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Virtues Of Life
A Philosophy containing the values of mankind to reality and a story from perspective of my mind. But the truth is, others may have lived it, to memory of much remains. Conflicting is the thought and life of myself to mankind.
The Witches Gospel? Biblical Reference Leads To 1st Godhead?
Aradia! my Aradia! Thou who art daughter unto him who was Most evil of all spirits, who of old Once reigned in hell when driven away from heaven, Who by his sister did thy sire become, But as thy mother did repent her fault, And wished to mate thee to a spirit who Should be benevolent, And not malevolent! Aradia, Aradia! I implore Thee by the love which she did bear for thee! And by the love which I too feel for thee! I pray thee grant the grace which I require! And if this grace be granted, may there be One of three signs distinctly clear to me: The hiss of a serpent, The light of a firefly, The sound of a frog! But if you do refuse this favour, then May you in future know no peace not− joy, And be obliged to seek me from afar, Until you come to grant me my desire, In haste, and then thou may'st return again Unto thy destiny. Therewith, Amen!

Basically states this....

Lucifer had by pride fallen from heaven who put a curse on Adam's race. Who by his sister - being Diana, the ruler he became. But as Aradia's mother the daughter of both of them repented for her fault. And wished to mate thee to a spirit who should be benevolent and not violent. Who wrote this as grace was required of them. As the signs were required for the happiness to Aradia's destiny.

Aradia is known as Herodious as relating to the line of Cain and King Heord the Great or the wicked ruler in biblical times.
Diana is the first wife of Adam in Genesis.