto his own name?
Such is when life teaches the way.
Accepting thou has emotion.
Even thine emotions hold forth a kingdom.
You O changing land of Zion and development...
Come forth and meet thine foundation's King.
Yet, thou know it is not ye or I.
But it is with God.
He God shall smite ye if ye have intention.
Or I shall go before and exalt him with heart.
Know the purity of the LORD O ages.
It shall feel me from afar.
And if I not make this journey, so be.
Some way or another our life crossed.
For what man does is not God's way.
Nor is it that of the prophets' to angelic being.
I a man hear thine cries with similarity.
Thine suffering is not my strength.
For you are filled with all attributes.
Perhaps I be blind a man cause I am young.
Yet wise among the simple or to become it.
If the Lord has lasted time.
Where hence is the God's name?
His name is the same as someone on Earth.
Yet, a name multitudes have.
It hides and protects thee.
Thine true secret.
God knows not Himself.
A LORD awakens.
Death shall be conquered.
It shall beat the Devil of Life.
Even Life to Death rebuke it the Life.
Life sees itself honoring life.
Death shall be no more.
Nor shall sickness or sadness.
In a later time spirits cross.
They change the view of man.
Remember those who did not have a crown of life.
For they sought death or life not spared.
Some repented yet deserved a chance.
To even they defend a motive inspired.
Giving us a chance a generation life flow.
Who am I a man to question life on this?
I remain silent out of respect for them.
For the LORD heart is of thine and thine secrets belong to Him.
Shall the LORD be tempted by wickedness as before as Job?
He shall not be though one indeed was angered by an Angel named the Devil.
I blame not Death, I blame not life.
The Devil one indeed is though fallen.
The watchers wait, and try to find.
But among them of us.
Retain thine spirit.
Onto the end of days.
When He manifest His glory.
The flesh not know its LORD.
It shall ponder our thoughts.
The sword of an angel is worse than the plague.
It shall smite as before the idols of man in heart to reality.
Mankind, wherefore in reason do we grudge against holiness?
Yet I shall not add or take away from His words.
As life is a continuation, so be life to life its purpose.
Regardless of what nature you have O life.
Thine life unto life and thine life to be.
Forsake not and much unite.
Have you forgotten O spirit and life?
This is not physical love.
It is love divine.
Name forth an attribute that our LORD is not.
And mankind has destroyed or built falseness of God before them.
I have answered thus this question a man.
The LORD built everything according to nature and its kind.
Not the forbidden use of technologies.
I research my heart, knowing much grant mercy.
Thus the God was displeased with us.
Lets look back to the laws of Hammurabi to is it finally a thousand years?
For the Godhead is also as old if not older as Cyrus in the BC - AD era.
Man is not saved by the law but grace.
Mercy has been given me a man.
Rebuked by the dream or face of God.
Christ will have a say with anything against him.
Yet, indeed God the first, one honors or tries.
Nothing shall tear God from God.
Nor am I a man of argument to be God.
Less God split himself and powers be lethal.
Nothing shall tempt the LORD of compassion.
Though his flesh intercedes for the being.
Remember these words...
For thou art a being as GOD and not Gods.
You have life and knowledge at disposal.
Granted to you... O wherefore is thine sting O Death?
It is in our choice to evasion.
It is in our lack to consider.
It is in our maturity to similar of ages.
It is in our fear to natural realities.
It is defined by what life seek.
I welcome Death to conversation.
Yet choose to live and coexist the life.
Thou maker, know this man?
Who poisons your council?
O LORD that is wicked.
But among them and motives, thou art righteous.
I am not SA-maul an angel of death - poison of God.
Is why I betrayed my name. For I got it confused one side with a prophet.
But, regardless, the prophet here was I and I honor the Lord's name.
He older than me, was a first prophet. Who has the blood of Israel?
No matter Jew, Greek, or gentile, we have some connection to God.
My name is Samuel. = "God has heard"
Immanuel. God is with us.
My spirit is not immortal - will not always strive with men.
Jesus is the Christ.
If one called the true God, Samuel, and Jesus side by side with Steven.
They would make a great council of purity.
For they were names to define and see God in righteousness.
Even if one or the other falls as man...
God has set forth his hand to reach or convict us.
I shall be at peace for a time.
Death will seek me.
I shall find it.
But life as whole shall not perish.
In due part. God is our strength.
A source of light in darkness.
You hold the life now...
O Man that the Devil has lost a grip.
Would life cross and revert?
Or would life see and seek out wisdom?
Ages everlasting to the life's final breath.
Seek not destruction in the heart.
And you shall find God.
Shall I manipulate God?
The answer is no.
For even the life has individuality.
It was God who gave free will.
Regardless of who is accepted...
The Rebel fought for slavery.
The Devil fell and confessed to lies, to became honest or true?
Such baffles life and death.
O God mortified to Man first before spirit.
You have silenced the Devil and are of your destiny's choice.
True without the Devil there would be no world of pride in itself.
But I speak to know where hence it came.
A man also spoke why crush the devil not so?
It also was a portion of goodness and wickedness.
God cannot clash with God.
Nor Satan divide Satan.
For how would a house so stand?
Life is given a choice.
Live, die, or make a calling to an extent.
But unto thee, O life, thine decisions thine own.
To that the environments and conditions that effect ye.
Why are you angered by truth?
I wishing thee peace, much and such heal.
It cannot bring back what is slain.
But resurrected is life.
For it gives birth as that of a natural mother.
A consideration of people to replenish.
Rather than destroy or cheat.
Life preserves and or spares.
It among such is beauty.
Man who are slaughters cannot be brought to light.
Unless the life rebuke thee.
And such many professions will not understand.
For they had cheated generations after.
Or the younger reprove the old.
Is why I judge them the man who has rejected me.
I say to them, you as I thought the same.
Why reject your heart O hypocrite who is wiser than I.
For you held wisdom and indeed were guided.
Life was not guided and it sought.
Who among them was wise?
Not I but he that live the experience.
Not He who scar a man for indignation.
Life and Death held wisdom of life.
Therefore each one sought God.
A philosopher three could not find God.
Yet search their own way to acknowledge.
Nor could the professions find God.
Had it be we searched for God's manifest...
Life would not understand itself.
The choice of being gave three to search for truth - freedom.
Each one their own story yet each sought noble truth.
"Do not persecute the life" stated one and or think it over.
Who among them was forgiven if not all three?
Is a man prepared to face it?
Or such a life rebuke?
I said not by I shall Death be judged in man.
Therefore the Devil is free but not to kill it though life suffer.
For God then has said to the Devil, I unleash you descendant and you of your path are free, but you are bound to life for its consequence. But you also a being of free will not so but beauty to admonish.
The old Devil is dead for pride and vileness to be like and descendants take root without understanding.
The ancient deity God is also dead but alive in we.
Make your path before him straight O descendants.
Not I glorified but also of you, a being to myself as you.
This generation knows God.
God understood its ways.
Thoughts inherited to man are not my thoughts.
But are blessed to us to think for reasons.
God is the source of wisdom and life.
If God knew his ego or alternate form.
Today where would it stand?
I defend God for he is not me.
Thus I continue my research till life teach or rebuke me.
For peace of life I say this.
Death may be satisfied not with chaos or killing for it wants more.
Let the spirit rest and not be summoned. Who sought death among itself?
A cure to the immortal sicknesses when life cannot die. You did not touch the knowledge fruit.
To the life shall see its greatest need once it has inclined to its needs.
As that not to progress further shall the life seek death and conquer it.
Knowing you of knowledge sought, you did not touch the life fruit.
Those who ate of both, God said he shall be like the angelic beings.
Yet perhaps at some point or another it makes a spirit die regardless of what path.
Let the spirit rest and it shall rise and shall it not be tormented of its happiness.
The bonds of spells are broken unless connected through acceptance or force.
Life commits itself to break the captors of wickedness or vice.
And the truth set Life and Death both as equals free.
For God was among us each justified.
Maybe not found blameless in the sight of man.
But the true goes for the man whom was found blameless.
I did not say I was sinless. Though God was sinless.
God is greater than I a man.
You are like God before God.
Yet you are not O man.
Therefore I sought myself - this the man speaks in heart essence true.
What courage, what faith, what hope, when fears are still and striving cease.
The law sets forth a sad example before me though one made it in past to present.
Yet with the LORD our God was wisdom.
For who taught God? And he was told by man, remember his promises.
Where I as a man could forget, God understands and forgets not.
Give a man the opposite of his ego, and he shall revile it or accept it eventually.
Tell a man of his life or future consequence or need and he will reject till proven.
Cause it knows not his desire to health to expense.
God and the Devil were once a man. This I know.
Shall I find the mouthpiece of God and or the Devil?
I sought in this and thought life and the other shall not answer its own.
But in such it be expected.
Then I know true the LORD...
Hopefully not I but He in I has spoken to this man who is mortal.
For he inscribed the law of much on our heart.
That which man gave up or scar it has.
My LORD has made it heal to more than one.
The brain and the heart and that within is a component of life.
A spirit has a heart. For who lived without a heart?
If mankind walks emotionless, that is the Devil's shadow.
Repeat it not O spirit, yet one has indeed been mortified or made pure.
To know thine purity is the shadow's worst fear as so as wickedness known to pure.
Is why I as a man, judged Israel for the building of the third temple.
Yet not the end of time yet, but from long ago... They built sacrifice on purity.
Israel a wicked people and life know ideals in their heart.
Shall I find and crush my falseness and had.
For I had seen truth before me.
It being spared of generations old and younger, life has guarded a land and its people.
Breath of the Living God.
You reside in each.
Where is a promised holy land?
It is not the land I long for but the God who knew peace.
The man of God shall honor regardless and seek even if his deeds are not so.
I understand and smile to those who have insulted me.
I had laughed at the ignorance of me to life and death the cruelty.
I had seen myself and death baffled. How I think for myself, is over my limits.
Therefore exert not my strength, yet confess I do my thoughts.
They who are with holy love, persecute not them.
The gates who persecute such are without understanding to they chose rebuke.
I being a hypocrite at one point or life in another, was saddened but I see much.
Be not the one who sits on the scornful, or that of the council of the wicked.
Blessed is the righteous and pure in heart.
For they shall see God or acknowledge...
The source and life of all.
Perhaps I know not history or statistic.
Yet, who knew it in totality.
Take each one of their talents a new.
Blend them as one to agree if so possible on truth.
And they shall find if they sought with their heart.
Is the power of the Lord, lethal or such to be handled carefully?
Such is so, but perhaps it proves greater is life over that of powers manifest.
Is why life rebukes the Christian.
Some think of life as death to remember.
Such is not so but mortified is life to be honored of us each.
- I am an Aka-saki. (Ethnicity does not matter here.)
- I am a Jewish (through old laws and family),
- I am of the Greek (Forgive me for trying to understand it though we use symbols.)
- One is a Christian (For I saw memories or portions of lessons with Christ)
- One also is a Gentile. (For I was among you a people who were not my people.)
- I am among you observing and believe not just a single denomination.
- I was a Baptist and accept the truths of John with life and resurrection.
- I shall not persecute the truth faith or such of individuals.
- I honor God the first to that of have faith in the trinity.
- I respect the spirit of the source of life. Sinful I am, yet I honor it.
- I am found if so loved by man - hated by God. Perhaps maybe not what he thinks.
- I am found if so loved by God - blessed but cursed by man.
- I am found rebuked in the eyes of God (pureness), Devil (wickedness), and man.
- I had the name and origins of God yet I call myself a man.
- I crucified my idealistic thoughts to a maximum limit of life.
- I spared life and death of its decision and showed compassion towards both.
- I gave up my power for compassion. And such remains for me to acknowledge.
- In my stupidity if honest, I have cursed life and death but honor life I try.
- Life spared me, therefore there is mercy I witnessed.
- Life I know will rebuke me for not knowing lessons or cheating death.
- One is as young as Christ to an age limit but considers himself ancient.
- I sent something a long time ago to the church.
- I protected history of the church though not sure if it was right in Lord's eyes.
(Don't be a thief), yet one was forgiven.
- I shall not betray Christ like that of Judas or the agnostic who knows all logic compared to the man who misunderstood what was religion or God.
- Who sold me out for money to that of death's list equals strangely death or life.
- I am not playing crucify me, I am simply explaining the concepts of life people forget.
Where much is found blameless in the Lord's eyes or spared, I admit I still have a long way to go, before I understand complexities of life as such has many lessons.
The world declines or accelerates at a pace, life is slow, patient, and settles to expand.
My research is simply to know answers that should have been known from a long time ago.
Thus, all knowledge is known though there would be evidence some to back it up eventually from ancient and modern sources stable.
Then perhaps the world will see, that God loves life rather than tends to destroy it.
For if he spares people from the second death or of the first. They received a crown as that of those who had knowledge and life but eternal.
Heaven and Earth will pass away but the word of the true GOD is eternal.
Therefore as a Christian, I do not long for heaven or hell or vain glory.
I long for the God who set me free and have my focus on life.
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