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Virtues Of Life
A Philosophy containing the values of mankind to reality and a story from perspective of my mind. But the truth is, others may have lived it, to memory of much remains. Conflicting is the thought and life of myself to mankind.
Morality's Truth
Who can find the living Lord?
Who had a heart for God?
Who sought among goodness of purity.

And act on they it with perfection?
What is law held stable?
To does it fix the harm done?

Who fixed life's problems yet expected no reward?
Who is noble and finds the benefits of life?
Who judges not? For so the divine and wicked have judged.

Who has not abandoned the truth with compassion?
Who has had abandoned the strength and strengthened the weak?
Who loved the weak as that of the strong?

Who is an elder to me but I learning of respect of they?
Who sought to fight the odds of sickness?
By that above I mean family action with hypocrisy torturing?

Do you help the disabled?
Can you help and not cripple?
Or do you admonish your faults before us?

Show us the fairness of population and habit to respect.
For you have ruined your habit to make health poor.
I revile the wicked whom harm man to control without reason.

I shall see them for what they are the councils to people.
Wherefore the reasons do people come to places.
And it shows isolate the man to them is of limitations.

O man of faith...
O justice...
O council...
O Man...

O church and man far from, arise and put thine armor on.
Here the call of thine which is in me.
For my name has forsaken a name.

And thus it shall return to sovereign.
The mighty without truth from He.
I sought knowledge cause I had life.

But, I shall not put myself high.
Nor should I put myself low.
For fused beings have mortification.

Life of the being is individuality of bodies.
And not under Kings and rulers.
The Gods shall argue and conflict man.

But Man shall try to conflict God.
They fail and dis-acknowledge each.
Both types defiled no matter whom hence.

It is both types divine and man...
Have they denied truth?
Or thus blind as we they were.

I honor not the falseness.
But truth of each sane.
The practicalities not so.

Man shall realize the times.
As others so teach them.
Beyond me is essences.

Mankind knows all.
Can they decide without?
Or return to purity or attribute life?

In them I sought a question.
Who among them was innocent?
Not I, yet spare ye them each.

For I was given mercy.
And found spared.
Man among the justice.

It the justice was a magistrate.
Executioner's hand.
Sages wisdom.

Who is the first Christlike.
Aside from Sophia or Christ?
I sought faith as it manifests.

I shall not defend the Gods.
Nor shall I defend Man.
Nor shall I defend myself.
Nor shall creatures be defended.

I sought the truth to others sought first.
And in dust I fashion or scratch works.
Till research proven or answered of them.

My life is an oath.
It is a curse and blessing.
I sought not immortality or powers.

Who comes to the trees?
To take of such fruit is vital or deadly.
For I am a mono-theist.

I live that thought.
In a polytheistic world.
Their idols crushed or revitalized.

I sought deep knowing.
Can I tell of them that of whom hid it.
Where the fruits intertwine?

It is restricted to man to approach God.
The form of ancient alchemy.
Show me them and beyond.

For they are silent before truth.
They know it hurts cause they are unjust to sufferers.
Yet be aware thou O man of descendants.

Know thine heart and heal.
For regardless of such you have spoken.
And life and knowledge taught each other.

We are not Gods, nor are beings to death and life immortal.
Yet the one who seeks their truth of purpose shall find the life.
Indeed has satisfied themselves, even if partial, or their wish to full.

They who complete their life's work shall seek knowledge itself and be tested.
They who keep their knowledge shall be tested in manners of life.
They who know not life or knowledge struggle repetition of the past and elder.

The light and darkness are holy.
Light break and shine on thee.
O sovereign wills of divinity.

The descendants shall see.
And fight for their calling or some claim it.
They rebel as I knowing opportunity come.

Our entitlement is not choice reward.
It is destiny intertwined.
It is life's purpose of each.

Shadows of light and darkness.
They fade for they show not compassion.
Each among us such as much a man's power.

The man knows hence forth.
The action to the thought.
Is no blessing gives vitality but promise kept or preserved.

Material to keep means nothing without exchange.
And treasure to me is earthly even if a tool.
I will never be as poor or rich as one should be.

A fool is satisfied with the treasure of others.
Till such it benefit the spirit and he repent of theft.
Or that of such he copy others through inheritance.

Had the world seen reason.
The reason could not act its truth.
For such is livelihood of workers civil and uncivil.

Show us an occupation for which I question not and my own.
It shall be education to the reason of philosophies and deed.
For whose truth enlightened of life to deeds do shatter righteousness?

Whom has not cheated life and death?
Who learned from life and death as councils?
The life conquering death is not perfect yet righteous.

Such of wickedness be mentioned with goodness.
Yet the pure be found in the eyes more fragile.
Of that such the man and divine as myself within.

They as I could not awaken from slumber.
Till we see our greatest skill and develop purpose.
A non-purposeful life is when much is complete.

Stories that were never ending or false...
They shall be shattered with no knowledge.
But the life never ending is expanding among truth.

By it, such equals the equation that in totality...
The truth to even the things we envision set free.
The falseness is no reality but a curse to spare.

The life lives and both form not from chaos.
O Wisdom, O true life. O Laws of stability...
You have sought youth to elderly our stages.

For the golden rules of many is numbered of man.
Is not endless to commonality their distinction as currents flow.
Unlimited is the expanse to thine dimensions exceed thine limits.

O author...
Where have thine truths partaken thee?
How such we have known falseness.

The true man shall know in his heart.
Mortified as man are divine and human with spirit.
For they sought in them reasons and by their distinction to less they are satisfied.

Who hides life from life.
Unless you protect it...
O man and divine are shamed.

Among the council of heretical action to intention.
The law makes such amendments to fix.
And by the stages it will not bring back the positivity of truth.

For the things which are ignored to censorship improved.
Were among the treatments to cures broken.
Even that of ethical respects which were solutions.

I shall not defend the laws of man.
For man has reviled its own law.
To change the man to follow heretical action is worse.

I am observant but I enforce you not but myself O world.
For the world taught me and rebuked me.
Nature will revile from spirit manifest thoughts.

The truth of a Lord to God and man rest with compassion.
For the spirit of God will not always strive with them.
If such be taken then the councils shall test their Lord.

I say to them, who was wiser was not those of kingdoms.
But they of a mighty hand sustain all to responsibility.
I long for a future life perhaps which such is not manageable.

But unto it there is a treasure sought of your passion.
I am not to seek its glory or reward for it was yours.
I long not for the heavens or the earth, but entity shall refine us.

We cannot choose existence if we live.
Yet life make its choice path to correctness.
We are given a journey.

In hope we strive.
In love or hate we endure our feelings.
Whoso is true to their essence?

The accuser shall revile its own truth and falseness of violence endure.
To the man lack one thing to respect or change for better.
And that is mortality's truth.