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Virtues Of Life
A Philosophy containing the values of mankind to reality and a story from perspective of my mind. But the truth is, others may have lived it, to memory of much remains. Conflicting is the thought and life of myself to mankind.
The Lord Has Blessed Us
My prayers towards you O spirit are vain. Let them hear I state to the mankind.
How my heart sustain but grant you us life holy in your way and not with sacrifice.
I shall boast my weakness and they have seen manifest spiritual power.
To the heavens and earth as life foretell, shall I not bow but to God of truth.
The young as I the old will despise you or your namesake or regret our memories.
Forgive me for I like they though vile are we, I make my excuse.

It shall hold no reason in the future time but in our ways change vitality.
Curse I not the foe for they are granted mercy and sadness of lordship has judged.
I take pity on isolation and the cause of human ignorance as I to persecute our deeds. His vessels are filled with love and not the insecurity and vile-ship of lust and powers.

For I grieve at the old telling the story and history fails humanity's reasons.
I to foresee and see not because the Lord and more has stolen vision from me.
With much I claim though I know not at times, I accuse not but honor - for He gift us it.

Some day I will see it acted among men and myself the attributes of so not our deed.But greater is the God and truth behold holy wisdom. He loves each and not wicked but spares some in purity's ignorance. As a witness, I have defended in someway while not knowing my way, life and truth.

For many shine forth their light in repentance to acknowledge a higher truth.
It is not to force a man, but to show them, and they understand, and choose.
For light come and the way provide them a savior from generation to generation.
I shall not claim God's deity but I shall respect truth - The cross is not death,
but life forever and change as we each witness a path. Universal are the belief,
I shall see many crumble and others test heresy, but worthy are those who hold fast and see past the heresy of powers in the head to establish life's crown.

They who were after me knew not, so they insulted as I to the ones before in ignorance. Therefore, people repeat the cycle and eternity cannot erase. Behold the spirit of man is my Lord, the persecuted Christ yet he was God's son, not the over arching God or that which persecutes. Somewhere in my heart, it is God who claims my memory and he has shown us the wicked to pure love and mercy.

For the wickedness could not erase my dedication, yet the memory of God formulated each of us the creature to mankind. It is what argues from nothing, a void in the glory and the shadows come and they fall. Compassion gathers the soul and repairs those who are torn. The generations old will honor but disregard, it is internal and external what is before them is our cross and among many of us teachers who humble. No matter what degree, the truth cannot be argued and time will prove its relevance to even the most skeptical and or arguer towards true peace.

Even unto life's grave they need peace and rest. A spirit living and dead has heart to recognize its emotions. So in memory greater is my happiness to the glory is for God and not I a man. I am unworthy for my life opportunity, and others gone on their mystical quest. Some day, it will come again, but I shall rest knowing....

Life is granted me for a time where I expect, it shall not come. Nor shall death rule in everlasting as that which gather us our memory though the flesh is not eternal.
The spirit flows through the life and many change their way as the world understood and choose. Is it wicked before me like my elders? Perhaps not so, though the heart be far from Christ. Nor should knowledge surpass to the veil whole by we.

Let the heart be blessed for it has felt a compassionate or portion of Christ.